Is the snapdragon hardy?

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Table of contents

  • Are snapdragons hardy?
  • Perennial perennials overwinter
  • pruning
  • Cover
  • neighboring plants
  • Protected locations
  • Protection from below and the sides
  • stop fertilizing
  • Dig out

When raising snapdragons, it is now common practice to remove the plants after the end of the flowering phase and to replace them with new young plants in the new year. But does that have to be the case? How hardy is the snapdragon and how do you get it safely through the cold months? We will tell you all the important information about winter hardiness and overwintering options.

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Are snapdragons hardy?

Although this question can be answered with yes or no for numerous other plants, the general answer for snapdragons is “it depends”. Originally, the Antirrhinum, the scientific name of the snapdragon, is a perennial and at least moderately hardy perennial. Anyone who is lucky enough to own such a specimen can, with a little effort, also bet on a rich bloom in the coming year.

snapdragon, snapdragon, antirrhinum

In contrast, many of the cultivated forms offered today are what are known as F1 hybrids. They are bred exclusively for the purpose of strong growth and enormous flowering. The lifespan is therefore usually limited to just one season anyway, so that the winter hardiness that has disappeared in the course of breeding is no longer of great importance.


You can find out what kind of snapdragon it is from your gardener. When purchased from a hardware store or garden store, information about the winter hardiness is usually included in addition to the affiliation to the F1 hybrid.

Perennial perennials overwinter

If you are lucky enough to actually have a perennial snapdragon perennial in your garden, the chances of overwintering are usually very promising. These measures will help to safely overwinter the plant until the coming spring:


Although many gardeners tend to remove faded and wilted plants in the fall, pruning should be avoided here. The dead leaves perform several functions in winter:

  • Protection of the plant stem from wind and consequent frostbite
  • Protection of the root area against intense ground frost
  • Fallen leaves or leaves lowered to the ground as evaporation protection against drying out in wintry winds


An extra protective layer will help protect the plants from the winter cold. Above all, it is important to protect the sensitive roots, while the above-ground parts of the plant sprout again in spring anyway. Suitable materials for the protective cover are:

  • coconut bast mats
  • brushwood
  • mulch
  • leaves
  • straw


Airtight covers, such as foils, on the other hand, should be avoided as far as possible. Although they also protect against evaporation and cold, moisture can accumulate under them and thus promote the formation of rot and mold.

snapdragon, snapdragon, antirrhinum

The covers can be carried out independently of the planting in the bed or pot. In smaller pots, a handful of leaves from nearby shrubs can be enough to protect the roots from above.

neighboring plants

Although snapdragons love the sun, it can be wise to plant them in the company of taller perennials or shrubs. The partially overhanging branches of these neighbors can provide some protection from the wintry chill of starry nights.

Protected locations

Anyone who pays attention to a protected location when planting the snapdragons has already done a lot in terms of winter protection. Above all, protection against the wind, but also the heat radiation from nearby buildings contribute to a successful winter. Examples of good options are:

  • Plant beds near the building
  • Location in the eaves area of ​​bins, garages or sheds
  • Location on the leeward side of privacy screens, tool sheds, etc.

The protective effect of a well-chosen location can be used even better if the plants are kept in a plant trough or flower pot. The pots can then simply be pushed against the house wall or spend the winter under a protective patio cover.

Protection from below and the sides

While snapdragons do not need any protection from below in the plant bed, the cold that is present on all sides of potted plants poses a real danger to the sensitive roots. Therefore, place flower pots on a styrofoam plate or a mat made of raffia or coconut fibers over the winter. They keep out the cold coming from below and effectively complement the protective measures. The same applies to the sides of the pot if the remaining soil around the roots does not provide sufficient protection. Coconut mats or even bubble wrap can help effectively here.

stop fertilizing

snapdragon, snapdragon, antirrhinum

Those who fertilize their plants usually mean well with them. For a successful hibernation, however, you should stop fertilizing the snapdragon in September. This reduces the growth drive and the plant matures and prepares itself for hibernation. Particularly susceptible new shoots on branches and roots are no longer formed.

Dig out

Again and again one hears that snapdragons can be dug up together with their root ball and overwintered in the cellar in particularly cold locations. In fact, this method works, but the plants are significantly weakened and react with less growth and less flowering in the following year. When storing in the basement, the following should be observed:

  • Keep roots moist, if necessary protect against intensive evaporation
  • Avoid waterlogging, e.g. B: by laying on straw
  • Store in the dark, otherwise growth will begin due to higher temperatures without sufficient supply
author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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