Who is a cylinder mower worthwhile for?

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Who is a cylinder mower worthwhile for?

Table of contents

  • What are cylinder mowers?
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • use
  • Care and Maintenance
  • fitness
  • Purchase decision
  • frequently asked Questions

Manual reel mowers are popular because of their environmentally friendly properties More and more popular. They cut the grass more precisely, more gently and are surprisingly quiet. However, they are not suitable for all lawns and, in addition to numerous advantages, also have disadvantages.

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What are cylinder mowers?

On cylinder mowers, the cutting blades are arranged horizontally. The devices have a roller that consists of several blades. This roller or spindle rotates as it is pushed and pulled, causing the blades to cut off the blades of grass.

Cylinder mower on the lawn

The simple structure of the mowers and the associated advantages make them an increasingly popular choice. The growing selection is also responsible for this.


In contrast to rotary mowers - which include most electric or petrol lawn mowers -

the hand cylinder mowers do not fray the cut surfaces. They create a more precise cutting image. This results in a better look and protects the plants at the same time. With regard to the other advantages, a clear distinction is important. The term cylinder mower is often used to describe exclusively manually operated devices. However, mowers with classic cutting technology can now also be found with electric or petrol drives. This drive determines the further advantages and suitability.

The advantages of manual cylinder mowers include:

  • Use independent of power sources
  • low noise development
  • low effort for care and maintenance
  • no follow-up costs
  • space saving
  • The cut is particularly low
  • contributes to fitness
  • environmentally friendly mowing
Base of the cylinder mower

With a manual mower, the lawn can easily be trimmed during rest periods or on holidays. This not only benefits the neighborhood.


Manual cylinder mowers are inexpensive to purchase and operate, but they also have limitations and disadvantages.

These include:

  • more frequent mowing necessary
  • physical exertion
  • Lawn needs to be cleaned up

To cut the grass with a reel mower, the lawn should not be higher than about half of the roller height. This means that at least weekly use makes sense.


Other potential disadvantages such as a fixed cutting height or a lack of a collecting container can be avoided by making the right selection. The mowers can now be found in numerous variants and with different features.


Before the lawn is shortened with a cylinder mower, the area should be free of stones, twigs and stronger weeds be. The use is no different from other lawn mowers. The device simply needs to be pushed across the floor at as consistent a speed as possible. If the grass has grown very tall, it is worth scything beforehand to make the work easier. The lawn should also be dry.

Pull out dandelions in the lawn

Care and Maintenance

Cylinder mowers are easy to care for and require little maintenance. In addition to cleaning the cutting edges, sharpening is important. If the blades become dull, mowing becomes more strenuous. With the right equipment, you can easily do the sanding yourself from time to time.

  • All you need is coarse sandpaper
  • rub the cutting blades
  • Use grinding paste or a sanding block
  • Have the mower professionally sharpened every two to three years
  • Service possible in hardware stores

For light mowing, it makes sense to keep the reel mower dry and lubricate the bearings when necessary. Applied at the beginning and end of the season, the lubricant also provides protection against rust. Blade oil can be applied to protect the cutting edges.


If you want the blades to stay sharp for as long as possible, we recommend cleaning them after each use.


Modern, high-quality cylinder mowers are maneuverable, easy to drive and the cutting height can be adjusted. Nevertheless, the effort involved in mowing is relatively high with purely manual models. Although they contribute to fitness, they are not suitable for very large lawns or if you have physical limitations. They are the best choice for sections up to 300 square meters in size. Models with electric or gasoline drives can also be used on larger green areas.

Since the grass must be kept short throughout, cylinder mowers are particularly suitable for ornamental lawns. They are also practical for gardens without electricity. The compact size is ideal for difficult to reach sections. The low-noise mowing ensures peace of mind when working in the garden at unusual times and very close neighbors represents a significant advantage.

Cylinder mower for the lawn in the garden
Source: GURoadrunner, Pushmower3, edited by Hausgarten.net, CC0 1.0

Also not to be forgotten is its suitability for environmentally and budget-conscious hobby gardeners. For these, a manual cylinder mower is by far the best option. It can also be used as an additive. If there is enough time, it can be used to mow. If things have to be done quickly, a powered mower can be used. Costs and environmental pollution caused by electricity consumption or exhaust gases can be effectively reduced.

Purchase decision

Due to the further developments and differences in cylinder mowers, it is important to look carefully and choose when purchasing.

Your own needs play the biggest role:

  • simple models are sufficient for small lawns
  • can he Leave the grass clippings lying around, a collecting basket is unnecessary
  • Versions with a removable collecting basket are ideal
  • since they go to Mulch and to Disposal of green waste can be used

Cylinder mowers with motors do not differ in their performance from other electric or petrol mowers.

  • Due to the type of knife, they cut more precisely
  • However, they make mowing easier
  • Driven models suitable for larger areas and lawns with slopes
Make a purchasing decision at the hardware store


For versatile and economical use, it is important whether the cylinder mower can also be operated without a motor. If the drive can be switched on, the advantages of both variants can be combined.

Last but not least, the width of the spindle also has an influence on suitability. Narrow cylinder mowers are more maneuverable and ideal for narrow sections. In large, open areas, the smaller track width is a disadvantage as it requires more frequent travel. Mowers with a cutting width of at least 45 centimeters are ideal here. In addition, an adjustable cutting height is a useful feature for every mower. Not all manual cylinder mowers are equipped with this.

frequently asked Questions

What do I have to pay attention to when buying a cylinder mower?

The suitability for your own needs is crucial when purchasing in terms of cutting width and features. Stable wheels and easy riding are always important points when choosing. An additional, switchable drive can make things easier in more difficult terrain and larger areas.

What alternatives are there to the cylinder mower?

Cylinder mowers can be found as manual devices, with battery, cable or petrol drive. Different variants can be used with the same, precise cutting pattern. The more common alternative is rotary mowers. They often provide greater performance, but leave frayed cutting surfaces.

When is a cylinder mower not suitable?

Cylinder mowers are not suitable for cutting due to the roller Lawn edges. Purely manual devices require sufficient physical strength. They are therefore not suitable for those with physical limitations or for very large lawns. Working with mowers without an additional drive is also difficult on slopes or slopes.

Are there ride-on cylinder mowers?

Yes, reel mowers are available in many different sizes and designs. These also include ride-on cylinder mowers that are suitable for very large lawns Can cut grass and can even be used in agriculture and landscape maintenance become.

How much do reel mowers cost?

A high-quality, purely manual cylinder mower without wheel drive is available for less than 100 euros. Even models with a grass catcher and adjustable cutting height are inexpensive to purchase. Mowers with a wheel drive and spindle cutting technology cost at least 200 euros. For ride-on cylinder mowers you have to expect to pay at least 1,000 euros.

author Mike

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