Winter Snowball, Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' - Care Guide

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Winter Snowball - Viburnum bodnantense dawn

Table of contents

  • Location
  • Floor
  • Pour
  • Fertilize
  • Cut
  • hibernate
  • Plant
  • neighborhood
  • tub culture
  • propagation
  • cuttings
  • sticks
  • root suckers
  • lowering
  • sorts
  • Diseases & Pests
  • aphids
  • white bow tie
  • gray mold
  • Conclusion

The winter snowball, also Bodnant snowball (Viburnum bodnantense) is a so-called winter bloomer. This fragrant ornamental shrub belongs to the musk herb family (Adoxaceae). The hybrid is the result of a cross between the Winter Snowball (Viburnum Farreri) and the Large Flowered Snowball (Viburnum grandiflorum), circa 1935 in Bodnant (North Wales). Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn', a clone, is the most popular variety with its full pink flower balls that smell like vanilla. Planted as a solitary shrub or in groups, it is particularly effective in prominent places such as front gardens.

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Dense, deep green foliage in summer, dark red foliage in autumn, the beginning of flowering in winter, the Bodnant viburnum offers an enchanting sight at any time of the year. Not just in spring.

That means for the selection of the location:

Everyone should see him! And smell of course!

Its beguiling vanilla-like scent not only delights insects. So a spot near the patio or in front of a window would be ideal.

The pretty winter bloomer also feels at home in the city, in a small park or in the front yard. Of course, not only aesthetic criteria should play a role in the selection of the location. The winter snowball likes it warm and sunny. It likes to stand facing south, somewhat sheltered from the wind near a wall or an evergreen hedge.

The expected dimensions are also important for the right location:

  • Growth height 2.50 m to 3.0 m
  • Annual growth rate +/- 20 cm
  • Width 2 to 3 m
  • Shallow roots, site spacing 1.50 m to 2 m


Due to the risk of waterlogging, you should avoid sinks as a location.


In terms of soil, the Bodnant snowball 'Dawn' is not particularly demanding. It is very adaptable in terms of pH and tolerates a value from acidic to slightly alkaline (pH 5.5 -8). However, it does not tolerate permanently damp soil or even waterlogging. The soil can be rather dry. The properties for the perfect soil are: rich in nutrients and permeable.


Extremes should be avoided when watering. The winter snowball mustn't dry out and it doesn't like standing in water either. It should therefore not be given additional water automatically and regularly, but according to the weather and needs.

A good indicator for watering is the top layer of soil. If she feels dry, he'll be thankful for water. He's not picky at all when it comes to water quality. He tolerates the tap water from the hose. Don't forget to water even in winter and early spring. During this time it develops its flowers and must not dry out.


Good news again: the Bodnant viburnum does not need any additional fertilizer. What he needs, he pulls out of the garden soil. If you are particularly kind to him, you can occasionally give him some green waste, bark mulch or compost. If the Bodnant viburnum grows on very poor soil, you can give it a complete organic fertilizer in early spring.


The Bodnant viburnum grows rather slowly, regular pruning is not necessary. From time to time you can shape it up a bit. A radical pruning is not necessary. If it is cut almost to the vine, you have to reckon with not being able to admire any flowers the following year.

Late spring, after flowering, is best for pruning. Diseased, dead branches can be removed or branches that have a disruptive effect on the overall appearance. Remove older branches as far down as possible. The new shoots, for the flowers in the following year, should be spared.


Basically, the winter snowball is hardy. Although late, hard frosts in early spring can adversely affect the flowers. Unless it has landed in a really cold region of Germany, it doesn't need any special protection for the winter. If very severe frosts are expected, a layer of mulch sprinkled over the surface roots can provide some protection.


Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' is sold in containers almost everywhere in nurseries. It can be planted from spring to late autumn. It is best to use it as soon as possible after shopping.

The planting hole should be almost twice the size of the root ball. Be sure to pay attention to the neighborhood and keep a distance of 1.50 to 2 meters to the next plant. Because the winter snowball, as a shallow root, forms many runners in the width and directly below the surface.

Then place the plant so high in the planting hole that the upper side of the root ball still needs to be just covered with soil. Then press down carefully when filling with soil and make sure that no air holes remain between the roots. If you like, you can give the shrub some well-ripened compost. Finally water thoroughly. The next watering should only be done after the new planting, when the surface of the soil is completely dry.

When planting in rows or hedges, a distance of 60 cm between the individual plants is sufficient. If the gaps bother you in the first few years, you can initially put so-called filler shrubs in between. This can be, for example, shrubs such as chokeberries, spirea, privet or cinquefoil. If the Bodnant is of sufficient density and size, it can be removed again.


Before purchasing a winter snowball, you should consider that all parts of the plant (fruit, bark and leaves) are slightly poisonous. So be careful with small children and pets in the household! Consumption leads to nausea and vomiting. Gloves should be worn when working on the shrub to avoid skin irritation.


