Apple tree 'Braeburn': information on taste and harvest

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Braeburn apple variety

table of contents

  • taste
  • harvest
  • time
  • Harvesting tips
  • storage

'Braeburn' is a classic that has been one of the most popular apple varieties in Germany for over 20 years and is known for its characteristic aroma and preparation options. If you have an apple tree of this variety in your garden, you are definitely interested in the time of the annual harvest so that you can finally enjoy its taste. In addition to 'Royal Gala', the variety from New Zealand exactly meets the taste of German connoisseurs.


'Braeburn' is an apple whose aroma is often described in one word: complex. The aroma combines several properties that make the apple such a popular variety in Germany. The balanced character is as follows:

  • Sweet
  • bitter
  • juicy
  • refreshing
  • fine acidity

The combination of sweet and tart accents with the low acid content speaks for the flavor of the variety. The tart undertone goes perfectly with the intense sweetness and is carried by the refreshing juice of the apple. Compared to other varieties, the pulp of the 'Braeburn' apples is quite hard and has a good bite. Many people would describe this as crisp. While you are eating the apple, special notes may be heard:

  • rose
  • plums
  • some fennel

Yes, apple flavors can be described in a similar way to a wine or perfume, which gives you an even better idea of ​​how this variety will taste. Another typical feature of the variety is the slight astringency, i.e. a slightly rough feeling on the tongue. This is triggered by the tart accents when the table apple is consumed fresh.

Apple Braeburn

tip: Do not consume the apple variety if you are allergic to apples. The New Zealand creation is one of the varieties that has the worst effect on allergy sufferers and should therefore be avoided.



If you have an apple tree of this variety in your garden or are thinking of getting a Breaburn tree, you are probably wondering when you can harvest the fruits. The apple harvest varies greatly from variety to variety and for this reason you need to know when this is the case with 'Braeburn' in order to have a very precise overview of the degree of ripeness. This is a classic autumn varietydue to the cooler temperatures in Germany from mid-October can be harvested. The apple tree prefers a Mediterranean climate and therefore ripens earliest in the southwestern wine-growing regions of Germany. Harvesting is possible as early as the beginning of October.

tip: 'Braeburn' apples are among the varieties with the highest vitamin C content. These have a vitamin C content of 24 milligrams per 100 grams, which is almost double that of other varieties.

Harvesting tips

Harvesting the apples is not just the end of a successful year in terms of caring for the apples Trees, but relieves the vegetation, which then fully prepare for the winter rest can. Harvesting the apples is just as easy as with other specimens.

1. Don't take too long with the apple harvest. If the fruits hang for too long after ripening, they will turn brown, lose their firmness and are even more susceptible to maggots and wild feeding. You should also not let the fruits ripen too short, otherwise they will be inedible acidic and often much too firm to be able to chew them relaxed.

2. You can recognize ripe apples by the fact that they hang loosely on the branch. Take one of the apples in your hand and carefully turn it upwards. If the fruit loosens itself without you having to use much force, it is ready for harvest.

3. Don't let color fool you. A pretty shade of red, as is common for the variety, is no guarantee of a ripe apple.

4. Also, do not orient yourself to windfalls. Apples are known to shed their fruit when too many are trained. For this reason, every year you have fruits that are too small on the ground under the apple tree, which are inedible and only noticeable with an extremely sour kick in the mouth. This is typical for the so-called June fall, whereby the tree automatically rejects the apples due to insufficient fertilization.

5. Check your 'Braeburn' trees daily or at regular intervals. Since an apple tree does not ripen all fruits on exactly the same date, you can even harvest on just three days in a row. Due to the delayed fruit ripeness, you have to be on your guard throughout the harvest season.

Apple harvest


After you have harvested the apples, you can easily store them until May and enjoy the aroma throughout the winter. However, the variety has one disadvantage if it is stored refrigerated for a longer period of time: That The flesh becomes soft and after just a few hours it is no longer as crunchy as when it was Apple harvest. Nevertheless, it is one of the apples that can be stored very easily for long periods of time.

Tip: Due to the characteristic taste, apples of this variety are often used for different purposes. They are not only pleasantly fruity raw, but are also ideal for use in cakes, pastries, juices, salads and as compotes.