Table of contents
- Very poisonus
- Toxic to very toxic
- Poisonous
A blooming garden pleases the eye and the heart. However, some plants can quickly become dangerous. Because many popular garden plants are poisonous, some of them can even be deadly.
Very poisonus
vomit(Strychnos nux vomica)
- Synonyms: Common vomica, crow's eye tree, strychnine tree, vomit tree
- Plant genus / family: crushed nuts (Strychnos) / Pokemon family (Loganiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially the seeds
- Toxic(s): Strychnine (alkaloid)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Diaphragm spasms, muscle twitching, respiratory paralysis, central nervous system paralysis
- toxic to: human, dog and cat
Blue monkshood(Aconite napellus)
- Synonyms: Real Balaclava
- Plant genus / family: aconite (aconite) / Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): diterpenoid alkaloids, ester alkaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: Burning and tingling in the mouth first, then spread over the entire skin to the point of complete numbness; Severe vomiting, colicky diarrhea, muscle paralysis, visual disturbances, collapse, cardiac arrhythmia, personality changes, respiratory paralysis, severe pain, death
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
Monkshood is already dangerous for children when they play with the blossoms, since the poison can also travel through intact skin or the snout. oral mucosa is absorbed. If there is any suspicion, go to a clinic immediately.
Christmas rose(Helleborus niger)
- Synonyms: Black Hellebore, Snow Rose
- Plant genus / family: hellebore (Hellebore) / Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): cardiotoxic bufadienolides, saponins, ecdysone, protoanemonin
- Symptoms of poisoning: increased salivation, scratching in the mouth and throat; Gastrointestinal complaints together with vomiting, diarrhea and colic
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, horse and bird
Real silk blast(Daphne mezereum)
- Synonyms: Cellar Neck, Bitingberry, True Silkblast, Common Silkblast
- Plant genus / family: silk blast (daphne) / Daphne plants (Thymelaeaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of plants; Exception: pulp
- Toxic(s): Diterpenes (mezerein in the seeds; daphnetoxin in the bark)
- Symptoms of poisoning: redness, itching, swelling and blistering (skin); after eating chewed seeds in the mouth: swelling, blistering, reddening, increased salivation, dry mouth (feeling thirsty); Difficulty swallowing, cramps, heart and circulatory disorders
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, horse tortoise and bird
Einberry(Paris quadrifolia)
- Synonyms: Four-leaved berry
- Plant genus / family: Einberry (Paris) / Germer plants (Melanthiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially the berries
- Toxic(s): saponins and glycosides
- Symptoms of poisoning: Nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, visual disturbances, kidney damage, central nervous system disorders, death
- toxic to: human, horse
angel trumpets(brugmansia)
- plant family: nightshade family (Solanaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): tropane alkaloids; Scopolamine, Hyoscyamine, Atropine (major alkaloids)
- Symptoms of poisoning: hot skin, flushing, dry mucous membrane, dilated pupils, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, diarrhea, heart problems, hallucinations
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
If poisoning is suspected, a clinic must be consulted immediately.
Spotted hemlock(conium maculatum)
- Synonyms: Bangweed, hemlock, garden hemlock, dog parsley, mouse hemlock, ragweed, horny goat weed
- Plant genus / family: hemlocks (conium) / Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially the seeds
- Toxic(s): Coniine (alkaloid)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Burning in the mouth and throat, nausea, blurred vision, muscle cramps, loss of the ability to speak and swallow, respiratory paralysis, death
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, guinea pig, horse and bird
Common autumn crocus(colchicum autumnale)
- Plant genus / family: timeless (colchicum) / Timeless growth (Colchicaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): colchicine
- Symptoms of poisoning: severe vomiting, severe diarrhea (risk of shock), paralysis, cardiovascular failure
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, rabbit, hare, guinea pig, hamster, horse and bird
A notice:
The symptoms of poisoning often only appear in humans after two to six hours. A clinic must be visited immediately.
Common datura(Datura stramonium)
- Synonyms: Asthma herb, datura
- Plant genus / family: Datura (datura) / Solanaceae (Solanaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): Scopolamine and other alkaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: Restlessness, dilation of the pupils, dry mouth, urinary tract obstruction, high temperature, rapid pulse, clouding of consciousness and/or hallucinations
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
If poisoning occurs, the nearest clinic must be visited immediately.
dog parsley(Aethusa cynapium)
- Plant genus / family: Aethusa / Apiaceae (Apiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): Aethusine (polyine)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Burning in the mouth, pallor, vomiting, cold sweat, increased pulse, flatulence, dilation of the pupils, blurred vision, cramps, symptoms of paralysis, clouded consciousness, respiratory paralysis, death
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, guinea pig, horse and bird
castor bean(Ricinus communis)
- Synonyms: Miracle tree, Christ palm
- Plant genus / family: Ricinus / Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: seed
- Toxic(s): lectin
- Symptoms of poisoning: general malaise, paleness, fever, tremors, abdominal pain, nausea, nausea; in severe cases: loss of consciousness, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, death; in case of skin contact: reddening, itching (allergic reaction)
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
Castor bean poisoning from chewed seeds may take hours or days to show up. It is recommended to see a doctor immediately, even if you suspect it.
