Herbs for shady, semi-shady and sunny locations

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Locations herbs

Table of contents

  • Herbs for shady locations
  • wild garlic
  • woman ginseng
  • Herbs for partially shaded areas
  • peppermint
  • chives
  • lovage
  • Parsely
  • Herbs for sunny locations
  • basil
  • sage
  • thyme
  • rosemary
  • The ideal soil for herbs
  • Fertilize herbs properly
  • Conclusion

Herbs generally need the ideal location. Otherwise their growth and aroma will suffer. As far as the soil is concerned, half-shady and shady herbs prefer moist soil, while herbs for sunny locations love dry and barren soil. The nutrient requirement also differs from herb to herb. As a rule, the less sunlight, the higher the nutrient requirement. However, over-feeding should be avoided as it stresses these plants and makes them more susceptible to disease.

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Herbs for shady locations

wild garlic

Wild garlic grows perennial, persistent and herbaceous with growth heights between 20 and 50 cm. Between March and June it exudes an intense garlic aroma. He is very expansive. Its elongated green leaves appear from February and the star-shaped flowers from April/May to June. In order to prevent unwanted spread, we recommend inserting a plastic film. All parts of the plant can be used.

Locations shady wild garlic


Wild garlic is often confused with autumn crocus or lily of the valley, which can be deadly. Wild garlic is the only one of these plants with a garlic scent. Its leaves sit individually on the stem, while those of the autumn crocus have no petiole and grow into several leaves from one stem. The leaves of the lily of the valley always grow in pairs from a stem.

woman ginseng

Female ginseng, also known as the 'herb of immortality', is an annual to perennial, herbaceous and fast-growing climbing plant for partially shaded and shady locations. She can climb 400-800 cm high. The white, grape-shaped flowers appear between July and August. Its leaves have a liquorice-like taste and can be used to refine salads, be enjoyed on their own or prepared as a tea. Women's ginseng is hardy to -18 degrees.

Herbs for partially shaded areas


Peppermint grows persistently, herbaceously and strongly branched. It is hardy, forms runners and grows to a height of 25-100 cm. Cutting back several times a year controls the spread and promotes growth. Peppermint should be transplanted about every 3 years. The fresh or dried leaves and shoots are used.


To prevent uncontrolled spread, peppermint can be cultivated in pots or planted in the garden together with the pot.


Locations partially shaded chives

Chives are one of the classic herbs. It grows persistently and perennial with growth heights between 10 and 50 cm. The numerous breeds differ in growth and taste. In spring it should be divided. The tubular leaves are harvested throughout the season. When flowering begins around May, the aroma is no longer as intense.


Lovage is perennial, herbaceous and hardy. It has a very aromatic scent and can grow up to 250 cm in optimal conditions. Lovage flowers between July and August and forms so-called double achenes (fruits) after flowering. The plant can be easily propagated by division. The stems and leaves before flowering as well as the seeds and rhizomes are used.


Parsley is a versatile herb. There are curly and smooth varieties. The leaves of the herbs, which are between 25 and 80 cm high, are similar to those of celery. Parsley can be cultivated in the garden and in pots and can be harvested all year round. It has a very spicy taste, with flat-leaf parsley having a more intense aroma. The whole plant including the root can be used.

Herbs for sunny locations


Basil needs a warm location. Its numerous cultivated forms differ in leaf colour, aroma, growth and location requirements. It is not hardy and is usually cultivated as an annual. This herbaceous, perennial and upright growing herb reaches heights of 20-60 cm. It blooms between June and September. All parts of the plant smell very aromatic. The taste of the leaves is spicy, sweet to slightly peppery. Fresh or dried leaves and stems are used.


Sage is best known as a herb against sore throats, but also as a spice. It grows as a perennial, perennial subshrub, sometimes annual or biennial, with a height of 40-60 cm and flowers from May to July. The leaves are harvested at the beginning of flowering. Sage smells aromatic and has a spicy, bitter taste. Fresh or dried leaves are used.

Locations sunny sage


Sage in pots often forms horny shoots in the winter quarters, which weakens the plant and makes it susceptible to disease. Therefore, you should put them outside during mild winter periods.


Thyme species grow as perennial subshrubs or shrubs. They become woody at the base, grow upright to decumbent and are mostly hardy. Depending on the species, it grows between 15 and 40 cm high. Flowering time is between May and October. The small leaves smell intensely, their taste is slightly tart and very hearty. The fruits are egg-shaped nutlets containing the seeds. Entire branches are always harvested without cutting down to the woody parts of the plant.


The sunnier the location, the higher the content of essential oils, which intensifies the flavor.


Characteristic of rosemary are its needle-like leaves. It grows as a bushy, branched, evergreen semi-shrub and can reach heights of 200 cm when old. Scent and aroma are very intense. In winter, protection of the above-ground parts of the plant is necessary, e.g. B. with fleece. Entire branches are used. Annual pruning keeps the shrub compact.

The ideal soil for herbs

The soil requirements of herbs for semi-shady and shady locations differ significantly from those for sunny locations. Partially shaded herbs require moderately moist soil and regular watering. Shady herbs thrive best in permanently moist, humus-rich soil. A high humus content is particularly important here. Mediterranean herbs prefer dry and barren soil and only need to be watered rarely. Regardless of the location, the soil should always be permeable.


Clay and loamy soils in particular should be made more permeable with pumice, quartz sand or similar. Soils low in humus can be enriched with compost or manure. Sand can deplete soils.

Fertilize herbs properly

Herbs in sunny locations have a low nutrient requirement. Basic fertilization with compost is sufficient here. In contrast, semi-shady and shady herbs require significantly more nutrients. This is partly due to the lower light yield, which means that fewer nutrients can be dissolved in the soil. Accordingly, the latter should be regularly given organic fertilizers such as horn shavings or manure or a slow-release fertilizer.

A fall foliage cover that decomposes over time can provide nutrients for the following year. For herbs in pots, the amount of fertilizer must be increased slightly.


Herbs find their place in the smallest garden. The location and soil conditions are decisive for an intensive aroma and the best flavor. Herbs not only bring spice and taste to a wide variety of dishes, but can also help against one or the other ailment.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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