Plant the flower box on the balcony for autumn

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Plant the flower box on the balcony for autumn

Planting the flower box on the balcony for autumn is not too difficult. There are many suitable plants available on the market every year, some of which are even hardy and can be used again every year.

Video tip

To the point

  • Ensure good drainage in the balcony box
  • Doesn't require much care in the fall
  • Planting spacing may be smaller than usual
  • Natural decorations further beautify the flower box

Table of contents

  • Planting tips
  • Suitable plants
  • More decoration options
  • Chinese lantern flower and silver leaf
  • frequently asked Questions

Planting tips

Basically one Autumn planting not quite as complex as planting in spring, as the season overall is much shorter. However, good water drainage is important, especially if the balcony is in such an inconvenient location that it gets a lot of rain in autumn. If the substrate is heavy, such as loamy soil from the garden, it can also make sense to add a drainage layer directly over the holes in the ground and mix in additional sand.

Autumnal flower box graphically represented: cyclamen, chrysanthemums, common ivy and bell heather

You should pay attention to the following things:

  • Fill the substrate on top of the drainage layer
  • Nutrient-rich compost soil is well suited, then there is no need for further fertilization
  • Place the plants in the box as desired
  • Choose planting partners based on light and soil conditions
  • plant tall plants in the background or center
  • overhanging plants to the edge
  • Don't leave too much space between the plants as they won't grow as much in the fall
  • Fill with soil and press down well
  • then water
  • Possibly include substrate Bark mulch Cover and add other decorations

Suitable plants

Cyclamen (cyclamen)

In addition to the indoor cyclamen, there are also species that are suitable for the garden or planters, such as the autumn cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium).

Autumn cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium 'Album')
Source: Autumn Cyclamen 'Album' Source: Agnes Monkelbaan, Cyclamen hederifolium 013, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Location: partially shaded, not too dry
  • Blossom: August to October, pink, purple
  • Care: Keep moist, but avoid waterlogging

Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum)

Chrysanthemums are popular flowers for autumn planting in balcony boxes. Lower varieties are better than tall ones as they can fall over easily and the shoots can break off.

Autumn chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum indicum)
Source: Martin R.J. Boeselt, Autumn chrysanthemums, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Location: sunny, as dry as possible
  • Blossom: from August to frost, many different colors
  • Care: Do not let it dry out, remove any dead flowers

If you want hardy chrysanthemums, you have to look carefully at the label when shopping; there are both hardy and non-hardy varieties.

Stonecrop (Sedum), Stonecrop

Depending on the variety, sedums are suitable for different balcony boxes. The flat, more creeping varieties even make do with flat bowls. Because they are hardy, they can be planted in the garden in spring.

Fat hen (Sedum spectabile)
  • Location: sunny, not too wet, permeable substrate
  • Blossom: August to October, white, pink, yellow, red
  • Care: water little

Common ivy (Hedera helix)

Small varieties of ivy are well suited as autumn plants for balcony boxes; they usually grow overhanging or climbing. Two-tone varieties are particularly attractive.

Ivy (Hedera helix)
  • Location: sunny to shady, moist, well-drained soil
  • Blossom: Does not bloom in the balcony box, only after 10 years in the garden
  • Care: keep moist, can be cut back

Bell Heath (Erica gracilis)

The bell heather belongs to the heather family and, along with the chrysanthemum, is one of the most popular autumn potted plants. Unfortunately, in most cases it is not winter hardy.

Bell heather (Erica gracilis)
  • Location: sunny, rather acidic substrate, but normal potting soil is tolerated
  • Blossom: September to December, white, pink, purple, red
  • Care: Keep moist but avoid waterlogging

Houseleek (Sempervivum)

Although the houseleek usually no longer blooms in autumn, it is suitable as an ornamental foliage plant because of its colorful rosettes and unusual shape. Most varieties are winter hardy.

Eyelash houseleek (Sempervivum ciliosum)
  • Location: sunny, dry, permeable, even stony substrate
  • Blossom: May to August, white, pink, yellow
  • Care: Requires little care and usually doesn't even need to be watered

Autumn catchfly (Silene schafta 'Splendens')

This variety of catchfly is a cushion-forming perennial that grows to around 12 cm high and tends to grow overhanging in the balcony box. It is hardy and also fits well in the rock garden.

Autumn catchfly (Silene schafta 'Splendens')
Source: Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova, Silene schafta Lepnica Schafta 2020-07-28 01, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Location: sunny, well-drained, sandy substrate
  • Blossom: August to October, pink
  • Care: Do not allow the substrate to dry out

Cushion Aster (Aster dumosus)

With a growth height of up to 50 cm, the cushion asters remain smaller than other asters; in the balcony box they often do not even reach this height. They form dense cushions and are suitable for summer planting.

Cushion Aster (Aster dumosus)
Source: Photo by David J. Stang, Aster x dumosus Alert 4zz, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0
  • Location: sunny, nutrient-rich, moist soil, but without waterlogging
  • Blossom: August to October, pink, red, purple, blue
  • Care: Keep the substrate evenly moist

More decoration options

The right plants alone can make a balcony box look autumnal enough. It gets even better with the right decoration. Natural materials that shine in warm colors in autumn are particularly suitable for this.

Some examples:

  • rosehips
  • nuts
  • Acorns and chestnuts
  • Ornamental pumpkins
  • Dried leaves of deciduous trees
Decoration options, pumpkins, walnuts, corn on the cob

When it comes to natural materials, it should be noted that they rot more quickly when they come into contact with moisture, for example from rain or because they are lying on the damp substrate in the balcony box. If this is not desired, artificial versions made of plastic or porcelain can be used instead of natural decorative elements.

Chinese lantern flower and silver leaf

Although both plants are not suitable for the balcony, they are suitable as decoration for balcony boxes. The dried, orange blossom is used for the lantern flower. In the case of silver leaf, the dried seed head. Both last a very long time and they can grow well together in the garden.

Chinese lantern flower (Physalis alkekengi)

  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, nutrient-rich, moist rather than dry soil
  • Growth: up to 80 cm high
  • Blossom: July to September, orange
  • Care: Don't let it dry out, fertilize in spring. If growth is undisturbed, it spreads itself over a large area

Silver leafLunaria (Lunaria annua)

  • Location: Partially shaded to shady
  • Growth: up to 120 cm high
  • Blossom: May to June, white, purple, pink
  • Care: Water in dry conditions, spreads through self-sowing

frequently asked Questions

What happens to plants in winter?

Most autumn balcony plants are hardy, but often not particularly attractive in the cold season. That's why it's better to replace the planting before winter. Otherwise, you can cover the plants with softwood twigs in late autumn and leave them decorated for winter. The plants can then be planted in the garden in spring.

Which balcony boxes are best for autumn?

Terracotta boxes or clay boxes work best in terms of color. They also retain the heat from sunlight for longer and thus protect the plants from excessive cold at night. They are also heavier than plastic boxes and therefore more resistant to autumn storms.

Do plants have to be in the Cut back in autumn become?

In autumn, pruning in the balcony box is limited to removing spent flowers. Everything else is unnecessary. Hardy plants should only be cut back in spring as the existing foliage is needed as winter protection.