Rosemary varieties: 33 varieties for the kitchen and ornamental garden

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Rosemary varieties

table of contents

  • Winter hardy varieties
  • Exceptions
  • Winter-resistant varieties
  • Varieties from A - C
  • Varieties from G - Z
  • Winterproof only with protection against the cold
  • Rosemary varieties that are sensitive to frost

rosemary is one of the herbs that should not be missing in the kitchen. There are numerous varieties available that have different flavors. The varieties, which come from the Mediterranean coastal areas, are mostly sensitive to the cold. However, new varieties show a significantly higher frost resistance, so that they can overwinter in the garden. Which variety has to offer is described below.

Winter hardy varieties

With the new varieties of Rosmarinus officinalis, an important focus has been placed on winter hardiness. While almost all herbs originating from the Mediterranean areas love warmth and only temperatures above the Tolerated freezing point, so today there are varieties that can go down to over -20 ° C in winter in German herb and ornamental gardens can spend.

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis
Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis

The most popular hardy specimens include:


  • Pronounced aroma of resin and incense
  • Is used, for example, in Italian cuisine and for drying
  • The intense smell makes it ideal for scented and ornamental gardens
  • Very robust plant
  • Hardy to -22 ° C

'Blue Winter'

  • Blue-green colored leaves
  • Purple flowers are a tasteful addition to any ornamental garden
  • Intense, spicy aroma
  • Gladly for seasoning food to be grilled
  • Winter hardy to -20 ° C

'Hill Hardy'

  • American breed
  • Growth height up to 120 cm
  • Resinous scent
  • Light blue flowers
  • Winter hardy to at least -20 ° C

'Punta di Canelle'

  • Italian vigorous variety
  • Growing upright
  • Slightly curved shoots
  • Delicate fragrance
  • Temperatures down to -20 ° C, however, only with fleece protection - otherwise a maximum of -12 ° C


  • Upright, robust variety
  • Light blue flowers
  • Strong-growing
  • Resinous aroma
  • Winter hardy to at least -20 ° C

'Sudbury Blue'

  • Globular growth
  • Height between 80 and 120 cm
  • Medium blue flowers
  • Very strong spicy aroma
  • Suitable for winter hardiness zone 7a with between -15 ° C and -17 ° C with fleece
  • Without protection against the cold, however, a maximum of -12 ° C


  •  Franconian breeding
  •  Slightly resinous aromas
  •  Winter hardy to -20 ° C
  •  Somewhat susceptible to illness


  • German breeding
  • Gray-green foliage
  • Fast growing
  • Strong aroma
  • Winter hardy to around -15 ° C

Blooming rosemary


Winter hardiness only refers to healthy, adult plants or rosemary with a pronounced root system. However, young plants and weakened specimens are much more sensitive to cold. If they have spent the summer outdoors, they must then be moved to frost-free winter quarters by the beginning / middle of October at the latest.

Winter-resistant varieties

Often the terms "winter hardy" and "winter hardy" are equated. However, there is a big one between them difference, which refers to a temperature difference of up to 16 ° C within the minus range. While the hardy Rosmarinus officinalis can withstand icy temperatures in the double-digit range can, the temperature limit for winter-proof rosemary varieties is just in the single digits Minus range. Because even from freezing point, protection against the cold is recommended for some species.

The winter hardy specimens that survive at most in winter hardiness zone 9a with temperatures between -6.6 ° C and -3.9 ° C without protection against the cold include:

Varieties from A - C


  • Belgian breed
  • Scented of pine trees
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C

'Blue lip'

  • Aromatic resinous-balsamic scent
  • Compact growth
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C

,Blue Lagoon'

  • Strongly growing
  • Intense, spicy fragrance
  • Equally suitable for the kitchen and garden
  • Growth height up to 90 cm
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -12 ° C

"Blue Rain"

  • Hanging plant
  • Intense and spicy fragrance
  • Winter hardiness zone 7 - 8, up to a maximum of -15 ° C, but only with garden fleece


  • Creeping variety
  • Light blue flowers
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C

'Corsican Blue'

  • Long-term flowering
  • Steel blue flowers
  • Drooping, compact habit
  • Scent like pine needles
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -12 ° C

