Mixed culture: 9 good neighbors of parsley

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Table of contents

  • Basics of mixed culture
  • Good neighbors
  • onion vegetables
  • root vegetable
  • fruit vegetables
  • Leafy vegetables
  • strawberries
  • Unsuitable plant neighbors

Parsley is a popular culinary herb that is easy to grow in the garden. If you want to integrate the parsley into the mixed culture, you have to know which vegetables are suitable and which are not.

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Basics of mixed culture

Mixed culture means to socialize different vegetable and herb gardens on one bed. This promises mutual protection against pests and diseases and the improvement of growth properties. It is important in mixed cultivation to consider all plant families of the vegetables used in order to comply with the crop rotation. Sufficient space must also be available so that the planting distances can be maintained

Good neighbors

Parsley is a bit tricky when it comes to socializing in the vegetable patch, but it is great to grow in a pot by the kitchen window. As far as good neighbors in the garden are concerned, they should not be closely related to parsley.

A notice:

Unfortunately, parsley is not in good hands in a herb bed, as it hardly gets along with other herbs, at most annual herbs can be nearby.

onion vegetables

In addition to normal onions, this also includes leeks.

  • Smell of parsley drives away the onion fly, the pest digs tunnels in onion vegetables and makes them inedible
  • The smell of onions drives away pests on the parsley

root vegetable

Parsley goes particularly well with radishes or radishes.

  • Radishes are useful for marking rows of parsley seeds
  • pungent aroma of the radish protects the parsley

fruit vegetables

Parsley likes to grow together with tomatoes or cucumbers, then also in the company of other herbs, such as borage.

  • suitable as ground cover for pots
  • Smell repels aphids
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers and parsley can be harvested together for salads

Leafy vegetables

When it comes to leafy greens, it is important to distinguish between good and bad neighbors for parsley. While spinach and chard are good, lettuce makes a bad neighbor.

  • Spinach is also suitable as green manure
  • Leftovers can remain on the bed as mulch and protect against weeds and drought
  • Large chard leaves protect parsley seedlings from drying out
  • they also protect against strong sunlight, which parsley does not like


Strawberries - Fragaria

A few parsley plants between the strawberries protect them from pests.

Unsuitable plant neighbors

In principle, other umbellifers are not suitable for growing together with parsley. This includes:

  • carrots
  • celery
  • dill
  • fennel
  • chervil

In addition, no other umbellifers should grow on this bed in the following 4 years. This prevents the spread of pests or diseases.

A notice:

If you find individual, small, colorful butterfly caterpillars on your umbelliferous plants, let them do their thing. Most often these are descendants of the swallowtail, they do not endanger the plants.

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