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Choosing the right pool mat is easily possible with the appropriate knowledge. For the correct substructure, it is particularly important to adapt to the conditions on site and the swimming pool. However, this is also possible for laypeople without much effort.

Whether slabs are suitable as a pool surface depends on the type of pool. Variants with an inflatable rim or a plastic frame are almost indispensable. In any case, they offer effective insulation and insulation. This has several advantages.

Whether a building protection mat is suitable as a base for a pool depends on various factors. This includes, for example, how the subsurface was prepared and which additional materials are used. The following facts and tips will help you decide.

Blackberry rods only bear fruit for one summer, after which they are used up and die in winter. It's good that new rods grow back in good time for the following year. Cutting care means: What no longer supports should be removed, young rods must be trained optimally.

Even if a lawn is later hardy, it is particularly important when laying the lawn to make sure that the young lawn seeds do not get frost. When is the best month to lay a new lawn, it can therefore vary a little from region to region.

Why are the most beautiful plants in the garden, the wonderful ones Roses, just so often sent into winter completely unprepared and unprotected? Do not necessarily believe the dealer who assured you when you bought it that this rose is definitely completely winterproof, even at Siberian temperatures.

Thuja Plicata is also known as the giant tree of life. In its native North America, such a tree can grow up to 60 meters high. In our latitudes, they reach heights of around 25 meters. The tree is very suitable as a specimen plant. However, if it is cut regularly, it will also make a thick hedge.

A Snail fence can save you a lot of trouble in the garden. Because for many hobby gardeners, snail infestation is a horror. The snail fence is constructed very simply, so that no extensive previous knowledge is required for the construction of the fence.

They are omnipresent in the garden. Obviously, snails care little about the tireless methods of combating plagued hobby gardeners, be it ecological or chemical. The electric snail fence, which you can easily build yourself using these instructions, promises a new perspective in the fight against voracious pests.

SnailsSnails are a nuisance. You can destroy half the vegetable harvest or any number of perennials in one night. In some years it is particularly bad when hundreds of snails appear in the garden and you can hardly keep up with collecting them. A snail fence can help protect the plants. Often snail traps such as the beer trap are recommended, but they also attract the slimes from the neighboring gardens and tend to aggravate the problem rather than help. Chemical agents for vegetables are rather counterproductive and those who do not use poisons for vegetables usually do not want to have them elsewhere in the garden. Snail fences are a safe way to keep the pests away.

Old wooden barrels are great for creating a small biotope. There are a few things to consider, but as a matter of fact they can be put to good use. In terms of size, the largest barrels are of course the best, but if you have limited space, you can use a smaller one. However, 40 liters of water should definitely go in, otherwise the biological equilibrium cannot develop.

When the cold season comes, the ice scraping on the car starts again. This is sometimes a lengthy affair, especially when it comes to Freezing rain is involved, in which the ice lies even more stubbornly on the windows and the car than it is wetter Morning frost.

Plants need light. If it is missing, then they suffer or perish. Sometimes conventional daylight is simply not enough to meet a plant's light needs. Then LED plant lighting can help. How to build such a plant light yourself is written here.

The enchanting bougainvillea got its botanical name after its discoverer, the navigator Louis de Bougainville. In the Mediterranean, it beautifies house facades. In Germany, where it is also known as a triplet flower, it is particularly popular as a container plant. How is it overwintered?

In spring, the snow that is left over from winter melts, and severe damage to hedges and various woody plants is often visible. The upper leaves, in particular, have dried out and damaged.

With an arcade, every garden landscape gets a special touch and an elegant ambience. Arcades can be made by yourself with a little manual skill and then planted as desired. When choosing the plants and designing the arches, your personal imagination can unfold freely.

The intensely fragrant flower panicles of the lilac invite you to enjoy and are also visually beautiful - in the garden and in the vase. The plant does not need a lot of care in order to form them, and there is also no need for clippings. However, if done correctly and at the right time, it has advantages.

The bedroom is a cozy place where the right plants can add to the atmosphere of the room. Depending on how much space and light is available, the selection can be adjusted. If you take care with it and with the right care, you can not only beautify the bedroom, but also improve the air quality.

