Native forest mushrooms: these 11 mushrooms are edible

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table of contents

  • Edible forest mushrooms
  • Apple pavement
  • Oyster mushroom
  • Birch mushroom
  • Patty
  • Thorny goatee
  • Spruce cones
  • Woman's deaf
  • Goldröhrling
  • Chestnut boletus
  • chanterelle
  • mushroom

A popular hobby in the local latitudes is mushroom picking. Especially in autumn, many mushroom pickers go out again to bring the tasty mushrooms home. However, inexperienced collectors in particular do not know exactly which of the forest mushrooms are edible and which they should better stay away from. Because often the edible mushrooms have an inedible doppelganger. To avoid confusion, the list of edible forest mushrooms in local forests was drawn up.

Edible forest mushrooms

Apple pavement

The apple bling is a tasty edible mushroom and therefore also edible. However, there is a risk of confusion with other deafblings, which could be poisonous. The fungus grows in the moist coniferous forest between June and October. The mushroom, which is also native to the local latitudes, has the following characteristics:

  • 8 cm high and 12 cm wide
  • when young it is semicircular and spherical
  • aged with depression in the hat and flat
  • Hat color red, fading with age
  • Stem color white or slightly red
  • Lamellae yellow to light beige
  • Flesh color white
  • Slightly mushroom odor
  • mild taste
  • great risk of confusion with Speitäubling
Apple blubber, Russula paludosa
Apple blubber, Russula paludosa

Oyster mushroom

The oyster mushroom is also known under the name oyster mushroom or veal mushroom. It occurs in the forest on the hardwood trunks in spring between March and May and in autumn from September to December. The tasty edible mushroom is edible and is even said to have a preventive effect against colon cancer. It is also popular as a cultivated mushroom and is therefore available at many vegetable counters. It is characterized by its appearance as follows:

  • between 5 cm and 15 cm wide
  • Hat color dark purple to gray brown
  • darker than the cultivated mushrooms
  • Lamellae purple to white
  • Stem color white
  • Flesh color white
  • spicy smell
  • mild taste
  • Risk of confusion with yellow-stemmed oyster mushrooms
Oyster mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus

Birch mushroom

The birch mushroom is known by many names. It is also known to mushroom pickers under the birch roots, gray-green birch mushrooms or long knuckles. It belongs to the genus of the Röhrlinge and grows preferentially in a symbiosis under birch trees in the forest and along the way. Its growing season is from June to November. The birch mushroom is characterized as follows:

  • hemispherical to cushion-shaped hat
  • up to 15 cm wide and 15 cm high
  • Hat color from red-brown to yellow, gray-brown to dark brown
  • Stem color is white with black net
  • almost odorless
  • edible with a mild to sour taste
  • can be confused with the multi-colored birch mushroom, not poisonous
Birch mushroom, Leccinum scabrum


As the name suggests, this is a very popular edible mushroom that is edible and edible and, above all, very tasty. It is native to our forests and grows here in the coniferous or deciduous forest between July and October. It is also often found at the wayside. Depending on the area, it has many names such as bread, milk or pear mushroom, lady sponge, marriage belt or golden patty, to name just a few. The patty can be recognized by the following features:

  • Height 12 cm, width between 5 cm and 15 cm
  • unusual orange hat color
  • Stem color also orange
  • white milk comes out of injuries
  • extreme smell of fish
  • No confusion possible due to the smell
  • mild taste
  • edible after frying in the pan without a handle
Patty, Lactifluus volemus
Patty, Lactifluus volemus

Thorny goatee

The thorny barbed oyster or thorny barbed oyster is mainly characterized by its wide and dense spines. The young mushrooms are edible and edible. The older mushrooms, on the other hand, become tough. The thorny goatee can be found between August and November in the deciduous forest under birches and beeches. It should not be confused with the pine whiskers, the hedgehog whiskers, the branchy whiskers and the northern barbed oyster. It can be recognized by the following properties:

