How much bark mulch do you need per square meter?

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Calculate the amount of bark mulch - title

table of contents

  • Determine the layer thickness
  • Calculation: amount per m²
  • frequently asked Questions

Bark mulch is popular as a protection and source of nutrients for numerous plants. The amount per m², which can be easily determined, is important when using it.

In a nutshell

  • The amount of bark mulch depends on the crops being cultivated and the recommended layer thickness
  • The layer thickness ranges from 4 cm to 10 cm
  • To determine the amount of mulch, the layer thickness is multiplied by several factors
  • The required liters per m² are determined as a result

Determine the layer thickness

The layer thickness is an important value when calculating the amount of bark mulch per m². It is recommended to use ten liters of bark mulch for every inch of the mulch layer. This will cover the ground well and the Chopped bark not immediately removed again. For this reason, you need to determine the layer thickness that is dictated by your plants. The mulch layer can be four to ten centimeters thick, but the frame can be narrowed down further:

Pine bark mulch has many advantages
  • ideal thickness: 5 - 8 cm
  • Ground cover: 4 - 5 cm
  • Perennials: 4 - 5 cm
  • Trees: 5 - 8 cm
  • Grasses: 4 - 6 cm
  • Paths or play areas: 10 cm

If it is a mixed bed, the layer should be at least five centimeters thick.

Tip: If you decide to mulch on paths, you should rely on a layer thickness of ten centimeters. Weather conditions and constant use remove lower layers of mulch too quickly, which requires constant refilling.

Calculation: amount per m²

As soon as you have determined the layer thickness for your project, you can calculate the amount of bark mulch. In addition to the layer thickness, you need the following values ​​for the calculation:

  • Area in square meters
  • 10 liters per centimeter of mulch

The general formula is based on the values ​​mentioned as follows:

Area in square meters x layer thickness in centimeters x 10 liters per centimeter of mulch = amount of bark mulch in liters

You don't have to convert anything at this point. Only the values ​​that have already been determined are inserted. A layer thickness of eight centimeters is assumed for the following example: 1 x 8 x 10 = 80 l

Calculate the amount of bark mulch

In this case, you would need 80 liters of bark mulch for one square meter. Using the formula listed, you can use the individual values ​​of your project and quickly calculate the required amount of bark mulch.

Note: The calculated result can be converted from liters into tons or cubic meters using an online calculator for building materials. This makes it easier to order the amount of bark mulch, regardless of whether you buy it at a hardware store or a building materials store.

frequently asked Questions

How can bark mulch be saved?

If you do not have enough mulch or capital available, the use of a garden fleece is an option. Place the fleece between the mulch and the soil to prevent weeds from growing there. In this way, the layer thickness can be reduced to four centimeters without causing any problems. The garden fleece acts as a protective layer.

What alternatives are there to classic mulch?

The cost of bark mulch is increasing due to the loss of extensive forest areas, which is no longer acceptable for many. Instead, rely on a mulch layer of clean fall leaves, grass, or hedge clippings. It is also possible to use shredded Chinese reed (Miscanthus sinensis). As a long-lasting alternative, you should use ground cover such as ivy (Hedera helix), carpet dwarf medlars (Cotoneaster dammeri) or cranesbills (geranium).

How is the grain selected?

After determining the required quantity, the grain size has a significant effect on the acquisition costs. It depends on the intended use. For a bed, grain sizes between 16 and 40 millimeters should be used, while for large areas and paths up to 80 millimeters is recommended.