Ornamental plants are not only eye-catching in the bedroom, but can also promote restful sleep. This article will tell you which plants are best for the bedroom and how they can affect your sleep.

Acer palmatumThis horticultural gem undoubtedly comes from a special jewelry box from Mother Nature, because an Acer palmatum is breathtakingly beautiful. In multi-faceted breeds, the spectacular attributes can be found in variations, such as pinnate leaves and splendid autumn colors. You can discover the most beautiful varieties here, including thorough instructions on care and cutting.

In gardens and greenhouses, spider mites can very quickly become an unpleasant and unmanageable plague develop, among other things because, due to their low weight, they are easily transmitted by drafts, wind or fans will.

Tree ferns (Cyatheales) have been populating the earth for 180 million years. They are living fossils from prehistoric times, survived the dinosaurs and grow almost unchanged in tropical and subtropical areas to this day. Since the exotics have certain requirements, they present the ambitious hobby gardener with a challenge in terms of care and maintenance.

Today's trend is moving away from well-tended lawns without a "weed" to natural lawns, which are not only used to look at, but also to walk on. In which the deck chair can be placed in summer and even better, you can lie down directly on the lawn.

For many gardeners, the rose is the undisputed queen in the garden. She is loved, cared for and admired. In some places, however, it doesn't really want to thrive. Moving would make sense now, but is she leaving her old kingdom voluntarily?

Tall trunks, also known as crown trees, have become very fashionable in recent years and can be bought anywhere. They are not cheap because they take a lot of care and time to grow.

Evergreen plants belong in every garden. These provide some structure and color in winter when the rest of the garden is asleep. However, even in winter they need some maintenance and, most importantly, water.

Mandarin trees prefer a warm, sheltered location in summer. Full sun is also well tolerated. Find out everything else about choosing a location and caring for this citrus plant here.

The Christmas rose (Helleborus) belongs to the buttercup family and delights us in the middle of winter with their snow-white flowers and their delicate fragrance. It becomes about 20 to 35 cm high. By combining several perennials, the flowering period can be extended from late November to March. Find out everything about care and wintering.

As soon as you have finished choosing your new roses, searching for a location and perhaps even tilling the soil, the time has come to plant the roses. So that everything goes well when planting, you should pay attention to the differences in the forms of the roses. The right planting time is crucial here.

When autumn heralds the end of the gardening year, there is still a lot to do, for example with the lawn. Because correct lawn care in autumn is the best preparation for winter, when lawn care is not completely over.

As an evergreen hedge and specimen plant, the thuja is very popular in our gardens. It grows relatively quickly, is easy to care for and, as a hedge, offers optimal wind and privacy protection. But there are a few things to consider when planting. The location has to be considered as well as the correct distance between the plants. We'll give you helpful advice on how to properly cultivate the beautiful plants in your garden.

Blooms early, blooms enchantingly. Is hardy, durable and easy to care for. But despite all these advantages, the Pushkinie is still almost an insider tip. The filigree flowers of this bulbous plant sway delicately white from their light green, elongated leaves. The Puschkinia libanotica belongs to the asparagus family of plants (Asparagaceae).

Privacy screens on the balcony or in the garden can be created in many ways. You want to set yourself apart from your neighbors instead of sitting on the presentation plate. In other cases, a bamboo screen is used to create an Asian ambience, as a structuring measure for a certain corner of the garden or as a windbreak for draughty corners.

Lady's mantle is not uncommon in this country. Wherever this plant has taken root, it grows lush. You should courageously take advantage of this wide range. Simply harvest a few beautifully shaped leaves and dry them. Women's coat tea tastes good and is also beneficial.

In Germany there are around 30,000 insect species in different shapes and colors. Of these, there are some that are more well known than others. In this article, you will find a large list of native insects that shape the image of the country.

If the leaves of the parsley suddenly turn yellow, the so-called parsley disease is usually behind it. This can have many causes. If the outbreak of the disease is to be prevented, only prevention will help. More about it here.

