Recognizing magpie droppings

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Table of contents

  • Characteristics of magpie droppings
  • size and color
  • leftovers
  • wool
  • Location
  • Eliminate traces of feces
  • prevent contamination

When bird droppings soil the patio or patio furniture, owners get upset. The magpies are quickly under suspicion. How can you identify the droppings of the black and white birds? How does the elimination work?

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Characteristics of magpie droppings

The droppings of all birds are mostly white with a dark portion. Feces and urine are mixed. The dark part is feces and the light part is urine. Birds have only one body opening for excretion, the so-called cloaca.

size and color

The droppings of larger birds, such as magpies and crows, are significantly larger than those of tits or sparrows. They are about 2 centimeters tall.

magpie feces

The color of the bird droppings provides information about what the animals have eaten. Greenish coloring indicates vegetables, red or violet coloring indicates berries.

Magpies eat a lot of berries in autumn, so their droppings are often reddish.


Magpies feed on

  • insects
  • worms
  • be crazy
  • snails
  • mice
  • little birds
  • amphibians
  • carrion
  • fruits
  • grains and seeds
  • mushrooms
  • food waste

Magpies usually swallow insects whole. Wasps, however, are thoroughly crushed with their beak before eating. Large remains of insects in the droppings can indicate magpies.


magpie wool

Like owls, magpies excrete undigested parts of their prey. These are so-called wobbles. These have a diameter of about 2 centimeters. The wool of the magpies contains remains of fur, feathers, bones and insects. Larger traces of bird droppings and balls in a limited area can indicate magpies as the cause.


Magpies are sedentary birds. Anyone who often observes magpies in the garden can assume that the larger droppings on the terrace come from the thieving animals. Incidentally, if it is very dry outside for a long period of time, this is also reflected in the bird droppings. Her droppings are then very firm and hard.

Eliminate traces of feces

Magpie droppings may contain disease vectors. In addition, the ingredients are so aggressive that damage can occur to the freshly painted facade or terrace.


  • Remove fresh droppings with hot water, soap and a brush.
  • Remove older traces of feces on the floor or on the house wall with a high-pressure cleaner.
  • An effective facade cleaner is available in hardware stores.

prevent contamination

Limit the perching places for magpies and other birds around your home. Roof grids help to prevent contamination on the facade. Prune the trees around your seating areas in the garden so that bird droppings cannot end up on the garden furniture or the terrace. Terrace coverings are a good protection.

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