Big black bug in the house: what to do?

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brown fur beetle - Attagenus smirnovi
gbean from Berlin, Germany, Attagenus smirnovi (Dermestidae) - the notorious "Vodka" beetle in Berlin (8625113264), edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 2.0

Table of contents

  • Meal Beetle (Tenebrio molitor)
  • Appear
  • harmful effect
  • combat
  • Fur beetle (Attagenus)
  • Common species
  • Appear
  • damage
  • combat
  • flour beetle
  • Common species
  • harmful effect
  • combat
  • Cockroaches (Blattodea)
  • Common species
  • Happen
  • damage
  • combat
  • Bacon Beetle (Dermestidae)
  • Common species
  • Appear
  • damage
  • combat
  • Preventive measures in the house

After a hard day, you look forward to spending time with your family in a beautiful, comfortable apartment. The desire to have dinner together disappears suddenly when one or more black beetles crawl across the floor. Where are you from? Is poor hygiene the cause? Do they transmit diseases? How do you get rid of annoying insects?

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Meal Beetle (Tenebrio molitor)

If large black beetles appear in the apartment, they are often flour beetles. The pest occurs in bakeries, grocery stores and farms and can enter homes via flour and grain products as well as dog and cat food.

  • length up to 2 centimeters
  • shiny black upper side, yellow-brown underside
  • yellowish colored larvae (mealworms)


  • wherever grain products and animal feed are stored
  • in salt dough handicrafts and arrangements made of dried flowers

harmful effect

  • Contamination of grain products and animal feed
  • Mealworms transmit tapeworms


Meal Beetle - Tenebrio molitor
Didier Descouens, Tenebrio molitor MHNT, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0

Food infested by the flour beetle must be destroyed completely. As soon as flour beetles appear in the apartment, flour supplies and grain products should be checked for the presence of mealworms.


When buying groceries, make sure that the packaging is undamaged to prevent the unpopular animals from being brought in.

Fur beetle (Attagenus)

Fur beetles live on trees, bushes, on the ground and on carrion. Fur beetles are attracted to light. They enter the apartment through the open window and cause great damage. Fur beetles destroy textiles, furs and carpets.

Common species

Dark fur beetle(Attagenus unicolor)

Dark fur beetle (Attagenus unicolor)
Ryan Hodnett, Black Carpet Beetle (Attagenus unicolor) – Guelph, Ontario 01, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • black-brown coloring
  • up to 2.8 to 5 millimeters in size
  • oval body shape

Brown fur beetle(Attagenus smirnovi)

Brown fur beetle (Attagenus smirnovi)
AfroBrazilian, Attagenus smirnovi 01, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • dark reddish brown to black colour
  • Length 3.5 to 5.5 millimeters
  • yellowish hairs on the elytra
  • frequent occurrence in apartments with parquet floors

Spotted fur beetle(Attagenus pellio)

Spotted fur beetle (Attagenus pellio)
AfroBrazilian, Attagenus pellio 01, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • colored black-brown
  • light brown spots on the elytra
  • Length 4 to 5 millimeters
  • Development from egg to beetle takes two to three years


  • households with pets
  • Apartments with wide cracks in the parquet or floorboards
  • in dried flowers


  • Destruction of home textiles, furs and clothing


In the event of an infestation with fur beetles, the apartment must first be thoroughly cleaned. Affected textiles must be disposed of. Textiles are washed at a temperature of at least 60 degrees Celsius to remove beetles, eggs and larvae. Effective insecticides are available in specialist shops.


Our grandmothers took advantage of the snow in winter and beat out the carpets in it. This removes dirt and the cold eliminates larvae, eggs and beetles.

flour beetle

The black-brown flour beetle is native to Southeast Asia and is distributed around the world via food exports. Flour beetles are storage pests. They infest flour and grain stocks but also nuts. They can fly well and quickly spread throughout the home.

Common species

Large flour beetle(Tribolium destructor)

Flour beetle (Tribolium destructor)
Sarefo, Tribolium.destructor, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • chestnut-brown to black-brown colouring
  • very shiny
  • Length up to 5.5 millimeters
  • Antennae made up of 11 segments

Black flour beetle(Tribolium madens)

  • black-brown coloring
  • length up to 5 mm

harmful effect

  • contamination of flour and grain products
  • Release of quinones, which are considered carcinogenic


Infested food must be destroyed. For large inventories, heat treatment is recommended.

A notice:

The quinones emitted by flour flour beetles color flour pink. An unpleasant odor develops. The flour loses its ability to bake and can no longer be processed.

Cockroaches (Blattodea)

Cockroaches appear almost everywhere. They are the best-known storage, material and hygiene pests. More important than the material damage caused by cockroaches is their function as disease carriers. They transmit diseases such as tuberculosis, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis B and typhoid. At the same time, they are suspected of spreading mold. Cockroaches have strong legs and can run fast. The pests develop an unpleasant smell.

