Garden programs 2021: broadcast dates & media libraries

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Garden broadcasts 2021

table of contents

  • Garden broadcasts 2021
  • Garden broadcasts in the media library
  • Other garden programs
  • frequently asked Questions

We all prefer to spend the time outside in our gardens. However, sometimes you can't go outside due to the weather. Nevertheless, one does not have to forego to occupy oneself with the garden. After all, you can expand your knowledge through gardening programs. We present broadcast dates and media libraries for the garden programs 2021.

In a nutshell

  • mostly on third channels
  • cyclical garden broadcasts
  • Repetition in media libraries

Garden broadcasts 2021

In general, gardening programs tend to run on the third channels. Since the broadcast dates are not always easy to find, we have created a table for a better overview. In our table we list all those garden programs that are broadcast on a weekly basis. However, this also means that one-off garden broadcasts are not included in the list. Since there may also be changes to the program at short notice, the list may not always be correct. So all informations are without warrancy.

weekday time broadcast program
Monday 15:30 – 16:00
16:05 – 18:00
19:00 – 19:30
19:00 – 19:30
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
coffee or tea
weed (alternating with Cross bed)
Cross bed (alternating with weed)
Tuesday 12:45 – 13:15
15:30 – 16:00
16:05 – 18:00
16:15 – 16:45
21:45 – 22:15
23:10 – 00:10
Nature in the garden (Rep. v. Saturday)
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
coffee or tea
"Hercules" series
Off to the bed
Wednesday 15:30 – 16:00
16:05 – 18:00
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
coffee or tea
Thursday 15:30 – 16:00
16:05 – 18:00
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
coffee or tea
Friday 10:05 – 11:10
10:35 – 11:20
11:10 – 12:05
15:30 – 16:00
16:05 – 18:00
Green future
Querbeet Classix
Around the world in 80 gardens
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
coffee or tea
Hello TV
Hello TV
Saturday 06:00 – 06:30
12:15 – 12:45
14:30 – 15:00
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:00
16:00 – 16:30
17:25 – 18:00
18:15 – 18:45
19:20 – 20:15
MDR garden
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
Nature in the garden
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
Gartln with Starkl
naturally! Nature and the environment in the southwest
Dream Green - The gardening professionals
SR television
Hello TV
SWR television RP
Sunday 08:30 – 09:00
10:15 – 10:45
12:45 – 13:15
14:10 – 14:55
16:00 – 16:30
17:00 – 17:30
18:30 – 19:00
19:00 – 19:30
MDR garden (Rep. v. Saturday)
Clippings. Everything from the garden.
Cross bed
Duel of the gardening professionals
Nature in the garden
RBB garden time

"Hercules" series (Rep. v. Tuesday)
SWR television BW
Table of garden broadcasts 2021

Garden topics are sometimes also discussed in other programs, even if the program is not a garden program per se. As an example, here's about the north story (Mon - Thu 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.; Fri 8.15pm - 9.15pm; NDR).

Broadcast dates in the calendar
In theory, you can watch gardening programs all week.

Tip: If you can't get enough of garden programs, you will be happy with specially designed channels. HGTV (Home & Garden TV) or RTL Living are recommended.

Have you seen a great tip and want to hear it again? Or did you miss your favorite show? No problem, after all, there are the media libraries. So that you can find your garden program straight away, we have provided the links to the media libraries here:

  • Off to the bed
  • Dream Green
  • Duel of the gardening professionals
  • Gartln with Starkl
  • Green future
  • Hercules
  • Around the world in 80 gardens
  • coffee or tea
  • MDR garden
  • Naturally! Nature and the environment in the southwest
  • Nature in the garden
  • Cross bed
  • Querbeet Classix
  • RBB garden time
  • Clippings. Everything from the garden.
  • weed
  • Xenius

Other garden programs

If you are not a big TV fan, there are other recommended garden programs, such as on the radio. Tune in to one of the following broadcast dates:

  • NDR Welle 90.3 every Thursday, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. - Helge Masch answered the listeners' questions live
  • MDR Saturday morning, 9:00 a.m. - The radio garden: questions about the garden
  • Garden radio - Heike Sicconi twice a month
  • Gardener's World on BBC 4

The programs can also be listened to as podcasts in the respective media libraries. So what are you waiting for? Get one tea and tune into exciting gardening programs.

bright radio device
You can also watch exciting garden programs on the radio.

Tip: If you would like more information about the garden, look through other media. There are classic gardening books and magazines, podcasts, YouTube channels and blogs.

frequently asked Questions

How can I find out the current times of the garden broadcasts?

Either you use a television magazine or you use the Internet. The latter will also inform you of last-minute changes.

How can I apply for a garden show?

That depends on the show. It is best to look on the Internet to see whether and how a registration is possible.

Are the garden programs helpful advice?

That depends on the broadcast. If she only introduces gardens, she is less likely to be given fewer tips. But if it is a gardening advisor, some tips are sure to be mentioned. The tips that are addressed there mostly come from experts. You can therefore trust them and apply the advice in your own garden.

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