Horned violets, forget-me-nots and crocuses look magical as neighbors or as underplanting. If the viburnum is planted in a mixed hedge, dogwood, hydrangea or the Ornamental cherries are attractive companions, so that you can enjoy a varied play of colors at any time of the year to please.

tub culture

The Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' is not a real container plant. Cultivating it in pots will definitely require more maintenance than growing it outdoors. The bucket must not be chosen too large right at the beginning, according to the motto, it can then grow into it. It is better to let the bucket slowly grow together with the winter snowball. This means that every two years it should be repotted into a slightly larger vessel with new substrate. Basically, wide bucket varieties are to be preferred, since the winter snowball is a shallow rooter.

A lot of care is needed to set up the planter with a properly functioning drainage layer and high-quality substrate, as well as care:

  • coarse gravel on the bucket bottom
  • Fleece as a separating layer
  • pH substrate 5.5 to 6.0
  • high quality soil, compost, lava granules
  • Fertilizer: annual complete nutrient 4 g per liter of substrate
  • water regularly, must not dry out
  • water occasionally even in winter
  • Overwinter in a frost-free room
  • hibernate outdoors only with adequate protection


The winter snowball is pollinated by insects during flowering. It then develops quite inconspicuous, dark blue, frosted stone fruits. But the propagation by seeds is not very promising. Propagation works better with cuttings, sticks, root suckers or sinkers.


The cuttings are best cut and planted in May. Then the soil is nice and warm and the first roots can develop more easily. Cuttings are obtained from shoot tips. This is cut to approx. 15 to 20 cm long and remove the leaves and flowers. Then they are put up to a third deep in the ground or in small growing pots. The environment should now be as warm and bright as possible. As soon as the first roots have formed, the young seedling can be planted at its destination.


Sticks are annual, mature, slightly woody and leafless shoots. Here it is advisable to cut several sticks in the fall and put them in a nutrient-rich, not too sunny corner of the garden, because not everyone will do it. The sticks to approx. Cut 20 cm and remove all leaves. There should be one eye at the top and one at the bottom.


Some gardeners overwinter the cut sticks in a bag in the fridge and only plant the sticks in the spring.

root suckers

Root suckers come out from time to time right out of the ground around the shrub. You only have to cut them off in the spring and you can use them again in a semi-shady location. Always keep moist the first time.


When the Viburnum bodnantense is a little older, the branches curve towards the ground in an arc. If a shoot is long enough, it can be fixed in the ground with a hook. Keep this spot moist. As soon as roots have formed, the shoot is separated from the mother plant and reinserted in the desired location.


Winter Snowball - Viburnum bodnantense dawn

In addition to the Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' variety, there are two other varieties of Bodnant Winter Snowball available in nurseries here. The Viburnum poulus varieties and the scented snowball are also well-known, although not as early flowering as the winter snowball shrubs:

Winter snowball 'Charles lamont' (Viburnum bodnantense 'Deben')

  • Flower color: dark pink buds at the beginning of flowering, then pink flowers
  • Flowering time: winter to spring (March/April)

Winter Snowball Deben (Viburnum bodnantense 'Deben')

  • Flower color: white
  • Flowering time: winter to spring (March/April)

Korean snowball (Viburnum carlesii)

  • Flower color: pink buds, white flowers
  • Flowering time: Spring to May/June

Snowball (Viburnum opulus)

  • Flower color: creamy white
  • Flowering time: late spring to June

Double Viburnum 'Roseum' (Viburnum opulus 'Roseum')

  • Flower color: white to soft pink
  • Flowering time: late spring to June

Diseases & Pests

Good news in the section on diseases and pests: if the Bodnant viburnum is not too moist and not too dry, an aphid infestation will only be a problem from time to time. Gray mold occasionally occurs when the weather is wet. Heat and high humidity promote whitefly infestation.


Aphids attack the young shoot tips. If you don't remove them soon enough, whole branches will cripple. With a weekly shower of field horsetail or nettle broth in spring, you can strengthen the plant and almost completely prevent an infestation. Otherwise, the affected parts of the plant must be removed as quickly as possible. A natural predator of the Aphidoidea is the ladybug.

white bow tie

Regular checking of the underside of leaves is the best way to prevent whitefly infestation, especially during warm, humid summer periods. You can then see sticky webs and white dots (the flies) on the underside of the leaves. Destroy the affected parts immediately. Ichneumon wasps are the natural predators of the Trialeurodes vaporariorum. In cooler weather, the whitefly stops reproducing.

gray mold

Fungal diseases occur even more rarely in winter snowballs. If it should be the case, then the plant is usually weakened by a wrong location or unadapted care. Here it helps to quickly and radically dispose of the affected parts of the plant. As a hobby gardener, you should not immediately resort to fungicides and rather ensure that the plants are as poison-free as possible, with loving care.


Neighbors, walkers, bees, butterflies and bumblebees will all be delighted to have any Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' in their neighborhood. As an owner, you don't have a particularly difficult time with this robust and densely growing ornamental shrub. It steadfastly defies the winter and many pests and diseases. Undemanding to care for, it often blossoms when there is still snow on its branches. Depending on the weather, the flowering period extends into April.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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