Cockroaches are heat-loving insects. They are attracted by the heat of electrical devices, penetrate them and often cause short circuits and defects.

Common species

Australian cockroach(Periplaneta australasiae)

Australian cockroach - Periplaneta australasiae
charliebrewer, Periplaneta australasiae, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 2.0
  • colored black-brown
  • yellowish transverse bundle, yellow wing margin
  • Length up to 30 millimeters

Oriental cockroach(Blatta orientalis)

Oriental Cockroach - Blatta orientalis
Heinolein, Blatta orientalis, Isalo 02, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • dark brown coloring
  • Length up to 30 millimeters
  • Occurs mainly in basements
  • activity in the dark

Brown Banded Cockroach / Furniture Cockroach(Supella longipalpa)

Brown-banded Cockroach (Supella longipalpa)
CrStN224, Supella longipalpa, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • black-brown coloring
  • Length 10 to 12 millimeters
  • not airworthy
  • Occurrence in apartments, hotel rooms
  • important cause of allergies
  • dangerous disease carrier


  • in food processing plants, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, basements and homes


  • disease carriers
  • triggers of allergies
  • spread of mold
  • feeding damage
  • bad smell


Cockroaches are fought with feeding bait and sticky traps. Contact insecticides are suitable for use behind cupboards and stoves. The feeding baits must be spread over several months to completely eliminate the pests.

Bacon Beetle (Dermestidae)

Bacon beetles are among the most common hygiene, storage and material pests in homes. While they used to appear mainly in butcher shops, today they are mainly discovered in neglected apartments. Combating them is difficult because bait is not available and insecticides are rarely effective.

Common species

Common bacon beetle(Dermestes lardarius)

Common bacon beetle (Dermestes lardarius)
Stefanlindmark, Dermestes lardarius, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 3.0
  • Length 6 to 9.5 millimeters
  • two-tone colored wings

Thornless bacon beetle(Dermestes freshi)

  • Length up to 6.5 to 10 millimeters
  • conspicuous yellow bristles between neck and elytra

Peruvian bacon beetle(Dermestes peruvianus)

Peruvian bacon beetle (Dermestes peruvianus)
Simon Hinkley & Ken Walker, Museum Victoria, Dermestes peruvianus, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY 3.0 AU
  • Length up to 10 millimeters
  • can fly well
  • whitish hairy, shiny wings
  • Occurrence in canteen kitchens

Striped bacon beetle(Dermest bicolor)

  • Length 7 to 9 millimeters
  • deep longitudinal furrows on the wings

Bacon Beetle(Dermestes maculatus)

Thorny bacon beetle (Dermestes maculatus)
Udo Schmidt, Dermestes maculatus DeGeer, 1774, edited by Hausgarten, CC BY-SA 2.0
  • Length 6 to 10 millimeters
  • Elytra slightly hairy and elongated in a thorn-like manner


  • in polluted homes
  • in the trash
  • in canteen kitchens
  • in textiles, furs, insect collections


  • Feeding damage to bacon, meat, cheese, dried fish
  • Destruction of insect collections and stuffed animals
  • Damage to fur, skins and leather by larvae
  • Damage in furniture and floorboards


It is extremely difficult to get rid of bacon beetles in the home. The animals live hidden, so the use of insecticides is often not possible. Bacon beetles are sensitive to very high or low temperatures. The treatment with heat (over 50 degrees Celsius) leads to the death of the animals within a few hours. Cold treatments (below -20 degrees Celsius) require more time. High-quality textiles and furs do not tolerate the heat treatment. They are freed from the pests by a specialist with nitrogen.


In apartments with wooden floorboards, sealing the floorboards is recommended to combat the bacon beetle.

Preventive measures in the house

While there is no way to completely prevent large black beetles from appearing in your home, there are effective ways to prevent them.

  • Check food supplies regularly
  • if larvae and beetles appear, dispose of food immediately
  • Seal foods such as flour, cereals, pasta, nuts and dried fruit tightly
  • Regularly clean rooms, cabinets, and storage containers where food is stored
  • Clean vacuum cleaner
  • Install fly screens
  • ventilate extensively
  • Iron clothes
  • only store washed clothes in closets
  • Brush, beat, clean carpets
  • Clean cracks and corners in the apartment
  • Seal parquet and floorboards
  • Dispose of kitchen waste quickly
  • react quickly when pests appear
  • If the infestation is severe, hire a professional pest controller


Due to the toxic effect, the use of insecticides in the home is not recommended. In the case of a severe infestation, professional pest controllers can help.

author Home editorial office

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