Fertilize chili: timing & 6 suitable home remedies

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Fertilize chili: timing & 6 suitable home remedies

So that the tasty chili (Capsicum frutescens) get their special sharpness, they have to be fertilized at the right time. This article explains when this is and which home remedies can be used to fertilize the plants.

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In a nutshell

  • Chilies belong to the nightshade family
  • the heavily consuming plants need a lot of nutrients
  • different growth phases with different demands on the nutrient supply
  • Tomato fertilizer is also suitable for the chili plants
  • Both too much and too little fertilizer is bad for the plants

Table of contents

  • First fertilization
  • Second fertilization
  • Third fertilization
  • Main nutrients for chili
  • 6 suitable home remedies for fertilizing
  • Compost - the classic
  • coffee grounds
  • tea
  • wood ash
  • Various plant manure
  • eggshells
  • frequently asked Questions

First fertilization

When the plants grow in relatively nutrient-poor soil themselves grown from seed then the first fertilization must take place earlier than with chili plants purchased in pots:

  • after pricking
  • when used in their own small pots
  • chili are not yet placed in the open at this time
Chili seedling in the pot

A notice: If the plants are purchased in a pot, they have already received this first fertilization from the garden center or other dealer.

Second fertilization

Before the plants in mid to late May after the ice saint planted outdoors, they must receive the second fertilization:

  • prepare a lean soil before planting
  • Fold in compost
  • alternatively, rotted horse or cow manure can also be used
  • Treat the bed accordingly a month in advance

Tip: Natural fertilizers activate soil life and improve the soil structure. They also supply the plants with additional nutrients.

Third fertilization

When the first flower buds appear in late May shortly after planting, then it is time for the third fertilization:

  • for a bountiful harvest
  • Phosphorus and potassium are now particularly important
  • so many flower buds can be formed
Chili plant with flowers and fruits

Main nutrients for chili

Chilies need various nutrients for healthy growth and a rich harvest.

These include the main nutrients:

  • potassium for the fruit
  • and the resilience
  • Nitrogen for strong leaves and roots
  • helps the chillies to sharpen
  • for this capsaicin must be formed
  • Phosphorus for the formation of flowers and fruits
  • also for root growth
  • magnesium is also needed for green leaves

6 suitable home remedies for fertilizing

When fertilizing plants, various home remedies are not only inexpensive, but also effective. Below are 6 home remedies that provide the chilli plant with valuable nutrients and thus help it grow.

Compost - the classic

One of the classic home remedies for fertilizing compost. This is mixed in before planting the soil in the garden bed. Compost also contains all the main nutrients you need when it is properly laid out became. As an alternative to compost, horse manure is also suitable for fertilizing the chili plants.

Horse manure on a wheelbarrow
horse manure

A notice: However, avoid fresh horse manure for the chili plants that are among the paprika belong. Because it contains too much ammonia, which damages the plants. The manure should be spread out and dried long enough beforehand, about a week. Then the ammonia content decreases.

coffee grounds

coffee grounds is considered a good home remedy to replace commercial fertilizer. The set can be collected in cans until it is needed for fertilization:

  • contains a lot of nitrogen
  • but also phosphorus and potassium
  • sprinkle on the soil around the plants
  • incorporate and pour well
Dried coffee grounds in bowls as fertilizer


Tea is not a main fertilizer, but it can be used as an additional fertilizer:

  • nutrient-poor soils are improved in the short term
  • makes plants more resilient
  • Contain phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen
  • Both brewed tea and the tea set can be used

Tip: Not only black tea can be used, nettle, herbal and chamomile tea are also good additional suppliers of the required nutrients.

wood ash

who one stove owns, can collect the ash and use it to fertilize the chilies in the spring. This strengthens the health of the plants and promotes the formation of flowers and fruits:

wood ash
  • only use in small amounts
  • contains 25-45% calcium
  • also potassium and magnesium
  • only ash from natural wood
  • do not use ash from coals

Various plant manure

Manure from plants can be made quickly and easily at home. Since they contain a lot of potassium and nitrogen, they are used to strengthen the chili. For the liquid manure, the various plants used are simply placed in enough water and left for one to two weeks. When fermentation occurs, the liquid manure is strained out and diluted with the irrigation water and used as fertilizer for the chili.

Prepare nettle stock
Prepare nettle manure

The following manures are suitable for this:

  • nettle manure
  • comfrey manure

A notice: If you fertilize with manure, then you should choose an overcast day for this. The best time of day for fertilizing is also late in the evening.


Especially if the soil in which the chili grow is very acidic, then you can eggshells improve the substrate. However, it should be remembered that watering with tap water already adds a lot of lime. However, if rainwater is used, crushed and dry eggshells added to the soil with the irrigation water can help.


frequently asked Questions

Which fertilizers contain the required nutrients?

If you want to use a fertilizer from the trade and none of the home remedies presented here, then you will hardly find any special chilli fertilizer here. But tomato fertilizer usually contain the nutrients required by the chilies and can therefore also be used for these plants.

Can I tell if my chili plants are lacking fertilizer?

Chilies that have received too little fertilizer show this through poor growth, hardly any flowers are formed. When the leaves turn yellow, the plants also need magnesium and nitrogen. A lack of iron is also indicated by yellow leaves.

Is it possible to over-fertilize the chili plants?

The administration of the nutrients should of course always be balanced and adapted to the respective time of the fertilizer application. It is quite possible that the plants can also be over-fertilized and therefore grow poorly and do not form flowers. Especially if you use mineral fertilizers from the trade, over-fertilization can quickly occur. With home remedies, the danger is not so great.

What can I do to ensure that the fertilizer can be properly absorbed by the plants?

In order for the roots to be able to absorb the nutrients present in the soil, two things are crucial. On the one hand it is important that the soil is well drained, on the other hand there should be enough watering, because the chilli absorbs the nutrients with the irrigation water via the roots.