Evergreen plant, Vinca species

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Table of contents

  • Brief introduction to the care measures
  • planting distance
  • Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor)
  • Medium Periwinkle (Vinca difformis)
  • Large periwinkle (Vinca major)
  • Herbaceous periwinkle (Vinca herbacea)
  • Care
  • Location
  • watering and fertilizing
  • avert grief growth
  • Cut
  • multiply
  • Conclusion

The periwinkle plant comes as a decorative all-round carefree ground cover. All Vinca species impress with an abundance of flowers, wonderfully shiny foliage, an almost endless flowering period, a robust constitution and frugal undemanding. They rapidly spread their white, blue or pink blooms to cover beds, slopes, walls and graves picturesquely and densely. Which planting distance is important and which care you are right with is no longer hidden from you here.

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Brief introduction to the care measures

  • Planting time in spring
  • Regular watering until established
  • Light compost in autumn for nutrient supply
  • Collect the fallen leaves even in the cold season in order to preserve the ornamental effect of the winter-green plant
  • Cutting measures depending on the intended effect or Function of the planting (rarely prune ground cover, cut single plants, companion plantings and tuffs more often)
  • Generally more frequent pruning of the large periwinkle compared to the smaller species
  • Pruning is possible throughout the growing season

planting distance

Within the evergreen genus you will find 4 important Vinca species that score with their individual advantages. In order for these to develop their respective potential in the best possible way, the focus is on the ideal planting distance. The following data have proven themselves as empirical values ​​in the hobby garden:

Lesser periwinkle (Vinca minor)

The smallest Vinca species reaches a height of 10 to 15 centimeters with an average growth width of 35 centimeters. The countless flowers shine in enchanting varieties in sky blue, white or violet. The annual increase is closely related to the soil conditions and varies between 5 and 15 centimeters.

  • Planting distance: 25 cm
  • Corresponds to 16 plants per square meter

Medium Periwinkle (Vinca difformis)

It flowers as the first within the Vinca species. In a suitable location, medium-sized periwinkle shows its blue or white flowers as early as February/March. With a growth height of 20 to 30 centimetres, the species represents the golden mean in this respect, although it can stretch even more in particularly nutrient-rich soil. Above all, Vinca difformis differs from its conspecifics by the very long tendrils of up to 100 centimeters. This results in a much larger planting distance.

  • Planting distance: 50 cm
  • Corresponds to 5-7 plants per square meter

Large periwinkle (Vinca major)

With a growth height of 25 to 40 centimeters, large periwinkle creates particularly thick carpets of flowers that thrive even in the shade of tall trees. As a rule, the individual periwinkle plant of this species is as wide as it is high and likes to climb up where it can find support.

  • Planting distance: 30 cm
  • Corresponds to 11 plants per square meter

Herbaceous periwinkle (Vinca herbacea)

Here, the actual growth belies the name, because herbaceous periwinkle pulls in its foliage completely in the fall. Nevertheless, it is in no way inferior to the other Vinca species when it comes to summer blooms. With a growth height of 15 to 20 centimeters, Vinca herbacea develops an amazing 80 centimeter long tendrils. This species is therefore particularly inexpensive to purchase, as only a few plants per square meter are required.

  • Planting distance: 40 cm
  • Corresponds to 6-8 plants per square meter

Despite all the impressive attributes, one shortcoming that all Vinca species have in common should not be overlooked: all parts of evergreen plants are poisonous.


Regardless of the botanical assignment, the maintenance of Vinca species follows a uniform pattern. If you don't want to bother with gardening challenges and still want a rich abundance of flowers in the garden, periwinkle plants are the best choice.


One of the outstanding characteristics of Vinca species is their pleasant flexibility with regard to site conditions. As long as extreme swings in one direction or the other are avoided, the groundcovers do their best.

