Use parasitic wasps against moths

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Table of contents

  • Interesting facts about the parasitic wasp
  • damage from moths
  • Mode of action of the parasitic wasp
  • Advantages
  • Application
  • duration of use
  • Buy parasitic wasps

In the event of a pest infestation of any kind, the gardener should only resort to biological, environmentally friendly control measures. Many home remedies have sometimes proven their worth and are therefore quite rightly well known. But is there a home remedy for moths? Where usual substances such as baking powder or vinegar reach their limits, parasitic wasps can help. This guide provides everything you need to know about the useful enemies of moths.

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Interesting facts about the parasitic wasp

  • are divided into several types
  • only a few of them are used for pest control
  • primarily protect orchards and grain-growing areas from pests
  • can also be used in the home garden
  • cannot fly
  • move crawling
  • some species are only 0.2 to 0.4 mm in size
  • track down moth eggs over long distances

A notice:

The species Trichogramma evanescens in particular has proven itself in the fight against clothes moths and food moths. For this purpose, biologists breed the genus extra.

damage from moths

Clothes and food moths, unlike their predators, are clearly recognizable as small grey-brown moths. Many people feel safe as soon as they have destroyed the pests, for example with a fly swatter, and can no longer discover any moths in the apartment. A fatal mistake, because a moth infestation does not stop with just one generation of moths.

Ichneumon wasp against moths

The pests lay eggs in kitchen cupboards or wardrobes. The larvae in particular are particularly dangerous for food or textiles. Manually, it is hardly possible to remove the entire inventory. Only beneficial insects such as the parasitic wasp are able to interrupt the cycle naturally.

Mode of action of the parasitic wasp

Actually, the parasitic wasp is also a parasite. The insects have a long stinger on their abdomen, which they use to deposit their own clutch in that of the moth. The eggs of the moth serve as food for the brood. For this reason, there is no subsequent generation. If the adult butterflies gradually strive, the moth plague has been defeated.

However, the parasitic wasp is dependent on the pests as a source of food. If the stock disappears, the population of beneficial insects also dies. Most of the time, the tiny creatures turn to dust. The next time the user cleans his apartment, he eliminates the wasps without realizing it.
Info: The use of parasitic wasps on clothes moths is so effective because the beneficial insects do not destroy the adult animals, but their brood. The latter are the cause of small damages in the material. When fully grown, clothes moths no longer eat textiles.


  • are not noticeable thanks to the small body size
  • no chemicals needed
  • move on silently
  • don't sting
  • disappear as soon as they have destroyed the moth population


Breeders supply their customers with small cardboard cards or paper eggs in which the eggs of the parasitic wasp are embedded. All you have to do is place them on the windowsill or directly in the pantry or wardrobe and wait until the brood hatches. A cardboard card usually contains around 300 eggs. However, the amount is not sufficient to completely eliminate the moth population. Therefore several applications are necessary. Although the adult beneficial insects lay eggs from which new generations emerge, it is often necessary to replenish the population with a new cardboard card. Around 1000 to 2000 animals are needed for a successful treatment.


Since the beneficial insects do not remain in one place, but move freely in the apartment, it is not advisable to vacuum during use. In addition, the animals are hardly visible to the human eye. It can therefore quickly happen that the vacuum cleaner collects the entire stock and the effort was in vain.

duration of use

It usually takes two weeks for the beneficial insects to hatch from their eggs and begin to eat the brood of the pests. After this time, the user should provide another cardboard card. He has to adapt the application to the lifespan of the moths. Depending on the species, the application period is nine to twelve weeks for the food moth or a range of 15 weeks for the clothes moth. This corresponds to about three cardboard cards for the first type and about five for the latter type.

Buy parasitic wasps

Ichneumon wasps used to fight clothes moths and food moths are specially bred. Since they do not occur in the wild, it is unfortunately not possible to attract them like other beneficial insects. However, the cardboard cards with the eggs are easily available. They are mostly available in specialist shops. They can also be found in well-stocked drugstores. A packet costs around 9 euros. The price for a complete elimination of the pests is accordingly 70 to 100 euros.

Use parasitic wasps against moths

However, the easiest way to buy parasitic wasp eggs is online. In addition to the low effort, buying on the Internet has another advantage. Providers plan the hatching of the brood and precisely time the delivery date. Thus, the effectiveness is guaranteed. It is also helpful that the customer is not left to his own devices in the following. If there is a need for a new cardboard card, the seller will deliver the eggs on time and without request.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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