Dog defense in the garden by ultrasound

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garden editorial
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Table of contents

  • Traditional dog repellent
  • Dog repellent ultrasound
  • functionality
  • attachment

Dogs cause a lot of trouble, especially in the garden, as they like to dig up and destroy sensitive plants in the process. Furthermore, dogs mark their territory with their urine and soil the area with their feces. The larger the breed of dog, the greater the pollution. In order to prevent these unpleasant incidents, dog repellents using ultrasound are ideal for the garden.

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Traditional dog repellent

Stray dogs can be a big problem in the garden as they like to dig in the soil. As a result, plants suffer and can even be completely destroyed. In addition, dogs are attracted by the rubbish bins that are often located near the garden. This often leads to noise pollution at night and then this area is completely polluted. Conventional dog repellent methods tend to be very invasive or expensive.

  • Harmful toxins are often used to repel dogs
  • As a result, animal health suffers
  • Chemicals pose great dangers to other users of the garden
  • Home remedies offer only limited room for manoeuvre
  • Certain methods are only effective for a short time, for example pepper spray
  • Fencing and walling are extremely labor and cost intensive

Dog repellent ultrasound

Dog droppings in the garden

When the garden is filthy with the excrement of strange dogs and they dig up the flower beds, the garden owner quickly finds himself in a frustrating situation. Despite fences and walls, dogs often find a loophole somewhere to enter the garden unnoticed. With this problem, ultrasonic waves are excellent for repelling dogs and are not dangerous to the animals. The sound occurs at an extremely high frequency, which cannot be heard by humans. Therefore, the ultrasonic defense only disturbs the dogs and not the garden owners and their neighbors. In the long run, the dogs find the high frequencies extremely annoying and avoid the areas provided with ultrasound. The devices are easy to install, as opposed to erecting high fences to protect against unauthorized intruders. But your own dogs can also be trained with the ultrasonic devices and kept away from certain garden areas.

  • Sound waves are very uncomfortable for dogs
  • As a result, they avoid the place where the sound is present
  • Ultrasonic sound only works when needed
  • Motion detector with infrared registers the approaching dog
  • Also works in total darkness
  • Also suitable for repelling other animals
  • Also drives away cats, badgers, martens, raccoons and deer
  • Protects the garden from destruction and pollution
  • Devices work safely without the use of harmful chemicals or toxins
  • Gentle on the environment and people
  • Ideal for use in family gardens with playing children


dog repellent

The devices with ultrasound are an effective dog deterrent and also have a wide range of applications, since the frequencies can be individually adjusted to the animal strays. In this way, the unwanted dog is driven out of your own garden and will not come back so quickly. Not only strange dogs can be fended off in this way, your own dogs can also be kept away from certain areas in the garden. The ultrasonic sound is triggered completely automatically, so that a targeted influence is possible even without the garden owner being present. If there are no dogs around, the ultrasonic sound will automatically stop again. Due to the different correction levels, a habituation effect is avoided in the long run. After some experience with the ultrasonic waves and their different frequencies, the unwanted dog associate the bad experience with the garden and use it in the future avoid.

  • Protects sensitive areas in the garden from dogs
  • Dynamic high-frequency speakers emit ultrasonic tones
  • Changing frequencies up to 120 dB
  • Ultrasound strengths can be set individually
  • Inaudible or barely audible to humans
  • Automatic triggering only when dogs enter the protected area
  • Motion detector detects heat movement
  • Depending on the device, the radius reaches up to 20 m
  • Detection angle of up to 90 degrees
  • Range covers areas up to 200 square meters
  • Large effective range but low power consumption
  • Both battery operation and mains operation possible
  • Devices have function and battery control
  • Can be used in any weather as it is waterproof


Dog droppings in the garden

The ultrasonic dog scarer can be installed in various ways, depending on the type of device. It depends above all on the corresponding environment and the respective requirements. Due to the specific size of the dogs, the ultrasound should reach them at their height. If the device hangs too high, a large blind spot is created and the area below the device is not monitored. In addition, the motion detector should be checked regularly, as it can often no longer function properly due to dirt.

  • Battery-powered devices can be placed anywhere
  • Long battery life, about 6-12 months
  • Either stick devices into the ground or hang them up
  • Completely wind and weatherproof
  • Ideally attach the device between ankle and knee height
  • Don't hang it too high
  • When mounted higher, tilt slightly forward
  • Clean equipment regularly and thoroughly
  • Remove leaves and other dirt
  • Check batteries periodically
  • For mains operation, sockets are required
  • Regularly check network operation for functionality
author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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