How do I care for a gentian tree? Lycianthes rantonnetii

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Gentian trees are also known as Lycianthes rantonnetii and they are charming because of their flowers. For this, however, they need the appropriate care. Here we show you what is important.


In the case of the South American plant, a number of factors must be met. A space is required that meets the following criteria:

  • protected from drafts
  • bright and sunny
  • warm

So, for example, the south side on the balcony or a sunny spot on the house is ideal.
Also note the dimensions that a gentian tree can reach. A height of four to five meters is possible outdoors. Usually two meters are not exceeded in the bucket.


A substrate that meets the following requirements is recommended for the gentian bush:

  • permeable and loose
  • wet
  • nutritious

Soil for flowering plants is suitable. Commercially available potting soil can also be mixed with ripe compost and coconut fibers and used.

to water

The gentian trunk always needs a slightly moist substrate. With the irrigation water you should make sure that it is low in lime and is at room temperature.

Gentian sapling - Lycianthes rantonnetii

Suitable variants are:

  • stale or filtered tap water
  • lime-free, soft tap water
  • Rainwater
  • untreated aquarium or pond water

Tips: Make sure that the soil never dries out completely and that there is also no waterlogging. When cultivating in a bucket, it is advisable to add a drainage layer.


The gentian bush has a high need for nutrients. A larger amount of fertilizer is therefore required during the growth phase. Liquid fertilizer for flowering plants should be administered directly via the irrigation water from March to September.

Tip: Blaukorn is an alternative. Make sure that the watering is sufficient. Failure to do so could cause chemical burns to the roots.


The gentian tree is not hardy and can therefore only be planted outdoors to a limited extent. It is better to hibernate in a frost-free area and thus cultivate the bucket. To make maintenance easier, digging is one with it

Planter makes sense. As a result, the roots or the plant have larger amounts of water and nutrients available without you having to make a lot of effort.

Bucket culture

A gentian stem can be cultivated in a tub without any problems. Since the plants are not frost hardy, this is even the better choice. Because this makes overwintering a lot easier. However, you must note that this can make maintenance more complex. This is especially true for the growth phase.

Since the plant has less substrate available, watering and fertilizing must be done more frequently. Especially in summer it may be necessary to water several times a week and to give additional nutrients.


Due to the gentian's high water and nutrient requirements, the earth is used up very quickly. Repotting or at least changing soil should therefore be done every one to two years. Proceed as follows:

Thorough removal of the earth

The substrate must be completely removed from the roots. If this is not possible when dry, the root ball can also be carefully soaked and rinsed off. This reduces the risk of pests and pathogens.

Gentian sapling - Lycianthes rantonnetii

Choose a planter

The new pot should be a few centimeters larger than the previous one. This allows the roots to spread. In addition, there is more substrate and thus greater reserves available. This reduces the maintenance effort.


The gentian tree is inserted into the substrate in such a way that the soil extends to the transition between the trunk and the roots. Take care

Make sure you press the substrate lightly into place.


You should moisten the soil well to allow it to grow. Alternatively, you can put the pot in a bucket and immerse it in the water until no more air bubbles rise or pour floating.

Tip: Choose a planter that is stable. Add a drainage layer to prevent waterlogging. This can consist of coarse gravel or potsherds.


The gentian is blended after the first flowering. The following are removed:

  • branches protruding above the crown
  • long side shoots
  • dried up flowers

Be careful not to cut too radically. More than a third of the respective shoot should not be removed. In addition, the cutting tool must meet the following requirements:

  • adequate pressure distribution
  • clean
  • spicy

Secateurs with sharpened and disinfected blades are ideal.


Wintering is comparatively easy. When the outside temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius, the plant should be moved indoors. A bright room with at least 12 degrees Celsius is ideal.

Gentian sapling - Lycianthes rantonnetii

Fertilization is suspended. However, the gentian tree still needs to be watered. Never let the root ball dry out completely. Another option for overwintering is to cultivate the gentian tree at normal room temperatures. However, the light then has to be adjusted. Because during the winter there is not enough UV radiation for the gentian bush. A special plant lamp can help.