- Synonyms: False acacia, false acacia
- plant family: legume (Fabaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: in all parts of the plant
- Toxic(s): lectins
- Symptoms of poisoning: Abdominal pain with nausea and nausea, increased heart rate, seizures, collapsed states
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
Red Foxglove(digitalis purpurea)
- Synonyms: Foxglove, cinquefoil, foxwort, wildbell, pasqueflower, schoolweed
- Plant genus / family: thimbles (Digitalis) / plantain family (Plantaginaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): digitaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: in the early stages: vomiting and nausea, diarrhea; in the advanced stage: severe cardiac arrhythmia, visual disturbances, hallucinations, delirium
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
In case of symptoms of poisoning, a clinic or a doctor must be consulted immediately.
Black Henbane(Hyoscyamus niger)
- Synonyms: Toadstool, Altsitzerkraut
- Plant genus / family: henbane (Hyoscyamus) / Solanaceae (Solanaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially roots and seeds
- Toxic(s): Tropane Alkaloids, L-Hyoscyamine, Scopolamine (Alkaloids)
- Symptoms of poisoning: hot skin, flushing, dry mucous membranes, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, changes in the pupils, blurred vision, heart problems, hallucinations, respiratory paralysis (death)
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, horse and bird
A notice:
If poisoning with black henbane occurs, a clinic must be visited immediately.
Black deadly nightshade(Atropa belladonna)
- Synonyms: forest nightshade
- Plant genus / family: Deadly Nightshades (Atropa) / Solanaceae (Solanaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): tropane alkaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: dry mouth, dilation of the pupils, reddening of the skin, hot skin, tachycardia, hallucinations
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig and bird
A notice:
If there is a suspicion of poisoning, a clinic must be visited immediately.
Stinking Hellebore(Helleborus foetidus)
- Plant genus / family: hellebore (Hellebore) / Ranunculaceae (Ranunculaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): Saponins (Steroid Saponins), Ranunculoside (Petals)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Irritation of the mucous membranes, nausea, spasms
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
crying heart(Lamprocapnos spectabilis)
- Synonyms: Two-Tone Bleeding Heart, Stick of Hearts, Flaming Heart, Heart of Mary
- Plant genus / family: Lamprocapnos / poppies (Papaveraceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): Cytisine (alkaloid)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Gastrointestinal complaints with vomiting and diarrhea, burning in the mouth and throat, burning eyes, symptoms of paralysis, paralysis, respiratory arrest
- toxic to: Person
Toxic to very toxic
yew(Taxus baccata)
- Synonyms: European yew, yew, arch tree
- Plant genus / family: yew trees (tax) / Yew family (Taxaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: needles and seeds; non-toxic pulp
- Toxic(s): taxi
- Symptoms of poisoning: Dry mouth, red lips, dilated pupils, paleness, nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, heart and circulatory disorders, liver and kidney damage, seizures, death
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
Spotted aroid(Arum maculatum)
- Synonyms: Drumstick, Ronena, Carrion Flower, Duckbill, Pentecost Flower, Stanitzel Flower
- Plant genus / family: arum (Arum) / Araceae (Araceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant including the berries
- Toxic(s): Aroin, cyanogenic glycosides, saponins
- Symptoms of poisoning: severe skin irritation (reddening to blistering, numbness); Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures after consumption
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
- Synonyms: Bean Tree, Clover Tree, Gold Rush Tree, Yellow Shrub
- plant family: legume (Fabaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially the mature seeds
- Toxic(s): quinolizine alkaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: vomiting, nausea, tremors; Deaths from circulatory failure or respiratory paralysis possible
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
A notice:
If there is a suspicion of poisoning, a clinic must be visited immediately.
