Balcony autumn planting: 15 decorative autumn plants

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Balcony autumn planting: 15 decorative autumn plants

Table of contents

  • assemble plants
  • Cyclamen (cyclamen)
  • Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)
  • Ivy (Hedera helix)
  • Elf Flower (Epimedium)
  • Stonecrop (Sedum)
  • Houseleek (Sempervivum)
  • Heath (Erica)
  • Purple Bells (Heuchera)
  • Checkerberry (Gaultheria)
  • Silver Leaf (Lunaria annua)
  • Late flowering dahlias (Dahlia)
  • Barbed Wire Plant (Calocephalus)
  • ornamental grasses
  • ornamental cabbage
  • ornamental wine
  • Autumn decorations
  • frequently asked Questions

In autumn we often expect dreary days and gray skies, but colorful flowers can continue to bloom on the balcony. With the right autumn planting on the balcony, blossoms, colorful foliage and ornamental grasses ensure a varied, natural decoration and a good mood. By doing the Decorate the balcony and make it autumnal, they extend the balcony time by valuable weeks. And it's that easy:

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assemble plants

There is a large selection of autumn plantings available for your balcony. They come into their own in colorful combinations and create a lush look. When making the combinations, however, pay attention to the demands and properties of the plants. These should match if

Planted balcony boxes become.

These factors include:

  • Fluid and nutrient requirements
  • Location
  • substrate
  • hardiness

Especially frost-sensitive plants like cyclamen must be placed in a cool, bright room in the house before the first frost. They are therefore not suitable for mixed cultivation with more resistant plants.


Alternatively, more sensitive plants can be placed in plant pots in tubs or boxes. In case of frost, these are easy to remove and bring into the house. The resulting gaps can be filled with evergreen plants or with autumnal decorations.

Cyclamen (cyclamen)

Cyclamen - Cyclamen

Cyclamen are available in numerous colors, single and double. They are not hardy, but can beautify the window sills of cool rooms during frosty times. In combination with the checkerberry and heather they come into their own particularly well.

Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)

Chrysanthemum - Chrysanthemum

bloomers chrysanthemums are great for the balcony. They are available in numerous colors and varieties, so that variety can be provided with them alone. When choosing, the flowering period and winter hardiness should be taken into account. Garden chrysanthemums are also known as winter asters and survive frost without damage. However, they hardly or not at all bloom in autumn.

Fall chrysanthemums bloom from August through November, attracting bees and butterflies. However, they are only partially hardy and need a sheltered location and protection from freezing.

Ivy (Hedera helix)

Ivy - Hedera helix

Ivy is evergreen, hardy and easy to care for. Although its foliage does not turn conspicuously colorful in autumn, it remains a decorative base. Does he have one as a privacy screen? climbing aid overgrown, hanging pots with flowering plants can set colorful accents.

Elf Flower (Epimedium)

Elf Flower - Epimedium

The elf flowers Although they flower in spring, they beautify the balcony in autumn with the play of colors of their foliage. The leaves are only shed in severe and prolonged frost. In mild winters, it has a decorative effect all year round.

Stonecrop (Sedum)

Stonecrop - Sedum

Sedums are popular ground covers and bloom from August to October. The color spectrum ranges from white to pink to red. The small flowers invite you to take a closer look, while hardy varieties bring life to the balcony even when the temperature is below zero.

Houseleek (Sempervivum)

Houseleek - Sempervivum

Even under optimal conditions, the houseleek only flowers from the third year. The flowering period is between May and August. The different varieties and colors are decorative all year round. houseleek is hardy, easy to care for and robust.

Heath (Erica)


Snow heather and common heather are available in white, soft pink and bright pink. The small and numerous flowers are particularly decorative and can adorn the plants until late spring. You are one of the first food sources for bees and are more than just an attractive autumn decoration for the balcony.

Purple Bells (Heuchera)

Purplebells - Heuchera

Depending on the overall weather conditions, purple bells bloom until September. However, the decorative leaf perennials are also eye-catchers without flowers. The bright foliage provides an interesting contrast to green plants throughout the winter.

