Wasp nest in the house wall: this helps against wasps on the wall

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Wasp nest in the house wall

table of contents

  • Wasp nest
  • Any damage
  • Closing
  • Fight
  • Recognize nest
  • Wait for winter
  • prevention
  • protection

Is the actual nesting space for wasps, for example in a roller shutter or a power distribution box, too narrow? then it may well be that they eat their way into the masonry behind and thus their nest enlarge. Even if there is a small hole in the plaster in a house wall, this can certainly be the entrance to a wasp's nest in the wall. How to proceed against such a wasp nest in the house wall is explained in the following article.

Wasp nest

When is the wasp nest dangerous?

If there is a wasp's nest in a house wall, it should be removed, especially if there are allergy sufferers or small children in the family. Because with such an internal nest there is always the danger that the animals will also find themselves in the inner space bite through and then possibly populate a room or the entire apartment. The common wasp in particular needs a lot of space to build its nest, which it creates by penetrating the walls. The following places chosen by the insects are dangerous for the residents of a house.

  • in the only entrance area of ​​the house
  • on a terrace or balcony
  • in the roller shutter box
  • at the window of a child's room
Wasps at wasp nest

Whenever the Approach lane the wasps crosses to their nest with a path of the house occupants, complications can arise for the animals. Fighting the insects could then become a danger for us humans, because they feel disturbed, want to defend their nest and could react aggressively.

Any damage

Wasp nests that are located directly in the wall can not only pose a risk for allergy sufferers, but also cause great damage. Because the animals, for example, hollow one for their nest Wall insulation downright out. If there is insulation between the wall and the plaster, then this is definitely endangered by a wasp's nest. Even hard foam can easily be broken through by animals that have a high level of gnawing activity. Therefore, when finding a nest in a house wall, proceed as follows.

  • wait until the wasp colony dies in autumn
  • knock off the place in the plaster
  • remove the entire nest
  • Assess and repair damage
  • to do this, re-isolate the point
  • plaster
  • delete if necessary
  • close all holes well

Of course, it is annoying when a wasp's nest causes such great damage, but this is usually not the rule. Because normally the animals look for existing cavities in order to build their nest protected here.

House facade with damage in the plaster
House facade with damage in the plaster


Close from the outside

Even if the tip is often circulating on the Internet, it is dangerous to close a hole in the wall that the wasps use as a hatch in summer. Because if you can’t find a way to the outside, then use your sharp one Mouthpartsto find a different path. This could then end in a living room. Since the animals could react aggressively in this way, they should not be barred from hatching in summer. If the nest is then abandoned in autumn, the hole can be closed as follows.

  • Put construction foam in the hole
  • close with silicone
  • plaster over

In the next year there is no longer any danger that a wasp queen will find the hole and thus the finished nest and settle again with a new colony for the next summer.


Do not fight wasps yourself

Actually, wasps are through that Nature Conservation Act protected. However, if they do more harm to the tenants than they can live next to each other in one summer, then A nest may also be removed and the wasps controlled if relocation by a beekeeper is not possible is. In the following cases, a permit can be applied for from the animal control authority.

  • Allergy sufferers live in the house
  • Nest is built at a house entrance
  • Residents have no way of getting into the house
  • Nest sits near a child's room
  • Animals could enter the apartment from the wall
  • Terrace or balcony are unusable
Wasp's nest from the inside
Wasp's nest from the inside

Especially if the nest was built in a wall, one should Professional be consulted if this is to be removed in summer. Because it can be dangerous for laypeople to fight the animals themselves in a nest where the size, especially in a house wall, cannot be foreseen. The expert has certain chemical agents that he can spray into the entry hole that destroy all animals in the nest.

Recognize nest

Especially when a wasp's nest in one Wall was built, it is often difficult to see from the outside. Suddenly there are wasps, perhaps more in a room, and it is not clear where they come from, since windows and doors are actually always locked.

The following hints can help to find the nest:

  • scraping and humming noises in the walls
  • very high volume in a large nest
  • small holes in the plaster
  • small nest on the wall
  • there is usually a big one behind it
  • in the roof in the insulation
  • brisk driving of the animals in a certain place

Wait for winter

If a nest is not in the direct vicinity of a window, a balcony door or in another place where it is relatively little disturbing and which Residents of the house do not have to constantly walk through the flight path of the insects, then autumn / winter can be waited for the animals to fight. Because Wasp colonies die in late summer to early autumn and the nests are then orphaned. The queens newly hatched for the next year are looking for another sheltered place to hibernate. Only next spring do they then set out again to find a new place for a new people. However, old, ready-made nests are also preferred.

Therefore, these should be removed in autumn as follows:

  • watch the approach path in summer
  • look for the wasp's nest in the wall of the house in autumn
  • possibly remove plaster
  • remove the nest entirely
  • also examine roller shutter boxes and the wall behind
Roller shutter boxes
Roller shutter boxes


Preventive measures

Preventive measures against wasp nests in summer should already be taken in autumn / winter. As the queens are looking for their nest building in the spring Loopholes where they can build up their wasp state in a protected place, this opportunity should be taken away from them. Therefore, the preventive measures should be followed as follows.

  • Thoroughly examine all the walls on the house
  • if there are small holes in the plaster, seal it
  • also close holes in the roof
  • Seal the roller shutter boxes as far as possible
  • Observe the wasp queen and fight directly

Of course, preventative for this measures needs a little time, but it is sensible so that no wasps can get lost in the house wall. A visible nest building can already be prevented in spring by removing the nest immediately at the beginning. An invisible nest in the wall, on the other hand, can grow to a large population of up to a thousand animals over the summer if it remains undetected at first.

Wasp colony at a nest
Wasp colony at a nest


Protect yourself

If a wasp's nest cannot be removed in summer and has to be lived with the animals, then some measures should be taken to ensure that the wasps do not react aggressively.

These include the following:

  • do not apply perfume or hairspray
  • Do not use strongly scented cleaning agents either
  • have a spray bottle with water ready at the table
  • hereby scare away the animals
  • don't walk through the approach lanes

There are a lot of wasps on the terrace or that balcony on the go, then it is better to avoid eating outdoors over the summer. Since the animals no longer fly after dusk, dinner outside on warm days can also be postponed until later.