  • is the only one of the genus to have hat-shaped fruiting bodies
  • Spike color creamy white or white
  • Hat color white, yellowish with age
  • Stem color white
  • gives off a pleasant smell
  • has a mild taste
 Thorny goatee
Thorny goatee

Spruce cones

The spruce cone only grows on spruce cones that are buried underground. These mushrooms, which are native to the local forests, are found especially in the spring months under spruce trees in a coniferous forest. It can easily be confused with the pine cone. To prevent this from happening, the following properties should be observed:

  • Hat between one and three centimeters
  • Color brown with white fins
  • Stem gray-yellow to brown
  • pleasant mushroom smell
  • mild and nutty taste
Spruce cone root, Strobilurus esculentus
Spruce cone root, Strobilurus esculentus

Woman's deaf

The delicious Frauentäubling, which is also known under the names Blautäubling, Grüntäubling or Lilagrüner Täubling, grows preferentially under beeches in a mixed forest. It can be found here by collectors from July to October. The mushrooms, which can easily be confused with the other varieties of the deafblings, can be recognized by the following characteristics:

  • Hat color is from ocher to purple-green
  • The color of the stem shimmers slightly violet on a white background
  • Hat becomes up to 15 cm wide, from half-round to flat
  • Mushrooms do not give off any odor
  • The taste is mild and nutty
  • other pigeons could be poisonous
Female deafblings, Russula cyanoxantha
Female deafblings, Russula cyanoxantha


The golden boletus is edible, edible and at home under larches in our forests. This is a very tasty edible mushroom that connoisseurs like to use in the kitchen. So it is also known as Beautiful, Zierlicher, or Yellow Röhrling, Golden-Yellow Lärchenröhrling or Goldkappe. It has the following properties:

  • 3 cm - 10 cm wide, slightly slimy hat
  • up to 10 cm high
  • The hat is golden red to golden brown
  • Stem color yellow with brown fibers
  • can be confused with the edible larch tubules
  • no particular smell or taste
  • remove greasy skin before consumption
Golden boletus, Suillus grevillei

Chestnut boletus

The chestnut boletus is a tasty edible mushroom that is particularly suitable for drying. It prefers to grow in coniferous forests between June and November. It could be confused with the boletus. The mushrooms of this genus have the following properties:

  • dry, dull hat, becomes greasy when it rains
  • becomes between 10 cm wide and 12 cm high
  • Hat color in all brown tones
  • The stem is yellow-brown
  • Flesh color white to yellow
  • smells of mushrooms
  • the taste is slightly nutty
Chestnut patties, Imleria badia
Chestnut patties, Imleria badia


The healthy edible mushroom is said to have an antibiotic and anti-cancer effect. It is also very popular in the kitchen. In local areas the mushroom is known by almost forty names. These include yolk mushrooms, peppers, deer or pork feet. It can be found between June and October in both deciduous and coniferous forests. The chanterelle can be recognized by the following characteristics

  • Hat width 2 cm - 10 cm
  • Orange-yellow hat color
  • The smell is reminiscent of fruit
  • The taste is slightly peppery
  • Confused with fake chanterelles with no pepper flavor
Chanterelle, Cantharellus
Chanterelle, Cantharellus


The boletus is not only known among passionate mushroom pickers, anyone who buys mushrooms in the supermarket knows the tasty mushroom that is native to the local forest. It is also known by other names such as Dobberniggl, Steini, Herrenpilz or Beisserl. The boletus, of which there are seven types that are edible and edible, is found preferentially under spruce trees in the forest between June and October. He likes to live in symbiosis with pepper, fly agaric or flour husks. The boletus can be easily recognized by the following properties:

  • brown hat up to 22 cm wide
  • marbled brown stem up to 20 cm high
  • has a pleasant mushroom smell
  • mild taste
  • Can also be eaten raw and edible
  • Risk of confusion with the bile tubule
common boletus, Boletus edulis
common boletus, Boletus edulis