Special: strawberries, strawberry advice

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Statistically, strawberries aren't the Germans' favorite fruit, that's the apple, but that's definitely because the strawberry season is so short. Strawberries are absolutely delicious, healthy and low in calories.
The sweet fruits consist of 90 percent water, but the remaining 10 percent ensure an incomparable taste experience. Then there are the many vitamins. Strawberries contain twice as much vitamin C as lemons and that is saying something.
It also contains vitamins A and B and the minerals potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphate and copper. It doesn't get much healthier than that. The good thing about strawberries is that you can really enjoy them. 100 grams only have an energy content of around 33 calories.
Due to the many good ingredients, the fruits protect us from diseases. In addition, eating them lifts the mood, similar to chocolate.
Incidentally, the botanical name of the strawberry Fragaria vesca means something like edible fragrance. The good taste of the strawberry comes from the more than 300 flavors it contains. The special thing about the strawberry is that it can be enjoyed in so many ways. Freshly picked it tastes very good on its own, ideally immediately after picking. Otherwise you can enjoy them with milk or cream, in sparkling wine, in yoghurt and ice cream, as jam, directly in ice cream, on cakes, covered with chocolate (chocolate fondue). If you puree the berries, the fruit must can also be used in milkshakes or mixed drinks and is extremely tasty. Even strawberry beer is offered today.

Strawberries aren't actually berries at all. They belong to the dummy fruits. The real fruit is the nut sitting on the pulp. So strawberries are actually cluster nuts. What we eat are the fleshy, fully grown flower axes of the strawberry plant.
What makes the strawberry so special? It is one of the most versatile fruits there is. It's tasty, healthy, easy to grow, and versatile. Strawberries are reasonably priced in season. Then you should stock up on them. You can freeze or boil them to preserve them and then use them all year round. You stay tasty and healthy.

Rhubarb: harvest time | When is rhubarb ripe? | Rhubarb harvest

The rhubarb harvest extends over the spring. There are now numerous cultivated forms that extend this period. The same characteristics regarding the degree of ripeness apply to all varieties. The correct approach to harvesting ensures high yields in the following years.

Planting strawberries on the balcony - this is how it's done

You don't necessarily need a large garden to harvest fresh strawberries year after year. The small aromatic fruits can easily be grown on the balcony, regardless of how much space is available.

Hibernating strawberries: this is how they get over winter

Every year, lovers of the sweet, red fruits look forward to the strawberry season. How good that strawberries appear perennial in the home garden. This guide reveals how the strawberry plants survive the winter.

Mixed culture: 15 good neighbors of strawberries

A mixed culture is very beneficial for strawberries, as it can increase growth. In addition, the plants are protected from dangerous diseases and pests by suitable neighbors. Since the wrong combination often has negative effects, making the right choice is extremely important.

Fertilize strawberries properly | The best natural fertilizers / home remedies

Fertilizing strawberries properly is worthwhile for reasons of taste, and fertilizing without the risk of negatively affecting the taste works best with natural fertilizers and household remedies. The organic fertilization then also saves time and money; everything together results in an article that does little work and brings a lot of use.

Is the strawberry a nut or a fruit?

Should the strawberry actually be called a peanut? The question sounds absurd, but it is justified. Because the names of plants and animals do not always correspond to the state of scientific knowledge. And in fact, this problem also affects the popular red fruit from the garden, because, strictly speaking, strawberries are nuts.

White Strawberries, Pineapple Strawberries - Cultivation and Care Tips

White strawberries are all the rage - but the people who taste them are seldom enthusiastic about the unusual fruits. In the article you will learn why this is so and how you can get really delicious pineapple strawberries by growing your own.

Strawberries are healthy: everything about nutritional values, vitamins and calories

Snacking and promoting health at the same time? - eating strawberries makes just that possible! Because the red fruits are extremely low in calories despite their sweetness and also contain numerous vitamins and minerals. The strawberries are considered to be real vitamin bombs, the consumption of which has a positive effect on health.

Climbing strawberries - planting, care and wintering

Climbing strawberries are suitable for planters and tubs. They wonderfully combine the useful with the beautiful. But if you want to harvest a lot of fruit, you put the plants in a bed. The tendrils take root very quickly and form a strawberry meadow in no time. The planting distance should be 50 x 50 cm. You can also attach the climbing strawberries to a fence, which then almost grows over. That looks very decorative.

Pests on strawberries - lice, beetles and worms

When you plant strawberries, you should always be prepared for animal guests who would like to harvest your strawberries. These strawberry pests become a problem if they are not noticed in time and prevented from multiplying in mass.

Growing hanging strawberries - 16 delicious varieties, care and wintering

If you look closely, the hanging strawberry is an astonishing construction: strawberries do not naturally form tendrils and have not yet succeeded in "growing" tendrils. In the article you will learn how the "commercial hanging strawberry" came about, why other strawberries also grow in the hanging basket and how you handle all these strawberries.

The best substrate for strawberries - which soil to use?

Which soil is the best substrate for the strawberries is not asked precisely enough - it is actually about how you get a substrate that contains enough soil for the strawberries. In the article you will learn why this is so; how you, as a city gardener, can get to normal soil and how you can easily prepare it for the strawberry plants.

Growing monthly strawberries - care, propagation and wintering

The so-called monthly strawberries are a refined and tasty alternative to conventional strawberries in the garden. They are extremely productive, perennial and do not require a lot of care. They are also a lot of fun. What you should pay attention to when growing monthly strawberries, how to care for them, how to propagate them and how to overwinter them, is written here.

Growing strawberries in a flower box - instructions + ideal varieties

If strawberries flourish in the flower box, the balcony is transformed into a decorative snack garden. With this goal in mind, important facts must be observed in cultivation. These instructions explain all the important details, from the right flower box to the perfect location and professional care. A list shows you the ideal varieties for the balcony box.

When do you plant strawberries? Information about the best planting time

Hardly any other type of fruit is as popular as the strawberry. Compared to the mostly watery fruits from the trade, strawberries from our own cultivation are fuller and more aromatic. The variety among the varieties is huge, with the strawberry variety also playing a role that should not be underestimated when it comes to planting.

Freezing strawberries - this is how you preserve the sweet fruit

In the summer months, many garden owners enjoy a rich strawberry blessing. Too many of the sweet fruits usually ripen at once to be eaten immediately, and the sensitive fruit does not have a long shelf life. Fast freezing will add a few months to the strawberry season.

Propagate strawberries - split seeds / offshoots - this is how it works!
Strawberries lowerersPropagating strawberries is child's play, but not only makes children happy, it also brings real strawberry flavor into your household forever. You just need to propagate the right varieties, see the article to learn how it works.
Balcony strawberries - Information about varieties, care and wintering
thumb strawberries 1689Are you more into red than green smoothies? Plant balcony strawberries; preferably in varieties that also look really nice. Care and wintering are no more difficult than making a smoothie ...