The letter "E" of our glossary has chosen the ivy and other earth-covering plants, such as the heather and the elf flower and the euonymus (creeping spindle) as a representative.
Because these soil covers are true gardeners! For a while they fell into oblivion because the precisely laid beds in the uninterrupted gardens are not interrupted in their monotonous expression by chaotic greenery should. Since amateur gardeners have increasingly rediscovered that a garden is a piece of nature, they are also rediscovering the advantages of soil cover:
Ivy and Erika and Co. transform the garden into a landscape with closed vegetation and prevent excessive growth undesired wild plants, improve the soil and provide it with nutrients and give many small animals a place to live Food. They are really powerful gardeners' helpers, which are often underestimated only because of their small size. Most of these small, creeping plants are also quite grateful and undemanding, making them some of the easiest-care plants to invite into our gardens.
Of course, you will also find field berries and cushion broom, myrtle and cotoneaster in our glossary, i.e. ground covers that are not associated with E start and you will find alders and oaks, ice saints and chestnuts, although these keywords have little to do with earth cover have. But they start with E, and if you're missing other unique or rich or eccentric items in the “E” category, feel free to write to us and we'll include those keywords.