Can rabbits eat apples?

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Can rabbits eat apples?

Rabbits are always nibbling on fresh grass or dry hay. But the little rodents also like to refine their meal with other delicacies. Find out here if rabbits can eat apples.

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In a nutshell

  • Apples are edible and healthy for rabbits and hares
  • Disadvantage: "harmful" sugar and "irritating" acid
  • not suitable as a feed substitute, only as a treat
  • two to three times a week, 1 to 2 apple slices
  • best without stalk, shell and seeds (poisonous in very large quantities)

Table of contents

  • Apples as a dietary supplement
  • Benefits of Apples
  • Disadvantages of Apples
  • Feed apples properly
  • frequently asked Questions

Apples as a dietary supplement

Rabbits need plenty of fresh greenery all year round. If little of it is available, for example in winter, it can also be dry hay. Vegetables and fruit are not suitable to replace this staple food. Not even if the animals happily accept both. However, as a supplement to rabbits' daily food, apples are not only acceptable, they are a welcome treat. However, some animals may not like the taste of apples and will either leave the fruit or be reluctant to eat it.

European hare (Lepus europaeus)
European hare (Lepus europaeus)

Danger: Although the terms "rabbit" and "hare" are often used interchangeably, there are clear differences between the two. The most important thing: (field) hares are protected animals and are not allowed to be kept privately in Germany.

Benefits of Apples

Just like us humans, apples are healthy for rabbits. Their ingredients contribute to the healthy development of the animals. Specifically, apples as rabbit food offer these advantages:

  • plenty of dietary fiber: supports digestion
  • many vitamins: strengthen the immune system
  • Potassium: counteracts frequent deficiencies, prevents hypokalemia
  • high water content: indirect water intake (rabbits often drink too little)
Woman rubs apple

Tip: Grated apple is a natural remedy for diarrhea. Grate a quarter of an apple and let the mass stand for 10 minutes before offering it to the sick animal as a medicine.

Disadvantages of Apples

Even if the apple is not one of the sweetest fruits, it still contains a lot of fructose. This substance is available in large quantities also harmful to our pets if consumed regularly. Experts even assume that sugar Rabbits and rabbits more harm than humans. Your digestive system can be permanently disturbed, you become overweight. In addition to sweetness, apples also contain acid, which in turn can irritate the animals' sensitive stomachs.

Feed apples properly

Rabbit eats pieces of apple

Even if apples have some disadvantages, they do not necessarily have to be eliminated from the menu. If you adhere to the following recommendations, snacking on apples will not harm your pet:

  • Never use apples as main food
  • only feed healthy fruits
  • one or two apple slices are enough as a treat
  • not daily, but max. give two to three times a week
  • Remove stem, shell and seeds
  • Do not feed animals that are already overweight or feed them more cautiously

Tip: Wash the apple thoroughly before feeding it to rabbits. This not only removes dirt, but also any pesticides that may have adhered. To be on the safe side, you can also peel the apple.

frequently asked Questions

Can rabbits eat poisonous apple seeds?

If you feed your rabbit as recommended above, you do not necessarily have to remove the few seeds. According to experts, the dose of poison ingested is far too low to seriously harm the animal.

What shouldn't you feed rabbits?

Stone fruit causes diarrhea in rabbits, citrus fruits are irritating to the stomach, and exotic fruits such as avocados can cause digestive problems. Bloating legumes such as beans and peas as well as onions have no place on the feed plan. Leftovers and processed foods are also not suitable rabbit food. In addition, some garden plants are poisonous to these rodents.

What fruit can rabbits eat?

Permitted are pineapple, apples, bananas, pears, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, mango, melons and grapes. All of these types of fruit may only be fed as small treats.