  • A sunny, semi-shady to shady spot is ideal
  • Full sun or permanent shade impair growth and abundance of flowers
  • Nutrient-rich, humus-rich soil is advantageous
  • Loose, well-drained and sandy-dry to loamy-damp

An periwinkle plant will basically take on any normal garden soil as long as it is not completely compacted or waterlogged. If you assign the plant a place in the planter, conventional potting soil can be used as a substrate, enriched with sand, perlite or coconut fibers for good permeability.

watering and fertilizing

The dogbane plants develop their optimum in the periodically damp soil, where they are not confronted with either dryness or permanent wetness. With the help of an appropriate supply of nutrients, knowledgeable hobby gardeners have a significant influence on the vigor and vitality of the ground cover. How to do it right:

  • If there is no rain, it is watered regularly
  • The soil should dry out between waterings
  • Determine the watering requirement in the bucket every 2-3 days by means of a thumb test
  • Fertilize every 2 weeks from March to August with compost, cattle manure and horn shavings
  • Fertilize in planters with organo-mineral liquid preparations or guano sticks

If the periwinkle develops as desired, it will soon cover the ground as a dense cushion of foliage and flowers. Here it is difficult to work in compost without causing damage. A good alternative is plant manure for liquid nutrient supply, such as nettle manure or comfrey stock.


For all planting and care work on Vinca species, the protection of gloves must not be dispensed with.

avert grief growth

Ground-covering Vinca species suffer from a special problem after rainy summers. If the rain pelts down incessantly on the flower cushions, it washes the nutrients out of the soil faster than they can be replenished. The result only reveals itself in the following spring in the form of stunted young shoots, referred to by the experts as weeping growth. How to avoid the dilemma:

  • Loosen the soil around the planting in early spring
  • Enrich the soil with leaf mulch, compost or granulated cattle manure
  • Alternatively, administer a long-term mineral fertilizer

Thanks to this measure, you give the plants a good start to the new season, as the lost nutrients are compensated. If you opt for a mineral fertilizer, the soil organisms will not be stimulated in the long term, so that in this case the treatment must be repeated after 2-3 months.


The tendrils of an evergreen plant that have fallen down during the course of growth are busy crawling forward. At the same time, the shoots root in the ground to anchor and take care of themselves. Sooner or later the limits specified in the planting plan will be reached, so it is time for a pruning. Early spring is a well-chosen date for this care measure. Here's how to do it:

  • Cut out dried and frozen shoots
  • If necessary, shorten the plant to just above the ground
  • Leave at least one pair of leaves on the tendril
  • Always use freshly ground, disinfected tools

Minor modifications in terms of design are possible throughout the year. This is primarily for Vinca species in tubs or window boxes, where their rapid growth within a short time is beyond the scope.


Do not dispose of the clippings of evergreen plants on cattle pastures or horse meadows, because the animals are poisoned by them.


If you have vital shoots in your hands after pruning and topiary, they are far too good to be disposed of on the compost heap. Instead, they should be used as cuttings for easy propagation. This is how the plan works:

  • A perfect cutting is 10-15 cm long
  • Defoliate the bottom half
  • Fill pots with potting soil
  • Insert a cutting with the leafless area at a time
  • Water and place in a semi-shady, warm place

While the offshoots develop their own root system, the substrate must not dry out. The successful course of propagation is signaled by a fresh shoot. Plant the young plants in the warm autumn soil at the recommended planting distance. The evergreen plants should spend the first winter under the protection of leaves, straw or brushwood.


With their dense flower cushions, Vinca species adorn many a bed in the garden that would otherwise remain deserted. An evergreen plant can hardly be surpassed by other ground cover plants in terms of vigor and vitality. They do not expect extensive care for it. A location with moderate light and soil conditions already fulfills the fundamental expectations. If there is also a balanced supply of water and nutrients, Vincas achieve their optimum. If the young plants are placed in the soil at the best possible planting distance, they will fulfill their tasks in the garden to the fullest satisfaction.

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