The most important lawn care tools are the lawn mower and the scarifier. How often the lawn needs to be mowed depends on the variety and the weather. When the weather is warm and humid, the lawn grows faster and therefore has to be mowed more often. The height of the lawn is also an aspect that should not be ignored. Lawn cut too short will burn. The turf is sensitive to strong sunlight. The scarifier is used in spring. This ensures good ventilation of the lawn. Matted and dead grass residues can be removed from the lawn in this way. This prevents mold and moss formation.
In order for the lawn to thrive, grow densely and keep its strong green, it needs a lot of care. This starts with watering, fertilizing up to scarifying. You will also receive information on useful gardening tools and various fertilizers, as well as field reports and tests.
How does the lawn stay healthy? What do you do when algae or moss grows in the lawn? Where do brown spots in the lawn come from? Â What diseases can lawns be attacked by? These questions and many more are answered on the following pages. You will also receive useful tips on everything to do with lawns, starting with the correct sowing, the ideal location and the perfect cut. Automatic irrigation, as a type of lawn care, is also explained here. If you want a green, manicured lawn, there is no getting around it. Without water, the grass dries up in the summer and turns brown and unsightly. Since there are different types of irrigation, we have summarized some for you. Learn more about proper care of your dream lawn here.
10 minsLeveling out unevenness in the lawn: this is how it works
Unevenness in the lawn is annoying and poses a danger to gardeners, playing children and pets. It...
Home editorial office
4 minutesLeveling the lawn: how to smooth uneven surfaces
Dents and holes in the lawn are unsightly. We will show you step by step how to smooth uneven surfaces...
garden editorial
6 minutesAlgae in the garden | Lawn is slippery: what to do?
Algae love rainy days. Can the water seep badly into the ground, even better! The green, slippery mass is not...
garden editorial
6 minutesFighting fungi in the lawn | 10 tips against fungal infestation
Mushrooms in the lawn are not uncommon but annoying and sometimes even dangerous. This is especially true when the garden...
garden editorial
4 minutesAerate the lawn | Before or after mowing?
Sun, water, fertilizer and air are necessary for the lawn to grow. If the lawn is no longer sufficient...
garden editorial
5 minutesMulching with lawn clippings: 13 things to consider
Keeping the lawn short is a must for many hobby gardeners. However, if the lawn mower does not have a mulching function,...
Home editorial office
3 minutesHow much soil do I need per m²: Apply lawn soil
If an area in the garden is to be converted into a lawn, then it makes sense to use...
garden editorial
4 minutesWeed killer for the lawn: when can you start mowing?
Weed killers are one of the most important ways to rid your lawn of weeds. So that the...
garden editorial
5 minutesRemove moss in the lawn: 10 home remedies that destroy moss
If moss gets out of hand in the lawn, it must be removed. Because otherwise the death of the grass plants and the green threatens...
garden editorial
5 minutesWhen and how long can you mow the lawn?
In many places, neighbors perceive mowing the lawn as a disturbance. That is why there is a statutory regulation that stipulates exactly when a...
garden editorial
6 minutesFertilize lawn in summer | 6 tips for fertilizing in hot weather
So far, many garden owners have thought that the lawn should be fertilized in spring and autumn. But actually...
garden editorial
5 minutesSpreading lawn seed with a spreader | 5 tips for sowing a lawn
New plants or repairs to the lawn are easily done with a spreader. The result is more even than with sowing...
garden editorial
6 minutesScarifying the lawn: spring or autumn? | The right moment
Optimum lawn care is not just about fertilizing. Due to backlogs it comes...
garden editorial
12 minutes17 Identify lawn weeds | Recognizing lawn weeds overview
Whether they are called lawn weeds, weeds or weeds, no hobby gardener likes them in domestic ornamental and useful lawns. To quickly...
garden editorial
9 minutesThatch | 8 tips to remove matted lawns
The lawn becomes unsightly, yellow and has dry patches, then it is usually thatch...
garden editorial
9 minutesFertilize and lime the lawn at the same time? What is recommended
A healthy, green lawn requires a lot of work, but it's not rocket science either. Especially lime and the right fertilizer...
garden editorial
5 minutesFertilizing the lawn in autumn – overview | Time, autumn fertilizer & Co
When the snow cover has melted, the hobby gardener often sees a sad-looking lawn. And there is only hope that...
Home editorial office
5 minutesAmmonia Sulphate for Lawns | ammonium sulphate fertilizer
When winter leaves the lawn as a yellowish-brown, weed-strewn area, ammonium sulfate fertilizer brings the green...
garden editorial
12 minutesRecognizing Lawn Diseases - List of the most common lawn problems
If the lawn does not grow evenly green, you may have a lawn disease. The article lists the most common...
garden editorial
13 minutesRed clover in the lawn - how to fight red clover properly
Four-leaf clover is said to bring luck, but it is not so popular in a well-groomed lawn. red clover...
garden editorial
6 minutesFight witch rings in the lawn | These funds help
Unattractive, circular areas in the lawn can indicate a fungal disease. These are witch rings that...
garden editorial
7 minutesIron sulphate fertilizer against moss in the lawn - application
Anyone who asks about a moss killer for the lawn in the garden center often gets the recommendation to use iron sulphate fertilizer...
garden editorial
9 minutesLawn care in the fall
If the careful lawn care in autumn leads to an all-encompassing finale, the green area is well prepared...
garden editorial
6 minutesPreparing the lawn for the winter – sensible measures
When autumn marks the end of the gardening year, there is still a lot to do, for example in terms of...