Watering system for potted plants: flower pot watering

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Table of contents

  • principle
  • complete sets
  • installation
  • alternatives
  • PET bottle(s)
  • thread watering
  • Bucket
  • water reservoir
  • Further measures

Potted and tub plants need water, and in summer they need a lot of it. Regular watering is therefore a must. But what do you do when you're on vacation and you can't find anyone willing to take on the job? Then an automatic irrigation system is the solution. It takes care of the water supply. You can get a complete set from a specialist dealer or you can build your own.

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The name already suggests it: an automatic watering system automatically supplies potted and tub plants with water. Ready-made systems, which can be bought in specialist shops, use a pump and a timer. The water is pumped from a storage tank or the water pipe to the individual plants via hose connections. Since each plant needs a different amount of water, the amount of water can be regulated using nozzles. The timer, in turn, ensures that watering takes place at a specific, predetermined time. In this way, two or three weeks of absence can easily be bridged without the plants drying out. On the other hand, if you are only going to be away for a few days, we recommend alternatives that you build yourself, which are significantly cheaper. Instructions for building follow below. On the other hand, if you want to switch to automatic irrigation permanently, you can hardly avoid a complete set from the trade.

complete sets

beginner or There are now many complete sets for automatic irrigation on the market. Both no-name products and branded products are offered. Depending on the manufacturer and scope, you have to pay between 40 and 60 euros for such a set. In addition, there are costs of 30 to 40 euros for a timer or an irrigation computer, which can be used to reliably control the entire system. A set should contain the following parts:

  • Laying hose for the main line
  • Distribution hose for the supply lines to the drip nozzles
  • line dripper
  • end dripper
  • connectors
  • tees
  • pipe or hose holder
  • sealing caps
  • Cleaning needles for the nozzles
Irrigation system complete set

For the hoses or Pipes for the main line and the supply line should not be saved if possible. Even in a relatively small apartment, a relatively large amount of material is required for the pipe system. However, you should be able to get there with 15 meters each. If necessary, additional hose meters must be purchased separately. Speaking of hoses: These are something of the crux of the matter with any irrigation system in the home. They are very difficult or with great effort so that they do not disturb or cannot be seen. Many an apartment design can easily slip.


The most commonly used irrigation system works with an irrigation computer and is connected directly to a water pipe. We therefore want to concentrate on this variant here as well. Before starting the installation, a few preliminary considerations must be made. The basic question is: Should the system be set up permanently or only for the time of absence. If the latter is the goal, the plant pots to be watered can be concentrated in one or two places in the apartment. This then makes it much easier to lay the supply and discharge lines. On the other hand, with a system that is to be used permanently, the effort is significantly greater. Then it must be clarified in advance where exactly the lines should and can run. The installation then proceeds as follows:

  • Lay out the main line so that all plant pots can be reached from it
  • Cut the distribution hoses to the plant pots and place them in the right places
  • Cut through the main line in each case and connect it again with a T-piece
  • Place the supply line on the T-piece
  • Attach the drip nozzle to the other end of the supply line and lead it to the plant pot or fasten there
  • Attach the irrigation computer to the end of the main line at the water tap
  • Install the computer on the water tap using the connector

The various systems that are commercially available all work according to the same principle. Nevertheless, there are sometimes subtle differences. Therefore, the enclosed installation instructions must be observed. You will then usually also find out how the watering computer is programmed or how it works. what pressure the water pipe must have.


If you want a really reliable irrigation system for your home and balcony, you'll miss out Don't mess around with the professional variant described above - especially not if you're away for two or three weeks is. On the other hand, if you are looking for a simpler solution and want to bridge a maximum of four or five days, you are also well served with a self-made irrigation system. Building this yourself is usually not a problem. However, a few points must be observed so that you do not experience any nasty surprises after the holiday. The biggest problem that can arise is waterlogging, which damages the roots of the plants. Therefore, the plant substrate is of particular importance in the possible alternatives, depending on the variant.

PET bottle(s)

PET bottle irrigation system

Perhaps the simplest form of an irrigation system can be implemented with one or more PET bottles. To do this, simply remove the screw cap, fill the bottle with water to the brim and then put it upside down in the ground. The bottle may need to be stabilized with a small bar to prevent it from tipping over. The best way to do this is to stick the bar to the bottle with strong adhesive tape. The problem with this method, however, is that water constantly runs into the plant substrate. Nothing can be changed about that. However, the effect can be mitigated by using a particularly loose and extremely water-permeable substrate. This allows the water to run off extremely easily. To prevent waterlogging, the plant pot should be raised on a base with a very large capacity.


When inserting the neck of the bottle into the plant substrate, be sure to close the opening with your hand as long as possible to prevent the water from immediately pouring onto the plant.

thread watering

Another, less risky form of irrigation is with a string. The principle behind it is simple: you fill an empty container with water, attach one or more wool threads to it and then guide it into the planter. Of course, the threads in the storage vessel must also have direct contact with the water for the whole thing to work. In principle, so-called thread irrigation is nothing more than drip irrigation. The water supply is permanent, but with relatively little liquid within a certain period of time. However, under no circumstances should threads made of sheep's wool be used. These still contain a relatively large amount of animal fat, which inhibits the flow of water or even makes it impossible. Cotton threads are more useful and far more effective.

Irrigation system - thread


The trade offers special, relatively thick cotton wicks that are perfect for this simple watering system.


Even a simple bucket can be used to construct an irrigation system that works. To do this, you drill a few small holes in the bottom of the bucket and then insert hoses into these, which are then routed to the individual potted plants. Of course, the hose ends have to sit tightly and firmly in the boreholes so that the water that is then fed into the bucket cannot run out. You simply hang the bucket by its handle on a hook in the ceiling. With this system, however, the water must not run directly into the plant substrate, otherwise massive overwatering will inevitably occur. Rather, the hose ends are placed in terracotta balls, which in turn are stuck in the substrate with their tips. In this way, a controlled release of water can take place.

Irrigation system bucket

water reservoir

Finally, an extremely safe irrigation method that you can easily build yourself. You simply create a water reservoir from which the plant can help itself if necessary. Specialist shops have special planters with integrated water reservoirs ready for this purpose. But since they are relatively expensive, you can easily build the whole thing yourself from two buckets of different sizes. Here's a quick guide on how to do it:

  • The smaller bucket serves as a water reservoir
  • Cut a small hole in the bottom of the larger bucket
  • Put a cotton wick in this hole
  • Fill the reservoir bucket with water
  • Put the larger bucket in the smaller one
  • Due to the difference in size, there is inevitably a cavity for the water at the bottom
  • Directly above the hole Then put the wick in the planter
  • The wick should come into contact with the soil through the opening in the bottom of the planter
Irrigation systems - water reservoir

The water reservoir method works relatively reliably. The roots of the plants in the soil suck up the water to a certain extent. However, the water supply is naturally very limited, which is why this solution is only suitable for a holiday that is over after a few days.

Further measures

If you want to build your own irrigation system for your vacation, you can at least extend your absence a little with a few preventive measures. For example, it is advisable to increase the volume of the plant substrate. In this case, more volume also means more storage capacity for the water. If necessary, the plant must be repotted in a larger container. A change of location can also be useful.

Then: The less sun a plant has, the less water it needs. A sun-loving plant can stand in the shade or partial shade for a few days. Finally, clay planters also help to extend the time away. Water diffuses into the soil via the clay. You take advantage of this by first closing the hole in the bottom of the pot tightly and then placing the entire pot in a kind of water bath.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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