Giant Bear Claw(Heracleum mantegazzianum)
- Synonyms: Hercules herb, Hercules herb, Russian herb, bear's claw
- Plant genus / family: Bear Claw (Heracleum) / Umbelliferae (Apiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of plants; especially the juice
- Toxic(s): Furocoumarins such as bergapten, pellellin, xanthotoxin
- Symptoms of poisoning: burning, itchy reddening of the skin; Edema, blistering
- toxic to: Human, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse
Occidental Tree of Life(Thuja occidenalis)
- Synonyms: Western thuja, common thuja, cemetery tree, fence hedge thuja, tree of life
- Plant genus / family: trees of life (thuja) / Cypress family (Cupressaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: Wood, cones and especially the two-pointed ones
- Toxic(s): Monoterpenes (essential oils)
- Symptoms of poisoning: after consumption: irritation of the mucous membranes, gastrointestinal complaints including nausea, flatulence, diarrhea and nausea; rare: liver and kidney damage, seizures; Reddening and itching on skin contact (allergic reaction)
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
- Synonyms: cyclamen
- plant family: Primula family (Primulaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: leaves, tuber
- Toxic(s): unknown in cultivated forms
- Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea; with larger quantities: outbreaks of sweating, dizziness, increase in pulse, drop in blood pressure, seizures, signs of paralysis
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig and bird
- Synonyms: Glycine, glycine, Chinaflor, wisteria, wisteria
- plant family: legume (Fabaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: Seeds, pods, bark, root
- Toxic(s): Lectins (pods and seeds), unknown toxin (seeds), wistarin (bark and roots)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Stomach complaints with diarrhea and vomiting, pale face, drowsiness, dizziness, headache, circulatory collapse
- toxic to: Human, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
buckthorn(Rhamnus frangula)
- Synonyms: Real buckthorn, gunberry, powdered wood
- Plant genus / family: buckthorn (rhamnus) / Buckthorn plants (Rhamnaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts
- Toxic(s): glucorangulin; glycosides, tannins, saponins (bark)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Malaise, nausea, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea
- toxic to: man, horse and bird
cherry laurel(Prunus laurocerasus)
- Synonyms: (Pontic) laurel cherry
- Plant genus / family: Prunus / Rosaceae (Rosaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially leaves and seeds
- Toxic(s): cyanogenic glycosides (leaves and seeds, pulp)
- Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, nausea, nausea, flushing; rarely: headache, dizziness, unconsciousness, decreased breathing
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
coral shrub(Solanum pseudocapsicum)
- Synonyms: Coral tree, coral cherry, ostrich cherry, Jerusalem cherry
- Plant genus / family: nightshade (Solanum) / Solanaceae (Solanaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: (unripe) fruits
- Toxic(s): Alkaloids (Solanocapsin)
- Symptoms of poisoning: after consumption: gastrointestinal complaints incl. Nausea, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig and bird
lupine(Lupinus polyphyllus)
- Synonyms: Many-leaved lupine, perennial lupine
- Plant genus / family: lupine (lupus) / Legumes (Fabaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: seed, herb
- Toxic(s): alkaloids
- Symptoms of poisoning: general restlessness, paleness, sweating, tremors, vomiting, cardiac arrhythmias, cramps, paralysis
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
oleander(Nerium oleander)
- Synonyms: rose laurel
- Plant genus / family: oleander (nerium) / Dogbane family (Apocynaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially leaves
- Toxic(s): glycosides
- Symptoms of poisoning: Gastrointestinal complaints incl. abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea; in severe poisoning: cardiac arrhythmias, death from cardiac or respiratory paralysis; in case of skin contact: itching and reddening possible (allergic reaction)
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
euonymus(Euonymus europaeus)
- Synonyms: (Common) Spindle Tree, Spindle Tree, Spindle Tree, Spindle Tree, Spindle Tree, European or Common Spindle Tree
- Plant genus / family: Spindle bushes (eonymus) / Spindle trees (Celastraceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of plants, especially seeds
- Toxic(s): Steroid glycosides (seeds), alkaloids, evonine, caffeine, theobromine
- Symptoms of poisoning: Abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, death possible
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig and horse
A notice:
The symptoms of poisoning of the spindle tree can only start after 18 hours.
rhododendron(Rhododendron spps.)
- Synonyms: Rose tree, (hairy) alpine rose, russet rose, alpine rose
- plant family: heather family (Ericaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: flowers, nectar, fruits, leaves
- Toxic(s): Diterpenes (Grayanotoxins)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Increased salivation, nausea, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, breathing disorders, seizures, severe cardiac arrhythmia
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
Sadebaum(Juniperus sabina)
- Synonyms: Stink or poison juniper, sevi tree, saber tree, sebum bush, sef bush, seven tree, virgin rosemary, maiden tree
- Plant genus / family: juniper (Juniperus) / Cypress family (Cupressaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all plant parts, especially bicornes and berries
- Toxic(s): essential oil, monoterpenes, sabinen, sabinol, sabinyl acetate, podophyllotoxin
- Symptoms of poisoning: after skin contact: irritations, blistering, tissue damage; After consumption: severe irritation of the mucous membranes, severe vomiting, (intestinal) cramps, diarrhea, kidney damage (bloody urine), irritation of the urinary tract, symptoms of paralysis, respiratory paralysis possible
- toxic to: Human, particularly toxic to dogs, cats, hares, rabbits and birds
Cypress Spurge(Euphorbia cyparissias)
- Synonyms: Poison milk, wartweed
- Plant genus / family: Spurge (Euphorbia) / Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae)
- poisonous plant parts: all parts of the plant, especially the milky sap
- Toxic(s): Triterpene saponins, diterpene esters (milky juice)
- Symptoms of poisoning: Inflammation of the mucous membranes and burning in the mouth and throat, vomiting, abdominal cramps, pain, restlessness, delirium, circulatory disorders, circulatory collapse; after skin contact: reddening, swelling, itching; After eye contact: Inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva, damage to vision possible
- toxic to: Human, dog, cat, hare, rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, horse and bird
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