Neither the time nor the desire to keep lifting the watering can? "Automatic" irrigation with Ollas is a great solution - at least for smaller beds. With DIY, this irrigation system is even affordable for everyone.

The cannon flower owes its name to its ability to shoot pollen out like a cannon. What else is worth knowing?

Plants need sufficient nutrients in order to develop optimally. For example, nitrogen, one of the main nutrients, is indispensable. If there is not enough of it in the soil, no satisfactory growth can take place. As a result, it must be supplied.

The dwarf lilac impresses with its magnificent and fragrant flowers, which at the same time also form an ideal retreat for domestic insects. The nine most important tips for the care and especially the cut of the mini lilac are summarized here for you.

Those who like it exotic can cultivate a banana tree as a houseplant or in the winter garden. In summer, the banana plants are even allowed outside for a few weeks. The large leaves that the Musa forms on a pseudo trunk and therefore look like a small tree are particularly decorative and impressive.

Grasses are perennial, herbaceous plants that, with a few exceptions, do not lignify. Members of the real grass family (Grami neae) almost always have round, high and knotty stems.

Sending plants requires good preparation. Not only the type of packaging is of great importance so that the goods arrive safely at their destination. The season is also crucial. It depends on how well the plants survive the transport.

The strength of the weed control fabric you need to buy can be quickly described as a rule of thumb: the thicker, the better. Which weed control to buy to keep your garden soil healthy is more difficult to decide; In addition, you will learn in the article that it also works completely without weed control.

Stone slabs are decorative, almost indestructible and (apart from their weight) are extremely easy to lay. However, the preparation of the subsurface requires meticulous work, as the stone slabs would otherwise be uneven and waterlogging could also form on or under the slabs.

Solar energy for irrigation is an interesting alternative for many gardeners and plant lovers, since electricity costs can be saved in the long run. Our test should help you make a decision. With us you will find out how solar irrigation systems compare.

In addition to mosses, yellowish-white coverings often adorn the paving stones of our driveways. It is not uncommon for stains to cloud the joy of the new stones shortly after they have been laid. Although sometimes mistakenly dismissed as an indication of poor material quality, it is rather a natural appearance.

The pilea has many names, all of which refer to the shape of its leaves. It does not grow very large, but is still robust and easy to care for, making it the ideal houseplant, even if it rarely blooms in indoor culture.

The midday gold, which impresses with its colorful and sun-loving flowers, is one of the most popular perennials of local gardeners. The right tips for caring for and wintering Gazania are compiled for you here.

Whether sand is suitable for the pool substructure or whether another material is better used depends on various factors. We reveal what is important when choosing and laying the surface and give practical tips for the next bathing season.

Epoxy resin has become an indispensable part of many areas of application. Its processing becomes even more convenient if, instead of a subsequent coating, the resin itself is colored before processing. You can find out from us how and how this works.

Flame treeFlame tree - care, cutting and wintering The flame tree, which is also called flamboyant, is a member of the carob family and originally comes from Madagascar. However, it also occurs in the Caribbean. It is a popular decorative and ornamental in the tropics and subtropics Garden plant.

The blood maple is optically one of the most impressive trees in this country due to its extraordinary scarlet leaf color. Find out here how to integrate this impressive plant into your garden and how to keep it healthy and strong.

Duckweed sometimes settles in the pond all by itself and then likes to get out of hand. Why this is so and how it can be removed is stated in this text.

If a wooden staircase is to be protected, there are various options. Wood color, lacquer or glaze are available. We explain what the differences are here.

Summer is the time of year when the colors of these decorative foliage plants are most intense. The leaves are usually multicolored, with different patterns, wavy or heavily slotted edges.

Watering indoor plants properly is sometimes harder than expected. There are certain points that you need to keep in mind when watering your indoor plants so that they can show themselves in their full glory. You will find 15 tips on the subject in this guide.

The right grave planting provides appealing accents during the cold season. The grave design is very extensive and makes use of a variety of different plants. In this guide you will find 15 tips that will bring you closer to grave planting.