Lychee season: when can you buy the fruit?

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Lychee season: when can you buy the fruit?

The lychee tree originally comes from Asia. But the aroma of its spherical fruits has also conquered our palate. They are always available in cans, fresh only in certain months of the year. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the lychee season.

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To the point

  • High season is from November to March
  • also in July and August
  • Freshness characteristics: slightly firm, pink-red skin, delicately fragrant
  • Storage at room temperature: approx. one week
  • Storage in the refrigerator: approx. two weeks

Table of contents

  • Peak season for fresh lychee
  • Fresh lychees in summer
  • Canned lychee is always in season
  • Recognize fresh lychees
  • frequently asked Questions

Peak season for fresh lychee

Originally grew Lychee trees only in the rainforests of China. This tree species has long since crossed the borders of its homeland. Today the growing areas extend across almost the entire subtropical climate zone from Asia to Africa to America. Our markets source lychees, often spelled lychee, primarily from South Africa and Madagascar. Both countries are in the southern hemisphere. When the lychees are ready to harvest there in summer, it is winter here in the northern hemisphere.

Small bowl full of fresh lychees
You can usually buy fresh lychee in local markets in late autumn and winter.

The most important things about the lychee season at a glance:

  • lasts about five months
  • starts in November
  • ends in March of the following year

Fresh lychees in summer

In the winter season, fresh lychees - alongside other exotic fruits such as Persimmons – offered in almost all supermarkets. Some markets also offer fresh lychees in the summer months of July and August. These do not come from southern Africa as it is winter there at that time. The summer lychees are imported from Israel, which is in the northern hemisphere.

A notice: The lychee is often spelled lychee, based on English. It is also called lychee plum, Chinese hazelnut or love fruit.

Canned lychee is always in season

Open can of lychees
In most cases, canned lychees are already peeled.

It is now well known that canned fruits are not as healthy as fresh ones. But if the craving for lychee just doesn't want to subside between the two fresh seasons, it can also be canned. There is no season here. Well-stocked supermarkets stock cans of lychee all year round.

Tip: Would you like to enjoy lychees all year round? Lychees from the freezer taste better than canned lychees. However, fresh specimens should be removed from the shell before freezing.

Recognize fresh lychees

Hands check lychees for ripeness in the supermarket
Be sure to test the lychees for ripeness before buying!

If you want to enjoy fresh lychee, you should also do a freshness check during the season. If the fruits are stored for too long or under unfavorable conditions, they quickly lose their freshness. Fruits that are harvested unripe do not ripen. Visually inspect the fruits on offer and do the pressure test. The optimal lychee has these characteristics

  • pink/red skin color (sign of maturity)
  • plump, undamaged shell
  • feels slightly firm
  • delicate, pleasant scent

frequently asked Questions

When are lychees no longer good?

If lychees are stained, mushy, dried out or smell unpleasant, they have lost their freshness and should no longer end up in the shopping cart.

How do lychees stay fresh for a long time?

Lychees last about a week at room temperature. They will stay fresh in the fridge in a plastic container or bag for up to two weeks. However, the cool environment has a detrimental effect on the aroma.

How many lychees can you eat?

Diabetics are advised not to eat more than six lychees at a time. A study has also shown that eating large amounts of lychees on an empty stomach can significantly lower blood sugar levels by preventing fat breakdown and therefore sugar production. Lychees also contain a protein that can cause allergies in some people. However, most people can easily consume lychees in larger quantities.

What can you do with lychee seeds?

Lychee seeds contain a lot of bitter substances and are therefore not suitable for consumption. However, a new lychee tree can germinate from a lychee seed. In our case, however, it has to grow in the winter garden or greenhouse because it is not hardy. Seeds from summer fruits are best, as warm summer days promote germination.