Drive away wild boar: this is how you drive the animals out of the garden

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Table of contents

  • The problem
  • prevention
  • Fence
  • electrical or pasture fences
  • scare away
  • Handling

Wild boars have long since begun to conquer residential areas for themselves. They are almost magically attracted to parks and gardens. In many German cities, black coats have long been part of the cityscape. Wild boars can cause enormous damage. An otherwise carefully tended garden often turns into a battlefield after a wild boar visit. Reason enough to do everything to keep the animals away.

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The problem

Above all, the increased cultivation of maize has led to a sharp increase in the wild boar population in recent years. Since the animals live in fixed groups and in relation to their territory, a displacement situation automatically arises. Young male animals sooner or later have to leave the family group and set up their own herd. Since the existing habitat and the food supply can become tight in winter, the wild boars also switch to areas populated by humans. Here they usually also find food in abundance. As early as the 1990s, the black coats conquered urban spaces right down to city centers. The following are particularly affected:

  • urban forests
  • Parks and other green spaces
  • open spaces of outdoor swimming pools
  • private gardens

It is one of the peculiarities of wild boar that they search the ground with their snout Food such as roots, worms, Egerlingen, snails or certain types of mushrooms rummage through. Unfortunately, this rummaging through can be very similar to plowing, especially in a larger group. A garden in which wild boars have been roaming is usually unrecognizable afterwards. Lawns and flower beds are affected. In addition, the animals also like to go to rubbish bins and composting facilities. It therefore almost goes without saying that every garden owner has an interest in getting rid of the uninvited visitors or in keeping them away. not to let them on his ground in the first place.


Prevention is known to be better than cure. This applies not only to medicine, but also when dealing with wild boar. At the latest when it becomes known that wild boars have appeared in the immediate vicinity, a garden owner should take preventive measures. Of course, this is especially true if the property is on the outskirts or near a forest. It is bad to do everything to secure the garden and not to attract the animals. A stable fence with foundation is mandatory. However, this should not always be possible, and above all not in a hurry. In addition, garbage cans and composting facilities must also be secured and protected from access by animals. Important precautionary measures are:

  • Do not throw food waste in the compost if it cannot be locked
  • Immediately pick up fruit that has fallen from the tree
  • Lock garbage cans tightly with a lock that is retrofitted
  • Remove grass clippings and leaves immediately
  • Seal feed for pets such as hares or rabbits tightly

These measures can contribute to making your own garden unattractive for the wild boar from the outset. They usually explore the terrain first and then look for areas where there is something to gain for them. The omnivores are attracted to food scraps or fruit lying around.


To prevent the incursion of wild boar, it is advisable to always keep the possible danger in mind with everything you do in or with the garden. This may be annoying, but it can also protect against enormous damage.


hunter fence

By far the most effective and really safe measure to keep wild boars out of your own garden is to consistently block their access. This is usually only possible with a wall or a fence. A fence should be particularly stable or be robust and meet the following requirements:

  • Concrete foundation in which the fence posts can rest safely
  • Stable material such as wood or metal
  • Minimum height of 1.30 m
  • Only small gaps between the individual fence elements

In order to be able to really keep wild boar away, the stability of the fence is of great importance. The animals can develop an enormous amount of power and, for example, like to crush a loose chain link fence. It is simply important to seal off access to the garden almost hermetically. The security measures also include regularly checking the fence for damage and gaps.

electrical or pasture fences

The so-called pasture fences are far less stable than a conventional garden fence, but they can still be an alternative when it comes to keeping wild boars off the property. Pasture fences carry electricity. For example, if the wild boar comes into contact with the fence with its snout, it receives an electric shock, which has an enormous deterrent effect on the animal. If this happens to him several times, he will break the fence or avoid its surroundings. In order for it to work, of course, the condition of the fence is crucial. A high tear resistance of the wires or cables is of great importance. strands. In addition, at least three wires should always be stretched. The lowest wire is best placed at a height of about 20 cm to prevent newbies from crawling under it. The disadvantage of an electric fence: Pets such as dogs and cats are also affected by possible electric shocks.

scare away

If it happened anyway and wild boars got into the garden, the question naturally arises as to how to get rid of them permanently. Although the animals will not settle in the garden, they will return regularly with a probability bordering on certainty. Consequently, it must be about effective deterrence. Experience has shown that all kinds of home remedies that are mentioned again and again are of very little help. Such home remedies include:

  • loud noises caused, for example, by a signal horn
  • odors which are unpleasant for the animals and which result from a commercially available fortifier
  • hot chili paste spread in the garden and eaten by the wild boar
wild boars

If these measures work at all, the success is only short-term. So-called repellents are more effective, i.e. special deterrents that are eaten by the animals and they break down after a very short time develop a taste that is exceedingly unpleasant for them - a taste that the black coats find so disgusting that they take over the property from then on avoid. There are no health risks for the wild boar or other animals. These repellents are therefore not poisons. How to proceed:

  • Spread the repellent generously throughout the garden
  • Be sure to include the beds and, above all, the bed boundaries
  • Place a larger dose at possible entrances to the garden
  • Repeat the sprinkling about every six weeks

The wild boars will inevitably associate the unpleasant experiences they have with the repellent with the place where they found it or where they found it. have eaten. Since the animals are not stupid and have excellent memories, they avoid the place in the future. Repellents are available from specialist retailers or online shops. They usually consist of an individual recipe developed by the manufacturer and cannot be made by yourself.


If someone is a hunter themselves or if you know a hunter, shooting a wild boar in the garden is an extremely effective way to drive the animals away permanently. Alternatively, a hunter responsible for this area can also be commissioned. Information on this is available from the municipality or the city administration or the responsible forest office. This hunt is usually free of charge.


If there are wild boars in your own garden, extreme caution is called for. This is especially true when it comes to a bachelor with her piglets. If in doubt, the mother animal would also attack a human to protect her offspring. Basically, it is a good idea to avoid direct contact with the animals. Especially those black coats who have already been out and about in residential areas on several occasions often have very little respect for people. At best you can try to drive them away from the safe balcony or from the open window by shouting or clapping loudly. In all likelihood, the wild boar will then flee, but this will not drive them away in the long term. It therefore remains the same: It is best to avoid the animals as much as possible.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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