Goldfish diseases: what to do with fungal infestation & Co?

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Goldfish diseases

table of contents

  • Goldfish diseases
  • Semolina Grain Disease
  • Fin rot
  • Tumbling sickness
  • Gill rot
  • Leech infestation
  • Ascites
  • Anchor worm (Lernaea)
  • Skin worms, gill worms and tapeworms (Trematoda, Cestoda)
  • Nonspecific goldfish diseases
  • Immediate action isolation

The goldfish is one of the Germans' favorite pets, not just following the cliché. In reality, too, it populates numerous aquariums and garden ponds. Due to the limited water volume, the risk of goldfish diseases should not be underestimated. When a fungus or another pathogen has found its way into the demarcated biotope, it is important to act quickly. We explain how.

Goldfish diseases

Before considering individual diseases, it is worth taking a quick look at the reasons why the Goldfish in the pond or aquarium is exposed to an increased risk of getting sick. Because where the risk is particularly high, changing circumstances may make that possible Reduce the risk of illness from the outset without taking real measures against specific illnesses later to have to. These aspects individually or in combination increase the risk for the goldfish to get sick from fungal infestation or other pathogens:

  • too intensive occupancy of the pond
  • Overfeeding or Food unsuitable for the goldfish
  • Incorrect planting of the pond
  • Wrong water parameters, e.g. B temperature, pH value, oxygen content etc.

All of these things either make the goldfish particularly vulnerable to the various causes, or that Existing pathogens can multiply excessively and thus also contribute to a significantly increased risk of infection. Taking a look at these things will help curb the transmission of disease effectively and keep the fish resilient and healthy.

If the goldfish becomes ill despite good care and care, the diseases can usually be managed well with early detection and with the right measures.

Goldfish as ornamental fish

Semolina Grain Disease

  • Cause: Fungal attack, transmitted by ciliates that settle in the gills
  • Symptoms: The fish's skin is covered with small, white spots
  • Effects: emaciation of the fish, constant chafing due to itching caused by fungus, subsequent infections from chafed areas

Fungal agents that fight the fungal attack on the skin of the fish can help against semolina disease. However, it is more important to eliminate the cause, i.e. the ciliates causing the disease. This is achieved through the use of malachite green, but only during the swarming phase, when the Ciliates leave their breeding ground in the epidermis of the goldfish gills and are free in the water move. A slight increase in the water temperature can accelerate the development of living beings and induce swarming at an early stage.

Note: The early use of fungicides is essential for this disease. Because when the fish is scrubbed, parts of the mushrooms fall off and find ideal propagation conditions on the pond or aquarium floor. The consequence is a rapid spread of the infestation and sooner or later the entire population becomes sick!

Fin rot

  • Cause: Saprolegnia mold, usually as a consequence of previous injuries or illnesses
  • Symptoms: Invasion of the caudal fin, degeneration and waste from the rear end, mostly only fin stumps remaining in the end
  • Effects: disturbed locomotion of the fish, mostly only poor assertiveness towards other conspecifics and sooner or later death

In order to get the fin rot under control, the triggering factors should first of all be eliminated. These are poor water quality and stress on the fish. It makes sense to move the sick animal so that targeted treatment with fungicidal medication is possible without burdening the healthy animals with the medication. If, on the other hand, numerous specimens are sick, it may also make sense to use them directly in the pond.

Note: From a purely medical point of view, fin rot is not contagious. However, the triggering factors can mean that numerous animals are quickly infected, giving the visual impression of transmission.

Tumbling sickness

  • Cause: fungal infection of the internal organs, especially the swim bladder
  • Symptoms: staggering swimming movements, difficulty controlling direction and height of movement
  • Effects: rapid emaciation through destruction of the stomach and intestines, rapid death

A remedy for the occurrence of tumbling sickness in goldfish is only possible in the early stages. In the case of advanced disease, however, the infected animal can usually no longer be saved. A sick goldfish should be isolated as soon as possible and treated there with a fungicidal agent in the pool water. At the same time, the pond water should be cleaned in order to remove the main carrier excrement from the water.

tip: Often the causes of tumbling sickness lie in cheap, contaminated Fish feed. If you pay attention to the quality and origin of the feed, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of animals getting sick.

