How Much Pressure for Sprinklers / Garden Watering?

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Garden irrigation - title

table of contents

  • Sufficient water pressure is required
  • The bucket test
  • Use of garden pumps
  • frequently asked Questions

Especially in the hot season one stays irrigation of the lawn or the beds. When using a garden irrigation or lawn sprinkler, the water pressure is important in order to guarantee sufficient performance.

In a nutshell

  • 4.0 to 4.5 bar delivery pressure for water from wells or cisterns with the pump
  • Bucket test provides information about the level of the water pressure
  • Pumps increase the pressure of the water when operating lawn sprinklers
  • Pressure between 3.5 and 4.0 bar on the water pipe necessary

Sufficient water pressure is required

When it is hot and dry outside and rain is still a long way off, the garden needs additional watering. Lawn sprinklers and watering the garden can help here. An own well or cistern with collected rainwater would be an optimal solution. However, not every hobby gardener has such an alternative. Most of the time, water is also taken directly from the water pipe. In order to guarantee a good function, some things are necessary:

Lawn sprinkler in the garden
Lawn sprinkler in the garden
  • measured pressure directly at the tap 3.5 to 4.0 bar
  • Use a garden water meter with at least 2.5 m³ flow
  • Pipe diameter external thread 3/4 inch

Note: Friction occurs on the inner wall of the pipes or hoses. This converts kinetic energy (kinetic energy) of the water into thermal energy. As a result of these frictional losses, a pressure loss in the water occurs at the same time, and the flow rate of the water also decreases.

The bucket test

There is a simple method, the so-called "bucket test", to determine the level of water pressure directly on the tap. You simply measure the time it takes to fill a ten-liter bucket. If a time is stopped by 20 seconds or less, it is a good sign of sufficient pressure.

Use of garden pumps

Especially if you want to use water from a well or cistern to operate lawn sprinklers or water the garden, the use of a pump is necessary. You need:

Garden pump for watering the garden
  • a delivery pressure between 4.0 and 4.5 bar
  • per meter suction and pressure head 0.1 bar and
  • friction losses of 0.1 bar occur per meter of horizontal transmission

These data must be taken into account when purchasing a garden pump.

Note: The delivery head and the hose couplings used have an unfavorable effect on the pressure. At a delivery height of 10 meters, approximately 1 bar must be applied to handle the height.

frequently asked Questions

Is a domestic water pipe sufficient for operation?

Only a certain amount of the liquid is allowed to pass through the pipes and the faucet per hour. It is important to ensure that there is still enough moisture at the end of the irrigation system. If this is not the case, then the area to be watered must be reduced. The garden is simply partially watered.

How is the delivery rate of a water connection calculated?

First, the time is stopped in which a ten liter bucket is full. This is followed by the extrapolation of the result to one hour and the subsequent division of the amount of water by 1000. This is how the cubic meter per hour (m³ / h) is calculated. On this basis, it is possible to calculate the amount of water required for the relevant irrigation system.

Can the level of the water pressure be influenced?

Yes, there is a possibility. It can easily be increased by using a pump. In addition, a pressure regulator can also be installed directly behind the external connection of a water pipe. So the level of the water pressure can be adjusted.