Hatiora salicornioides, club-rush cactus

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Originally native to eastern Brazil, the club cactus is an ideal houseplant that likes to stand on a light window sill. In spring it delights its owner with bright yellow flowers, but with good care it can bloom several times a year. With its often overhanging shoots, the succulent plant is more reminiscent of a small bush than a cactus. Hatiora salicornioides can also move from its place on a light window sill outside to a sheltered place in the warm summer months.


The club cactus is actually a houseplant in the local latitudes. Therefore, the ideal location is a bright and airy window sill, which should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Even in winter, the location for the club cactus must be bright and the temperatures must not fall below 15 ° Celsius. In the warm summer, on the other hand, the plant can also be in a sheltered and bright place on the terrace or move to the balcony, but here, too, it must not be exposed to direct sunlight be. The following locations are therefore ideal:

  • in summer on a bright, covered balcony or terrace that is not directly exposed to the sun
  • in spring and autumn on a bright, warm window sill, for example in the living room or kitchen
  • in winter, the club cactus moves to a bright window sill in a cooler room in the apartment
  • windows in the bedroom or hallway are ideal here

Tip: If there is no terrace or balcony available in summer, the club-rush cactus will remain a houseplant in the same place during this time as it was in spring. This does not detract from its abundant flowering with otherwise good care. Staying outdoors in summer is not essential


Substrate & soil

The ideal soil for the club cactus is permeable cactus soil from the trade. This should be mixed with sand so that it does not become too firm when it is wet.

Watering & fertilizing

Like all types of cacti, the club cactus does not need a lot of water. Therefore it should be poured sparingly. Only when the earth is completely dry can it be watered moderately again. The following points should be noted:

  • Water moderately in spring and summer
  • watering can usually be stopped completely in winter
  • the plant needs high humidity
  • if this is not the case, spray with water more often
  • Supply cactus fertilizer from the trade once or twice a month
  • there is no need to fertilize in winter


As a rule, this type of cactus does not need to be cut. Because once the plant has reached its full-grown height, it will not continue to grow. If, however, dried up shoots appear, they can be cut off or broken off. As a rule, however, the plant sheds these dried-up shoots itself for protection. The dried flowers can also be snapped off with your fingers, but this is purely a beauty measure. After all, the flowers are also thrown off the club cactus when they have faded and collect on the windowsill around the pot.
Tip: If you want to propagate new plants of the beautiful cactus species by sowing, you can collect the dried flowers and store them in a warm, dry place until next spring.


Club cactus - Hatiora salicornioidesWho one

Has grown club cactus on his windowsill, he can easily propagate it himself. For this purpose, individual links of the rungs are cut off. Sharp scissors or a sharp knife must be used for cutting. The cutting tool should be disinfected beforehand so that no bacteria can penetrate the cut and damage the plant. The shoots can also be broken off directly at the plant's nodes. Proceed as follows:
  • cut off as many links as new plants are desired
  • dry the cuttings for a few days
  • after drying, the shoots usually become wrinkled
  • then place the individual parts of the shoot in individual small pots
  • With the substrate used for this, cactus soil can be mixed with sand
  • Keep the soil around the cuttings that have not yet formed roots moist
  • occasionally spray with water from above
  • place in a bright, light place
  • if the cuttings are full and plump again, they have taken root and grown
  • now the soil should dry off between the watering phases so that the new roots are not damaged

Tip: Ideally, the propagation takes place in the time when the cactus is neither blooming nor forming buds. Therefore, the best time to multiply is in late summer through early fall.


The club cactus is cultivated in a bucket. When planting, drainage should be created right from the start to avoid waterlogging. Because the cactus is very susceptible to moisture in the earth and in the worst case it can die of root rot. Therefore, when potting, proceed as follows:

  • Place gravel, small stones or potsherds over the drainage hole for drainage
  • Place plant fleece over this so that soil cannot clog the drainage
  • A little of the prepared soil is placed on the fleece
  • Insert the club cactus and add the rest of the soil all around
  • Press the soil lightly and water it very lightly

Tip: When choosing the pot, make sure that the fully grown club cactus usually reaches a height of 30 cm. Individual plants can also reach a height of up to one meter.


Hatiora salicornioides does not necessarily have to be repotted. However, if you want a particularly large specimen of up to one meter, you can repot the cactus regularly. Otherwise, the plant should be given a new substrate every two to three years. Repotting should be done as follows:

  • if the cactus does not get any bigger, the same pot can be used again
  • if growth is desired, a pot is chosen one size larger
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old soil and set it aside
  • fill the pot with drainage and new cactus soil and sand
  • Insert the plant and fill in the remaining soil
  • pour easily
  • Splash with water from above

Tip: Ideally, do not repot the club cactus until after flowering so that it is not damaged and the flowers shed prematurely.


Club cactus - Hatiora salicornioidesEven if it is a houseplant, the club-rush cactus should move to a cooler, but still bright location in winter. If there is no heating under the window sill on which it is located, it can usually remain here. However, it is important to pay attention to the following in winter:

  • keep dry and cool
  • Temperatures should not be below 15 ° Celsius
  • however, if it is too warm, the cactus will lose its new buds
  • in such a case, there is no flowering in spring
  • In winter, heavy irrigation can lead to root rot
  • therefore ideally stop watering completely in winter

Care errors, diseases or pests

If the club cactus sheds its shoots or if the tips rot, then the plant has been watered too much. In such a case, a remedy can be created if the cactus is immediately removed from the damp, waterlogged soil and planted in new, prepared, dry substrate. The rotten roots should be removed beforehand. If you are lucky, it is not too late and the plant will recover in the new soil. The following pests are known:

  • Mealybugs that get stuck between the points of the individual limbs
  • these can be sprayed with a mixture of water, washing-up liquid and paraffin oil and combated
  • Alcohol also helps against the pests

If you are still looking for a beautiful and easy-care plant for your bright, not sun-drenched window sill, you should opt for the club cactus. In summer, the plant also likes to move to a sheltered place on the balcony or covered terrace. in winter it is ideal on a windowsill in the bedroom or hallway. Except for the location, Hatiora salicornioides is a very easy to care for plant that requires little care time. Because it is only moderately poured and little fertilized. If it has the ideal location, it will thank its owner with abundant, yellow blooms in spring or even several times a year.