Gill rot

  • Cause: Fungal or bacterial infestation, mainly of the gills, caused by too high a population density and too high water temperature
  • Symptoms: lawns of fungus or bacteria in the form of yellowish-brown spots in the area of ​​the gills, common Catch a breath The fish
  • Effects: damage and degeneration of the gills, death of the animals from suffocation

Both possible pathogens of the gill rot, i.e. bacteria and fungi, are usually naturally in the Pond water available. However, first when the water quality deteriorates, they can multiply strongly and pass over to the host animals in high numbers. If the disease occurs, one should be effective against both pathogens on the one hand Medication in the pond water can be treated while improving a water quality Prevents spread. Isolating the diseased fish will help reduce stress and improve recovery.

Leech infestation

  • Cause: fish leech parasite
  • Symptoms: Conspicuous behavior of the goldfish, caused by deep stab wounds by the leech sucking on, sometimes spots or bumps as a result of an infection of the puncture
  • Effects: frequent follow-up infections from stab wounds and general weakening of the goldfish

To help the goldfish, it should first of all be caught and the leech removed from the fish skin. If the leech does not drain, a bath in salt or lime water can make it easier to remove. In order to ban the parasite permanently from the pond, all fish should be caught and the pond should be drained. The pond sludge can then be treated well with salt or quicklime. Both the leeches themselves and their clutches die within a short time when they come into contact with both substances. In addition, possible breeding grounds, i.e. muddy bank areas, etc., can be avoided as a preventive measure.

Goldfish in the pond

Note: Many pond inhabitants, including the goldfish, like a certain vegetation as cover and a source of food. However, this should not involve an overgrowth and siltation of the Edge zones be confused!


  • Cause: Virus infection, favored by strong fluctuations in water temperature and oxygen content
  • Symptoms: initially punctiform bumps, later a very distended fish belly and protruding eyes
  • Effects: with moderate infestation mostly without lasting effects, with intensive infestation weakening of the animals up to death

As with humans, it is not possible to take action against the viruses that cause them. Instead, you should provide the sick fish with the best possible environment for recovery. A high water quality and a low stress level help to strengthen the organism. The infection can also be significantly reduced in its probability through these aspects. A kind of “time out” for the sick fish in the form of temporary isolation is particularly effective.

Note: The causes of ascites are not actually an infection, but are caused by malnutrition and other debilitating factors. Tissue fluid is then released into the abdomen and leads to the named local bulge and later to the overall inflated abdomen. The occurrence of these consequences is, however, significantly increased and even actively promoted by a recurring virus infection.

Anchor worm (Lernaea)

  • Cause: parasitic anchor cancer (!)
  • Symptoms: rod-shaped appendages up to 20 millimeters long on the body of the fish
  • Effects: weakening of the fish, usually followed by infections and further parasite infestation

In contrast to most other goldfish diseases, isolating infected fish with anchor worms makes no sense. Since the parasite can be found in the entire pond, anti-parasitic agents should be used in the actual pond water and not in the separate quarantine tank. The funds prevent the further development of the crustaceans and lead to their death. In addition, the addition of antibiotics to the pond water can avoid possible secondary infections at the bite sites.

Note: Although the parasite has the common name anchor worm, it is actually a representative of the crustaceans.

Skin worms, gill worms and tapeworms (Trematoda, Cestoda)

  • Cause: worm-like parasites that attack either the skin, the gills or the inside of the body
  • Symptoms: Skin worms visible as appendages, other infestation usually only noticeable through weakening of the fish and abnormal behavior
  • Effects: weakening of the animals, damage to the affected organs up to failure, subsequent infections through bite wounds

The treatment of worm infestation is also carried out in goldfish using classic wormer cures. The worm-killing agents are usually added to the pond water and prevent the animals from developing. Due to the high effectiveness, the worms, which are already quite slow in their development, can be brought under control very well. In addition, antibiotics in the water help to protect bite wounds from infections in the case of very severe worm infestation.

Nonspecific goldfish diseases

Time and again it can be observed that the goldfish have spots on their skin or fins. These usually result from a temporary fungal attack and quickly disappear. If, on the other hand, the animals are under permanent stress or are weakened due to other circumstances, they can go out These normally uncritical mushrooms quickly develop serious problems and the fish actually becomes ill. You should therefore watch your pond fish regularly in order to be able to take quick and targeted countermeasures.

Immediate action isolation

Regardless of which disease is diagnosed in your goldfish, in almost all cases it is advisable to isolate the fish immediately. Since the medium of water enables the pathogen to spread far more quickly among the goldfish population, the risk of an epidemic is relatively high, regardless of the disease. In addition, the isolation of the infected fish also serves its own well-being, as a treatment in one stress-free environment is far simpler and usually works much faster than it does in the pond were.

Isolate goldfish

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