Store mushrooms correctly: this way they stay fresh

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Storing Mushrooms Title

Collecting mushrooms is fun. If you come home with full baskets, you need ways to store the perishable mushrooms. What is to be considered?

Video tip

To the point

  • low shelf life of mushrooms
  • Gentle transport increases durability
  • clean thoroughly
  • don't squeeze
  • store in an airy place

Table of contents

  • to pick mushrooms
  • Store in the refrigerator
  • Dry mushrooms
  • Freeze mushrooms
  • Boil mushrooms
  • frequently asked Questions

to pick mushrooms

You can check the shelf life of mushrooms influence already when collecting. You should note the following:

  1. Roughly clean the mushrooms where they were found.
  2. Transport the mushrooms in a basket or bag made of breathable cotton fabric.
  3. At home, carefully remove the mushrooms from the container. Place the specimens on kitchen towels or newspaper.
  4. Clean the mushrooms thoroughly.
Clean mushrooms at the site
Clean mushrooms for storage

Danger: The mushrooms absorb water like sponges. Clean them Forest fruits carefully with a sharp knife and a soft brush. Avoid washing. The water affects the shelf life and taste of the mushrooms when stored.

Store in the refrigerator

You can store cleaned mushrooms in the refrigerator in an air-permeable container for a short time. Under no circumstances should you store mushrooms in a plastic bag. A paper bag, however, is well suited. It is best to put the mushrooms in the vegetable compartment.

You can store mushrooms overnight in a cold basement. In dry weather it is also possible to put them on the balcony.

Durability:two days

A notice: The sensitive forest mushrooms must not be bruised. They spoil easily at the pressure points.

Dry mushrooms

If you the Forest mushrooms If you don't want to eat them in a day or two, it's worth it dry for longer storage. This can be done in the dehydrator, in the oven or alternatively on a tray lined with kitchen paper. The mushrooms must also be thoroughly cleaned before drying.


  1. Clean the mushrooms thoroughly. Remove damaged areas and pressure points.
  2. Slice the mushrooms.
  3. Place the mushroom slices on a tray lined with paper towels.
  4. Turn the mushrooms every two to three days.
  5. After about two weeks, the mushroom slices will be dry and ready for storage.
  6. Fill the dried mushrooms into sealable jars. If you are preparing game dishes or fancy a mushroom soup, you can take the desired amount.

Drying is quicker on a tray lined with baking paper in the oven at 60 degrees Celsius.

durability: one to two years

Our tip:Dried mushrooms can be easily processed into mushroom flour in a blender. You can use this to refine game and other dishes.

Freeze mushrooms

The easiest way to store it is this Freeze. However, this is only for solid varieties like Porcini mushrooms and Mushrooms recommended. Other varieties lose their consistency when thawed. They get mushy.

Fruits and vegetables frozen in a freezer


  1. Clean the mushrooms thoroughly. Do not use water, but use a knife, kitchen paper and a soft brush.
  2. Remove damaged areas.
  3. Slice the mushrooms. You can freeze small specimens without chopping them up.
  4. Carefully put the mushroom slices into food storage containers or freezer bags.

durability: eight months at minus 18 degrees Celsius

Our tip:Chanterelles should never be frozen without pretreatment. They then develop a bitter taste.

Boil mushrooms

Collected mushrooms can also be boiled for storage and consumed later.

Cooked mushrooms


  1. Clean the mushrooms thoroughly. Do not use water, but use a knife, kitchen paper and a soft brush.
  2. Remove all damaged areas.
  3. Cut the mushrooms into pieces. You can cook small specimens without chopping them up.
  4. Blanch the forest fruits for a few minutes.
  5. Place the mushrooms in clean preserving jars. Note the date and variety.

Durability:one to two years

frequently asked Questions

What should you pay attention to when defrosting mushrooms?

If mushrooms are thawed slowly, they become mushy. We recommend adding frozen mushrooms to the pan or saucepan at high temperature. This allows the pores to close, the mushrooms become crispy and retain their aroma.

How high is the risk of salmonella in dried wild mushrooms?

The hygienic processing of forest mushrooms is crucial. To protect against salmonella, the Federal Office for Risk Assessment recommends heating dried mushrooms at at least 80 degrees Celsius for at least 10 minutes after soaking. Dried mushrooms should not be soaked overnight, but only shortly before preparation.

Which mushrooms are not suitable for drying?

Not suitable for drying Giant boviste, Chanterelles, Täublinge, Tintlings. Only use firm varieties such as mushrooms, Chestnuts and Porcini mushrooms.