Rosemary sprig

Varieties from G - Z


  • Silvery needles
  • Tall up to 150 cm
  • Radiant blue-purple flowers
  • Fresh aroma
  • With protection against the cold, it can withstand temperatures down to -10 ° C


  • Hanging and creeping plant
  • Gladly as Ground cover used in the garden
  • Flower color: blue
  • Beguiling fragrance
  • Mediterranean aroma
  • However, only winter-proof up to a maximum of -5 ° C

'Majorca Pink'

  • Spanish origin
  • Upright, columnar growth
  • Growth height up to 50 cm
  • Delicate branches
  • Pink to amethyst colored flowers
  • Strongly spicy taste
  • Withstands temperatures down to -12 ° C, but only with appropriate protection against the cold

'Miss Jesopp' ('Pyramidalis')

  • Coming from England
  • Upright growth - perfect for planting in pots
  • Height between 50 and 60 cm
  • Strongly fragrant
  • Resinous flavors
  • Can withstand temperatures down to -12 ° C with appropriate protection against the cold

'Primerly Blue'

  • Upright growing variety ideal for cultivation in the tub
  • Blue-green needles
  • Very fine, mild fragrance
  • Narrow gray needles
  • Withstands temperatures down to -12 ° C, but only with appropriate protection against the cold


  • Vigorous variety
  • Growing flat to overhanging
  • Growth height: up to 20 cm
  • Mild scented aroma
  • Winterproof down to a maximum of -7 ° C - beyond that, only survivable with protection against the cold

Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant

Winterproof only with protection against the cold

Frost-sensitive rosemary varieties usually overwinter at temperatures from 0 ° C to 10 ° C. The needles in particular do not tolerate lower temperatures and react quickly to the first Symptoms of frostbite. With an appropriate protection against the cold, the following varieties can still spend the winter outdoors down to certain minus temperatures:


  • Growth height of a maximum of 40 cm
  • At the same time, intense fragrance aroma
  • Lush flowers in light blue color
  • Winterproof down to -8 ° C, but only with protection against the cold

'Cincango Muro'

  • Compact growth
  • Growth height up to 40 cm
  • Lush green needles
  • Very aromatic and slightly bitter
  • Also only with cold protection, it can withstand temperatures up to a maximum of -5 ° C


  • Coming from Tuscany
  • Strong growth
  • Growth height up to 70 cm
  • Light blue flowers
  • Fine scented aroma
  • Winterproof down to -7 ° C, but with protection against the cold

'Florence White'

  • Even milder aromatic
  • White flowers

'Florence Rosa'

  • Also mild fragrance
  • Delicate pink flowers


  • Growth height up to 100 cm
  • Ideal as a hanging plant
  • Strong cola aroma
  • Winterproof down to -7 ° C, but with protection against the cold


  • Growing upright
  • Slow, partly creeping growth
  • Growth height up to 40 cm
  • Winterproof up to a maximum of -8 ° C, but only with protection against the cold

'Severn Sea'

  • Spreading growth
  • Small to around 40 cm - ideal for pots in the kitchen
  • Violet-blue flowers
  • Fine, slightly spicy aroma
  • Frost down to -5 ° C, but only with protection


  • Growth height up to 80 cm
  • Dark blue flower
  • Mild, resinous but slightly bitter aroma
  • Down to -8 ° C, but with protection

'Wilmas Gold'

  • Golden yellow foliage
  • Strongly growing
  • Spicy, slightly resinous fragrance nuances
  • Down to -8 ° C, but with protection against the cold

'Santa Barbara'

  • Creeping rosemary
  • Deep blue flowers
  • Height about 30 cm
  • Slightly bitter taste
  • Down to -10 ° C, but with protection against the cold

Rosemary as a pot plant

Rosemary varieties that are sensitive to frost

These varieties are suitable for frost-free Areas. They should move from the field to a warmer area in early autumn, as the first frosty temperatures can cause significant damage.

'Pine rosemary' (Rosmarinus angustifolia)

  • Height between 50 and 100 cm
  • Purple flowers
  • The scent is reminiscent of pine trees


  • Fast growing
  • Robust
  • Purple flowers
  • Intense spicy scent
Rosemary bushes