Effectively combat aphids on lavender & jasmine

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Table of contents

  • identify aphids
  • appearance of lice
  • Damage to the plant
  • causes of the infestation
  • weakened defenses
  • Inappropriate site conditions
  • care mistakes
  • Fight pests with home remedies
  • Easy shower
  • vegetable oil
  • Produce plant manure/ brew
  • Homemade sprays
  • Beneficial insects against aphids

Aphids cause significant damage to plants by sucking the sap from the leaves. It is particularly annoying when they infest decorative ornamental plants such as lavender or jasmine. Fortunately, it is possible to fight the pests with simple, environmentally friendly home remedies.

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identify aphids

As the environmental awareness of most hobby gardeners increases, more and more home remedies are becoming known that help against plant pests. The possibilities are immense, but not every tool is successful. In order to be effective, it must be tailored to the type of pest infestation. Accurate identification of the lice on the jasmine or lavender is therefore a prerequisite for successful treatment.

appearance of lice

  • Infestation most likely in spring during the budding period
  • 1 to 2 mm lice
  • Body color: white, green, red, yellow or black
  • species-specific airworthy
  • Clusters on plant stems and undersides of leaves
  • Simultaneous ant infestation (live in symbiosis with the pests)


Both lavender and aphids are just teeming with species richness. Each type of pest is specialized in a very specific type of lavender. There is therefore no reason to fear that the vermin will spread to other species. Black aphids usually settle on jasmine.

Damage to the plant

  • sticky film on the leaves (blackspot)
  • curled leaves
  • discolored leaves
  • dried leaves
  • loss of leaves
  • death of the plant

A notice:

In the worst case, aphids transmit the dangerous tobacco mosaic virus or the Sharka virus.

causes of the infestation

There are various reasons for aphid infestation. Only those who know the causes can also remedy them.

weakened defenses

Many plants manage to fend off a minor pest infestation on their own. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the plant is vital and healthy. The right conditions of the location play an important role in this regard. Too few nutrients, precipitation or drought weaken the immune system of a plant. Jasmine and lavender do well in sunny, warm places. They require only a few nutrients. Over-fertilization therefore promotes aphid infestation.


If the conditions are right, another pest could be the cause of a weakened defense system of the plant. In addition to aphids, the green aphid also likes to visit ornamental plants such as lavender or jasmine.

Inappropriate site conditions

Not only the location, but also the planting decide whether a plant feels comfortable in the garden. Too dense growth robs small lavender species of sunlight. In addition, the air cannot circulate sufficiently. In these conditions, lice feel comfortable.

care mistakes

As already mentioned, too much fertilizer and little irrigation water are common causes of infestation.

A notice:

The pests are attracted to the color green. For this reason, fragrant herbs as interim plants only provide limited protection against infestation.

Fight pests with home remedies

It doesn't always have to be the chemical club, you can also do a lot against aphids with home remedies.

Easy shower

In the case of a slight infestation, it is sufficient to rinse off the pests. Fortunately, both lavender plants and jasmine bushes can tolerate a powerful jet of water.


Removing wilted flowers and dry leaves immediately will prevent an infestation.

vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a cheap household remedy that is already available in almost every household. Since it is a pure foodstuff, it is also ecological and harmless. Suitable are for example

  • rapeseed oil
  • neem oil

In order to create a sprayable solution, water and oil must be combined with an emulsifier (e.g. washing-up liquid).


The best time to treat an infested plant with vegetable oil is in winter. In the cold season, the larvae rest in their eggs on the leaves and in the substrate. The oil covers the brood with a sticky film under which the pests suffocate after hatching.

Produce plant manure/ brew

Nettles - Urtica

Manure or a brew made from meadow plants and herbs are just as natural and environmentally friendly. Most of the useful plants grow in the home garden or along the wayside, where gardeners can pick them as needed.

Suitable are for example

  • nettles
  • field horsetail
  • Garlic
  • fern

The collected plants are chopped up and placed in a large bucket of water, where they ferment in a warm location for several days. Manure and brew achieve the same effect, with the latter being more odorless.


Plant manure not only helps against lice, but also provides the plants with valuable nutrients as fertilizer. At the same time, this advantage makes it necessary to adapt the dosage to the needs of the plant. Weak consumers should not receive too much liquid manure.

Homemade sprays

If no wild plants can be found, simple home or foodstuffs can also serve as the basis for a self-made spray:

  • milk
  • soft soap
  • Black tea
  • coffee grounds
Coffee grounds against aphids

Sometimes the gardener even saves the disposal of avoidable waste in this way.

potato water

Potato water also doesn't belong in the sink. It is much better in the irrigation water when fighting aphids.

baking soda

Baking soda is one of the classic home remedies and also helps with an aphid infestation. It is important that it really is baking soda. Conventional baking powder sachets often lack the effective sodium bicarbonate.


It is not surprising that vinegar also appears in the list of pesticides, as it is used almost everywhere in the home. are recommended

  • brandy vinegar
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

A concentrated essence, on the other hand, is unsuitable.


Gardeners should only treat their plants with acidic home remedies like vinegar in the early morning or late evening hours. The leaves threaten to burn in the midday sun.

Beneficial insects against aphids

As annoying as aphids may be, the pests also have an important function in the ecosystem. For example, they serve as food for numerous beneficial insects. The lure of

  • ladybug
  • parasitic wasps
  • catchy tunes
  • lacewings
  • gall midges

saves the gardener the use of pesticides or other work for the production of the household remedies mentioned above. If you are unable to lure the insects into the garden, you can order small bags from specialist retailers or the Internet in which the brood of beneficial insects is offered as needed. When using it, however, it should be noted that the site conditions of jasmine and lavender correspond to the requirements of pest controllers.



Sometimes it pays to rely entirely on nature to combat them. On the one hand, the lice' mere appearance attracts beneficial insects, which naturally reduce the population. On the other hand, the spike lavender, for example, exudes a scent that the pests cannot stand.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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