Proper care of potted roses

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Table of contents

  • Location
  • plant substrate
  • vessel selection
  • material for the vessels
  • planting
  • watering and fertilizing
  • hibernate
  • Cut
  • diseases and pests
  • Beautiful dwarf rose varieties
  • plant combinations
  • Conclusion

Potted roses are very often given away for Mother's Day or Valentine's Day, because the rose is the flowering plant with the greatest symbolic power. With the right care, they will last for years and offer wonderful flowering pleasure every year. Roses also thrive in balcony boxes and hanging baskets, especially varieties with a slightly hanging habit. In this way, a pretty potted rose garden can be created even in the smallest of spaces. However, potted roses need a little more attention than their sisters in the garden. They simply have more demands so that they feel really comfortable.

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Like the roses in the garden, the potted roses need a sunny, airy location. Partial shade is still fine as long as they get at least half a day of sun. However, they should be spared from the midday heat. Because then nutrient and water reserves run out very quickly. Therefore, if necessary, move the potted roses to a suitable place on the terrace.

plant substrate

For the potted roses, rose soil or standardized soil from the trade is best suited. It has all the important trace and main nutrients for the first six weeks. You can also mix the plant substrate yourself from compost, mineral fertilizer and finely ground lime. The substrate should be nice and loose and not clumpy.

vessel selection

Pot roses are usually sold in normal pots. Roses, however, have a deep taproot. In a normal pot shape, their roots cannot fully develop. That is why it is advisable to choose a cylindrical shape. There are special rose pots in different sizes with a corresponding cylindrical shape on the market.


Containers with a diameter of 25 centimeters or more are sufficient for miniature roses. For larger classes of roses, it should be at least 30 to 40 centimeters in diameter. The pots should always be large enough that the root ball still has 10 centimeters of space on all sides of the pot up to the pot wall.

material for the vessels

When choosing the right container for your potted rose, your own taste plays an important role, of course, in addition to the appropriate size and the practical properties. However, the different materials all have their pros and cons.

Glazed clay pots

Due to the high temperatures during firing and the glaze, the clay hardly absorbs any water. If handled correctly, the vessels are frost-resistant.

plastic pots

In blazing sun or frost, these pots offer the roses little protection, even though the pots are weatherproof and easy to transport.

Rustic natural materials such as willow and wood

These containers must be lined with foil on the inside before you fill them with soil and put in the plants. Always cut a drainage hole in the foil.

metal pots

Metals absorb a lot of heat. Therefore, you must regularly ensure that the plant substrate does not dry out.

terracotta pots

These pots are very heavy. However, its warm Mediterranean radiance is popular with many hobby gardeners. Only high-quality pots and tubs are frost-resistant.


No matter which vessels you prefer, they should all have a drainage hole in the bottom so that excess water can drain away easily.


  • best planting time in spring
  • Water the root ball of the rose well before planting
  • Shorten the roots with sharp pruning shears
  • Place the potsherd on the drainage hole
  • fill in a layer of gravel
  • put on a piece of fleece
  • Mix rose soil with some horn shavings (long-term fertilizer effect)
  • fill in some soil
  • Hold the rose at the correct height
  • Finishing point must be approx. five centimeters below the substrate surface
  • Continue filling in the soil around the root ball
  • Press and water the soil well


To make it a little easier for you when watering, the substrate surface should be approx. two fingers below the edge of the container.

watering and fertilizing


Roses love an evenly moist substrate that is regularly watered with soft water from spring to autumn. To suppress evaporation a little, you can put a layer of colored pebbles, shells or empty snail shells on the substrate surface. This is not only practical, but also looks pretty. You can use slow release fertilizer or liquid rose fertilizer depending on how you like it or how much time you have to fertilize. With liquid fertilizer is fertilized weekly until mid-July. Long-term fertilizer saves you work and can be put into the ground once in spring as a fertilizer cone.


Since the roots of potted roses are more exposed to the cold in winter than the roots of garden roses, they also need to be better wrapped. Potted roses survive the winter without any problems, as long as they are left to freeze and thaw slowly. Therefore, insulate the vessels well with a 10 centimeter thick layer of burlap, bubble wrap or similar material. Then place the vessels in front of a house wall in a place that is protected from the sun and wind. Small pots can also stand in a mortar bucket or similar outer container, which is approx. Leaves 10 centimeters of space to the vessel wall. To prevent water from accumulating, the outer containers, like the potted rose containers, must have a drainage hole.


Cut dead flowers from your potted rose at least once a week to encourage flowering. This will allow you to enjoy your rose for longer. If you like and like to take the time for it, you can also clean the potted roses with regular watering or daily. Especially in cooler, damp weather, it is important to cut off the withered flowers so that they do not get moldy. Like their big sisters, potted roses should be pruned every year. Springtime, when the forsythia blooms, is the best time. Miniature roses are given a hemispherical shape and are cut back to 10 to 15 centimeters so that they can grow well again. Blind shoots, i.e. shoots that do not have flower buds, can be cut down to two or three well-developed leaves all year round.

diseases and pests

Animal pests also often cause problems for potted roses. Sometimes there is also powdery mildew and sooty mildew. You can use natural remedies from your own “garden pharmacy” against fungal diseases, provided you let them Stinging nettles or horsetail in a specific place in your garden to use for teas, broths and manure to use.

Field horsetail broth: Put 150 g of dried or 1 kg of fresh herb in 1 liter of water, dilute 1:10 for use later.

nettle broth: Put 150 g of dried or 1 kg of fresh herb in 10 liters of water, dilute 1:10 for use later.

You can also buy homeopathic plant strengtheners in specialist shops, which are being used more and more frequently by hobby gardeners.

The following also help with aphids and the like: Neem tree seed extract, rapeseed oil

Beautiful dwarf rose varieties

yellow flowers


  • large, light yellow, semi-double flowers in clusters
  • rich and often flowering
  • Growth height 60 to 80 centimeters
  • Width 60 to 80 centimeters
  • broadly bushy to overhanging

sun child:

  • deep golden yellow, medium-sized, double flowers in clusters
  • profusely and often flowering
  • Growth height 35 centimeters
  • Width 30 centimeters
  • well-branched, upright growth

Red flowers

Dwarf King 78:

  • bright blood-red, medium-sized, loosely filled flowers
  • rich and often flowering
  • Growth height 50 centimeters
  • Width 40 centimeters
  • compact, upright, bushy growth

Pink flowers


  • Flower color strong pink to crimson
  • long-lasting, small flowers in clusters
  • profusely and often flowering
  • Growth height 50 centimeters
  • Width 50 centimeters
  • upright, well-branched growth

plant combinations

If you use large troughs or tubs, you can combine the miniature roses with the following flowering plants that get along well with them:

  • Loyal to men (Lobelia)
  • Purple Bells (Heucheria)
  • Ornamental Sage (Salvia)
  • Elfspur (Diascia)
  • Bluebells (Campanula)


Potted roses are veritable patio princesses that bloom profusely if you give them some attention. With long-term fertilizer and good drainage in the pot, you ensure a good start to the rose year. And in winter just wrap up your rose well and snuggly so that it can bring you joy with its beautiful flowers next year.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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