Hanging kitten willow: 10 tips for planting, care and pruning

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Table of contents

  • Location
  • substrate
  • Plant
  • tub culture
  • Pour
  • Fertilize
  • Cut
  • multiply
  • hibernate
  • repot
  • Typical care mistakes, pests and diseases

The Hanging Cattle Willow is ideal for small gardens because it hardly grows in height and the width can be easily controlled through regular trimmings. However, in order for her to show off her decorative kittens every year and to thrive, she needs coordinated care - from planting to trimming.

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The hanging catkin willow depends on plenty of sunlight, so the location should be correspondingly bright. The blazing midday sun is also good for the tree, which is why it is ideally planted on the south side. Light shade is also still tolerated, but is detrimental to the growth and resistance of the catkin willow. Because the Hanging Catkins Willow is a willow trunk on which the catkins are grafted are, on the one hand, height growth is severely limited and, on the other hand, depends on the already existing trunk height dependent.

If there is only little space available in the garden and the tree should shade as little area as possible, the trunk should be as short as possible. When choosing the location for the hanging catkin willow, it should also be noted that it grows a lot in width and then shows its typical "hood". A corresponding amount of space must therefore be available all around and it must also be considered that a Waste is possible and advisable, but the hood shape also requires a certain branch length requires.


Nectar and pollen from the catkin willow serve as food for insects early in the year and are therefore very attractive to them. Anyone who is allergic to stings should therefore either do without the Hanging Kitten Willow or they but as far as possible from windows, doors and other areas of plants where people often gather stop.


The hanging catkin willow is not picky about the substrate. Acidic or alkaline, sandy or slightly moist - the tree is tolerant of all garden soils. A special preparation, special soil or mixtures are therefore not necessary. However, fresh garden soil and mixing in compost is recommended, as the nutrients in the Hanging Kitten Willow will help it grow and thrive.


If the substrate is very loose, dry and sandy, some bark mulch can be worked in to improve the water storage capacity and reduce the amount of watering.



The hanging catkin willow can be planted in autumn and spring. In the spring, however, the use of a bare-rooted plant should be preferred. The following factors should also be considered when planting:

  • Do not use in frost
  • Prepare soil with compost or mulch if necessary
  • Planting hole should be at least twice to three times the size of the root ball
  • Water generously after planting and compacting the soil
  • If necessary, stabilize the trunk with a stick or stick

It is also particularly important that the hanging catkin willow is regularly watered for about a year after planting, which helps it to grow.

tub culture

If there is no garden available, this is no problem for the Hanging Kitten Willow. It can also be cultivated in a bucket. The only important thing here is that the planter grows with it and that fresh soil is provided every two to three years. In addition, the kitten willow must again be in the sun. In addition, the maintenance effort is greater due to the necessary watering and the smaller amount of soil.


A drainage layer at the bottom of the pot prevents waterlogging even when the willow is in the cachepot, or at least reduces the risk of it.


As with the substrate, the hanging catkin willow is not choosy when it comes to water hardness. Nevertheless, soft and therefore as little lime as possible water is the better choice. Suitable sources for this are:

  • Collected rainwater
  • Stale or filtered tap water
  • Untreated pond water

For this purpose, the hanging catkin willow should be watered abundantly, because you don't get dryness. After the first year, however, it can usually take care of itself via the expanded roots. However, this only applies to short phases without precipitation and if the substrate has the appropriate water storage capacity.
In order to reduce the effort for casting, the following options are therefore available:

  • Work mulch into the soil or cover the soil with it
  • Put gravel or larger stones on the tree disc
  • Work an indentation in the ground around the tree grate, which serves as a watering channel and directs the water to the roots



The hanging catkin willow is not picky about the nutrient content of the substrate, but still needs sufficient minerals for healthy growth. These can be made available to her in the form of compost or long-term fertilizer. One dose per year is sufficient in both cases. The hanging catkin willow is fertilized in spring, when the first shoots begin. If compost was already added to the substrate for planting, no additional nutrient supply is required in the first year.


