Pests, household pests and diseases

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Fungal attack on plants - the most common fungi on indoor plants

Fungi that cause diseases in our plants are a dime a dozen. Some have specialized in certain host plants, while others are indiscriminate in their choice of host. Similar damage patterns also make it difficult to identify the fungus. And the fact that some plants are very popular with different fungi doesn't really help if they are infected. So that you can better protect plants from these annoying pathogens, we describe some of the most common fungi here.

Fight autumn grass mites - the best means

Autumn grass mites are also known as autumn mites, harvest mites, hay mites, autumn lice or peach louse. Their larvae live parasitically and mostly attack mice, but also humans and other mammals. The mites lay their eggs in the grass or moss. The larvae hatch and upon contact they pass on to birds and mammals. They are particularly fond of dogs, cats and humans as hosts.

Driving away cockchafer: recognizing grubs | 5 natural enemies

"Fly maybeetle!" it says in an old nursery rhyme that speaks of death and destruction. In fact, the cockchafer larvae, the grubs, can cause considerable damage in some years. How to fight the plague with natural means.

How To Fight Spider Mites Successfully - 7 Proven Means

When the warm heating season begins in winter, the spider mites are often not long in coming. But even in dry, warm summer months, the pests appear in huge populations outdoors. Here's how to get rid of spider mites effectively.

Fight flour mites successfully

Flour mites are stored food pests. They prefer to attack flour, muesli and other dry, plant-based foods such as bran, pearl barley, semolina, pasta, fish and bone meal, oil fruits, medicinal plants, dried fruit and grass seeds. The flour mite is often found in grain stores, silos, mills and bakeries.

Control sawfly, Tenthredinidae properly

The sawfly with its voracious larvae can become a nuisance in the garden. If you want to take action against insects with a love of nature without a chemical club, you need a good eye and a little discipline. The leaf damage is quickly noticeable. And so the larvae can be collected relatively well in the individual stages.

Fight garden beetles properly

The garden beetle is the largest lawn pest. Like cockchafer, juniper beetle and dung beetle, it comes from the scarab beetle family. The beetles cause the greatest damage from late July to mid-October. The females of the garden beetle lay their eggs in the ground. The larvae hatch around three weeks later. Only the larvae of the 2nd and 3. Larval stage feed on grass roots. By eating away the roots, the grasses usually suffer from secondary damage due to a lack of water. Newly laid lawns and light, humus-rich areas are particularly hit.

Fighting bed bugs in the garden - the best home remedies

Bedbugs are parasites on animals or plants. There are about 40,000 known species of them worldwide. One thousand of them live in Europe. Most species love it warm and dry. They are mainly plant suckers. However, there are some predatory species or ectoparasites that suck blood like the bed bug.

Fight spider mites on roses successfully

There are several types of spider mites that appear on roses. The most common is what is known as the common or bean spider mite. It is not only found on roses, but also on many other plants. Worst of all, the pests spread under dry and warm conditions, they then multiply en masse.

Woodlice in the apartment - causes and control

You don't see it straight away, but woodlice or wood lice actually belong to the genus of higher crustaceans. They are herbivores and mainly breathe through their gills. Who would have thought? Nevertheless, the small animals like to be close to humans. What can you do about woodlice in the house?

Fight caterpillars - means against severe infestation

If voracious caterpillars attack their own plants, frightening damage can very quickly arise. At such moments, many plant enthusiasts immediately think of an imminent battle with chemical fertilizers. An alternative to this massive intervention in nature are some measures that can end the caterpillar plague on a natural basis.

Fight Colorado beetles naturally

Their yellow-striped backs make them unmistakable: every hobby gardener has seen them before. Their bad reputation precedes them and should be a warning to us because the damage that insects can cause is enormous. If the worst comes to the worst, you want to be prepared. We provide information on antidotes and measures.

Get rid of maggots in organic waste and trash cans

Especially in summer, when the days are warm, it often happens that you open the lid of the organic waste and get a nasty surprise: the bin is teeming with small white maggots. What can be done to avoid such a plague?

Root lice: this is how you recognize and control mealybugs

Mealybugs sit on the plant and can therefore be easily recognized. However, there is a subspecies called root lice that can cause damage directly to the roots of the plant. Unfortunately, it is not easy to discover them in order to combat them.

Fighting ants in the house - what to do? Causes + 10 effective remedies

Ants impress with empathic intelligence, perfectly organized teamwork and high ecological relevance. However, the insects should not demonstrate these attributes in the house. This guide highlights common causes for uninvited guests and names 10 effective means of combating them in harmony with nature.

Effectively control mealybugs and mealybugs on cacti

Mealybugs, also known as mealybugs, are one of the pests that often appear on indoor plants during the winter months. Unfortunately, they don't stop at cacti either. If you do not act immediately in the event of an infestation, the cactus can often no longer be saved. You can find out here how you can effectively control mealybugs on cacti.

... blooms and blooms and blooms

Gentian shrub: as a container plant, it blooms throughout the summer. Learn more about its care.