White and black mulberry tree

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Mulberry (Morus)

Table of contents

  • The right location for mulberries
  • The care of mulberry trees
  • cut and propagate
  • Short profile
  • Mulberry tree care
  • Mulberry Tree Propagation

The mulberry tree comes from tropical and subtropical areas. Both the black and the white mulberry tree were imported into our region many hundreds of years ago. In addition to the interesting leaves, which were originally used to breed silkworms, it is mainly the mulberries that make this tree a regular in German gardens permit. Both black and white mulberries are edible and have a variety of uses.

The white and black mulberry trees (Morus alba, Morus nigra) are among the deciduous deciduous trees, that is, they shed their leaves in the fall. The flowers are yellow and resemble pussy willow. Depending on the variety, the trees develop white or dark red to black berries in autumn. These berries can be harvested in summer, in the months of July and August.

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The right location for mulberries

Both the black and the white mulberry tree are among the robust garden plants. They can be planted outdoors or cultivated in a pot or tub. The mulberry is hardy, so with a suitable cover it can remain in the garden during the winter. However, it is also possible to spend the winter indoors.

The ideal location for black and white mulberry trees in summer is partially shaded to sunny. Since the mulberry is very robust, the plant can be exposed to the wind, so it doesn't have to be in a sheltered corner. The tree is very well suited for planting alone, as the mulberry develops a very strong, broad crown.

In winter, the mulberry can remain in the garden, it is hardy to around -15°C. potted plants can hibernate in the apartment, hibernation in the basement is not necessary. The temperature for the location in the apartment should be around 5°C, but a cooler hibernation location is possible.

The care of mulberry trees

The robust mulberry trees require little care. A regular cut is not necessary. However, you can cut the branches or wild shoots annually. This pruning is done in March to prevent the tree from growing too tall. The growth of the shoots can also be controlled by an annual cut. The robustness of the tree also ensures that pruning does not have any negative effects on fruit development.

Anyone who cultivates the black and white mulberry tree as a pot plant or places the tree as a container plant on the terrace will have to repot it regularly. the floor or the soil in which the mulberry tree thrives best should be rich in humus and very well drained. The addition of gravel is suitable for this in the pot or bucket, which enables appropriate drainage.

In summer, mulberry trees kept in tubs must be watered regularly and very plentifully, as the water consumption of this plant is very high. Watering once or twice a week is necessary, especially in the hot summer months. Between March and around September, liquid fertilizer should be used weekly to ensure an adequate supply of nutrients.

In winter, make sure the soil doesn't dry out completely. The mulberry tree sheds its leaves in autumn both outdoors and indoors during the hibernation period, which greatly reduces the need for water. Houseplants should therefore be watered slightly but evenly. However, it is important to keep a close eye on the mulberry tree during the winter in the house. When the first buds form in spring, the water consumption rises sharply again. Then you have to react immediately with stronger watering. One fertilization is not necessary during the winter, this only starts again from March when the need for nutrients increases.

cut and propagate

The mulberry tree is one of the so-called wild trees. A distinction is made between the black mulberry tree (Morus nigra) and the white mulberry tree (Morus alba). There is also a red mulberry tree (Morus rubra) from North America. The distinguishing feature is the color of the "berry-like" fruits.

From a botanical point of view, they belong to the nuts. Another shape or Variant is the plane-leaved mulberry tree (Morus alba 'Macrophylla'). The white mulberry tree has been cultivated for silkworm breeding for thousands of years. The first trees are already around 400 BC. Chr. came to Greece from the Near East. From there they were spread through Italy to Central and Northern Europe. In Germany they were planted because of their reliable fruiting. The black mulberries in particular taste aromatically sweet. They can all be processed into dried fruits, juices, jellies, wine and compotes and much more.

Short profile

The deciduous tree likes warmth, can reach a height of up to 15 meters and is characterized by a bizarre, gnarled growth habit. Therefore, it is often planted in an exposed place, such as in public places or as a house tree. Because its heart-shaped foliage serves as a shade donor. The mulberry tree blooms around May. Its blackberry-shaped fruits - a real delicacy - can be harvested from the beginning of August to the end of September.

Mulberry tree care

A fully sunny to semi-shady place with permeable, fertile - preferably also calcareous - soil is suitable as a planting location. The mulberry tree is quite easy to care for. It even tolerates drought, heat, poor soil and inner-city climates very well. Mulberry trees that thrive in pots while in fully leafy condition need frequent and plentiful watering. The bottom of the pot should be well moistened. Mulberry trees planted in the garden should be watered heavily once or twice a week in summer heat. Due to a high nutrient requirement, the mulberry tree should also be well fertilized. It is easiest to apply slow-release fertilizer in spring and early summer. It is also possible to supply them with compost or organic long-term fertilizer in March and June.
Pruning mulberry tree

A pruning of this wild wood is not absolutely necessary, but can be done in March. This allows the size of the crown and its branching to be controlled. Such corrective cuts are mainly made in the youth phase of the tree. As far as the fruiting wood is concerned, you really can't go wrong, because mulberries set fruit on both young and old wood. By nature, the mulberry tree develops into a tree-like shrub. Therefore, a shoot should be selected for stem formation. This is then supported by targeted cutting. If you want to keep your mulberry tree small, you should shorten the first fresh shoots by several centimeters in March or April.

Mulberry Tree Propagation

The mulberry tree can be propagated by cuttings in winter. The mulberry tree cuttings are cut from large, healthy branches of the tree. In bonsai culture, the mulberry tree is also propagated via seeds and moss. You can buy a mulberry tree in well-stocked tree nurseries.

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