Checkerberry (Gaultheria)

Gaultheria - Gaultheria

Also known as the winter berry, the checkerberry is extremely hardy and has very glossy leaves. Bright red fruits appear in November, which can round off the autumn decorations on the balcony. They also serve as a source of food for birds in winter.

Silver Leaf (Lunaria annua)

Silverleaf - Lunaria annua

Due to the silver-green leaf color, the silver leaf is an eye-catcher even without flowers and creates interesting contrasts to other plants. After flowering, decorative, translucent seed heads are formed. The annual silver leaf is not hardy. In mild winters, it can be wrapped or wintered in a sheltered place and wrapped in fleece. In severe frosts, the plant must be bright and cool in the house.

Late flowering dahlias (Dahlia)

Dahlias - Dahlia

Late-flowering varieties of dahlia The first flowers can open as early as July and represent a colorful decoration for the balcony until late autumn. They are available in numerous colors, as well as plain and filled variants. The late-blooming ones tolerate frost dahlias not and must be overwintered indoors.

Barbed Wire Plant (Calocephalus)

Barbed Wire Plant - Calocephalus

The barbed wire plant is a decorative addition to the balcony due to its interesting appearance. Originating from Australia. it is not hardy in the local regions, but still suitable as a plant, because even the frozen shoots are decorative.

ornamental grasses

ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses, with and without flowers, are a decorative addition to autumnal balcony decorations and are available in a wide variety. Variants with a height of two meters can serve as a natural privacy screen. Varieties that remain small, on the other hand, are suitable for combining with flowering plants and enrich balcony boxes with their dynamic appearance.

Species suitable for the balcony are:

  • Atlas fescue (Festuca mairei)
  • blue fescue (Festuca glauca)
  • Chinese reed (miscanthus)
  • Japanese blood grass (Imperata cylindrica)
  • japanese sedge (Carex morrowii)
  • Pennisetum grass(Pennisetum alopecuroides)
  • pampas grass(Cortaderia Selloana)
  • moor grass (Molinia)
  • riding grass (Calamagrostis acutiflora)
  • giant feather grass (Celtica gigantea)
  • Switchgrass(Panicum virgatum)
  • Delicate feather grass (Stipa tenuissima)


Due to the significant differences in size, the final size and the cut tolerance of the respective ornamental grass must be taken into account. Winter hardiness and any necessary protective measures are also important criteria.

ornamental cabbage

Ornamental cabbage - Brassica oleracea

Decorative cabbage is an unusual decoration for the balcony due to its unusual shape and color gradient. Without protection, it tolerates temperatures down to -10 °C.

ornamental wine

Ornamental wine - wild wine

Ornamental wine is hardy, does not need protection from the wind and is as robust as it is colourful. The foliage coloration in winter is an eye-catcher, while the plant itself serves as a privacy screen.

Suitable for the balcony are:

  • virgin vine
  • scarlet wine
  • Wild Wine

Autumn decorations

The autumn planting can be supplemented with other seasonal decorations to make the balcony particularly individual.

Autumnal decoration on the balcony

Suitable and natural are among others:

  • (Ornamental) pumpkins
  • bound ears of grain
  • dried sunflowers
  • corn on the cob
  • straw figures
  • bird houses
  • Pumpkins for Halloween

LED light chains, lanterns, cushions, blankets and glass balls can be used as balcony decorations all year round. They become autumnal with yellow, orange and red tones, which are reminiscent of the colors of autumn leaves.

frequently asked Questions

are suitable conifers for the autumn planting of the balcony?

Yes, hardy conifers that remain small or tolerate pruning can form the evergreen basis for autumn planting on the balcony. They are easy to care for and are a lively decoration even in winter.

How do I care for balcony plants in autumn?

Most plants do not need fertilizing in autumn. It is important to avoid both dryness and waterlogging. In the event of heavy rainfall and if there is no roof, water drainage must be ensured.

author Home editorial office

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