The hanging catkin willow tolerates pruning very well - but does not necessarily depend on the measure. However, if you want to control and reduce the size of the hanging treetop, there is no way around the waste.

The following points should be noted:

  • Only use clean, optimally disinfected cutting tools for cutting
  • Cut the hanging catkin willow as soon as possible after flowering
  • Shortening the branches leads to branching and compaction of growth, so pruning should be done as close to the crown as possible to thin out the willow
  • Pruning in summer is possible, but should be done more gently and not reduce the length of the branches so much

You can decide for yourself how long you want the branches to be. The branches can be halved lengthwise or pruned back to a third, a healthy hanging catkin will not mind a more radical pruning. It should be noted, however, that shortening the branches alone only leads to compaction and does not thin out the crown.


Due to the high tolerance to pruning, individual kittens can also be won from the pasture for spring and Easter bouquets.


Anyone who is looking forward to numerous hanging catkin willows from their own hands will unfortunately be disappointed - because propagation is only possible with the appropriate knowledge of grafting and grafting. The process is time-consuming and complicated, which is why it cannot be recommended for hobby gardeners and beginners in plant care.



The hanging catkin willow is hardy and does not require any special protection once established. Appropriate measures should still be taken when planting in autumn and when growing in tubs. After planting in autumn, brushwood, straw and mulch should be applied to the tree disc to protect the roots. A wrapping with plant fleece or jute protects the crown of the tree from frost damage.

For the hanging catkin willow in tub culture, this procedure in combination with placing on Styrofoam in mild winters and in a sheltered location can also be sufficient. However, it is safer to spend the winter indoors. Since the catkin willow sheds its leaves in winter, a dark room that is cold but not exposed to frost is sufficient. For example, a basement or garage and temperatures between 0 and 5°C are suitable. Also important for hibernation:

  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Prevent the soil from drying out completely
  • Stop fertilizing in September at the latest

When it comes to the supply of nutrients, it is important to know possible sources. It does not always have to be commercially available fertilizer or compost that has been applied in a targeted manner. Pond water and plant manure also contribute to the nutrient supply and could prevent the natural preparation of the plant for hibernation.


As already mentioned, when cultivating the hanging catkins in tubs, it is necessary to change the soil regularly and also to let the planter “grow” with it. It is usually sufficient to carry out this measure every two to three years. When choosing the pot, you should pay particular attention to stability. The container should therefore be as heavy and wide as possible so that the expansive treetop does not lead to a high center of gravity and thus to an unsafe position.

It is also important that the entire soil is changed when repotting. In this way, a maximum of fresh nutrients can reach the Hanging Kitten Willow and any germs and pests present in the substrate are removed, which reduces the risk for disease decreases. If you don't want to constantly check and even empty the planter when watering the tree, or if you want to be particularly careful, you can put a drainage layer in the bucket. This can consist of potsherds, coarse gravel or stones that are layered two to three fingers thick over the drain holes. Nevertheless, it is of course important not to water excessively.

Typical care mistakes, pests and diseases

The hanging catkin willow is a robust plant in itself, but it can suffer from care errors and, above all, willow rust.
The following problems in particular are often found as care errors:

  • dryness
  • Location too dark
  • Missing nutrients

This weakens the small tree, making it more susceptible to disease and damage from parasites. The optics also suffer. This can be remedied by regular watering and checking the culture conditions. Especially in the tub culture, it is important to water more frequently and also to fertilize annually. The so-called willow rust is a fungal infection in which so-called spore deposits form - through which the fungus spreads. These appear as orange dots on the leaves. Suitable countermeasures are:

  • Removal of infested leaves
  • Thoroughly sweep away fallen leaves
  • Destroy leaves - do not put them in the compost

In addition, as a preventative measure, the leaves can be checked, regular fertilization and, if necessary, the use of plant strengtheners. In the case of severe infestations, a suitable fungicide from a specialist dealer may have to be used.

author garden editorial

I write about everything that interests me in my garden.

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