Fertilize the lemon tree with coffee grounds: yes or no?

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Lemon tree is an evergreen plant

table of contents

  • Fertilize the lemon tree with coffee grounds
  • time
  • use
  • Other home remedies for fertilization
  • Leaves and zest of lemon
  • Blood meal
  • Vegetable and potato stock
  • Pond and aquarium water
  • tea
  • Algae and algae lime
  • Compost, horn shavings and manure
  • Comfrey and nettle stock

Lemon trees (Citrus limon) originally come from Mediterranean regions. They love warmth and sun, and are extremely sensitive to the cold. Therefore, in this country they are only grown in pots and only spend the summer outdoors. As a container plant, the lemon Tree special care. Mainly, attention must be paid to correct fertilization, as the supply of nutrients in the bucket is very limited. However, mineral fertilizers do not always have to be used. Are coffee grounds also suitable for fertilizing the lemon tree?

Fertilize the lemon tree with coffee grounds

Mainly, the lemon needs a high proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for good and healthy fruit growth and development. Usually, a mineral citrus fertilizer from the trade is quickly used to ensure the supply of these nutrients. In addition, however, some home remedies for fertilizing the lemon tree should also be considered. Coffee grounds are a very popular organic fertilizer. This agent can have various advantages over commercial fertilizers:

  • contains sufficient amounts of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus
  • ensures optimal growth, cell structure and stability
  • environmentally friendly
  • pollutant-free
  • Does not cost anything, as there is waste in the household
  • pH slightly acidic, between 6.4 and 6.8
  • Insect infestation on plants is lower
  • Over-fertilization not possible
  • therefore there is no breeding ground for parasites
  • good snail defense
  • also expulsion of ants by covering up the traces of smell
  • Prevention of nitrogen deficiency
  • prevents leaf discoloration
  • older plants love coffee, especially the potassium content
  • this prevents the leaves from dying off
  • Phosphorus promotes metabolism, i.e. flower and root growth and fruit formation

However, the use of coffee grounds as a fertilizer is more of a problem Short-term effect. Therefore, frequent use of the lemon hardly does any harm, since, as already noted, no over-fertilization can take place. However, you should not only fertilize the lemon tree with coffee grounds, but also use other home remedies.


In general, the lemon tree needs more nutrients during its annual growth phase. The nutrients are also dependent on the temperature and the incidence of light.

  • fertilize from April to September
  • with the beginning of the new shoot
  • longer if necessary until growth ceases
  • Water consumption also shows nutrient requirements
  • once a week during the growth phase
  • once a month if the remedy lasts longer (e.g. B. for comfrey and nettle brew)

Coffee grounds


Coffee grounds are used in the household almost every day. Unless tea is preferred to coffee. But its leftovers are also good organic fertilizers, more on that later. However, there are a few things to consider when using it:

  • Always use the set dry
  • Otherwise mold will develop quickly
  • wet coffee grounds damage plants
  • Let set cool after brewing
  • Spread out on a plate or paper towel to dry
  • leave everything in a dry place overnight
  • The best way to store the dried “powder” is in a screw-top jar

tip: Spreading coffee grounds on the surface of the compost heap ensures an enrichment of nutrients and the production of a fine compost.

It is now possible to apply the “powder” directly into the soil, but liquid fertilization can also be used. Please note the following when using:

in powder form

  • never mix as a lump under the earth, but gradually
  • Apply to the surface of the soil directly around the plant and work flat into the soil
  • this is how nutrients get right to the roots and unfold their full effect
  • Mix evenly with the soil when repotting
  • Remove old coffee grounds before fertilizing again
  • otherwise there is an increased risk of compaction and also the risk of mold
  • to do this, mix some soil with sediment and replace the old, upper layer of soil with it
  • remove old soil about three centimeters

as liquid fertilizer

  • alternatively, put the set in a watering can
  • should be dry, then all ingredients are fully contained
  • Fill up with water and pour
  • only around trunk
  • never pour water directly onto leaves
Coffee grounds

tip: Alternatively, liquid fertilization with cooled coffee can also be used. To do this, dilute coffee in a ratio of 1: 1 with water. Half a cup of coffee per week is sufficient for each plant.

Other home remedies for fertilization

The lemon tree not only loves coffee, but also other home remedies are ideal for ensuring a supply of nutrients. They usually do not cost anything and are incurred in the household.

Leaves and zest of lemon

In nature, fruits and leaves fall to the ground and rot. This is how the valuable nutrients get into the earth.

  • Dry and chop leaves and peel
  • prevents mold growth
  • Either distribute it on the bottom of the container in the spring when repotting or
  • work superficially into soil

Blood meal

This is dried animal blood from slaughter. It is rich in iron and is particularly suitable for fertilizing the lemon tree in the case of iron deficiency symptoms.

  • Apply directly to the surface of the earth, work in lightly
  • then pour
  • in case of deficiency symptoms one to three teaspoons per plant per week
  • alternatively, use of fresh blood from the butcher
  • Apply directly to soil and then water
  • also frozen blood in the form of BARF feed for dogs and cats
  • Divide this into pieces and apply, do not pour
  • pay attention to the origin of fresh blood

tip: A mixture of blood meal and coffee grounds is ideal. The lemon tree receives additional trace elements for balanced growth.

Vegetable and potato stock

  • Valuable ingredients get into the cooking water during cooking
  • particularly suitable for potato water
  • Let the water cool down
  • the longer the cooking time, the more minerals and trace elements it contains
Pleasure brew
Vegetable stock

Attention: The cooking water for vegetables and potatoes must not be salted! The salt damages the roots of the plants!

Pond and aquarium water

Those who have their own pond in the garden or an aquarium are happy. There are many microorganisms in water. These form a basis for good fertilization.

  • Water once or twice a week during the growing season
  • from late summer only once a month


Tea, whether brewed in a tea infuser or from a tea bag, is also ideal for fertilizing the lemon.

  • Put one to three teaspoons of tea leaves on the surface and work in
  • alternatively, add a cup of tea to the pouring water
  • fertilize with tea leaves and leaves once or twice a month
  • pour with diluted tea weekly
  • mainly use of green and black tea

Algae and algae lime

Both are suitable for fertilizing the lemon tree to balance the pH value of the soil when it is too acidic. Of course, it also contains valuable nutrients.

  • economical use
  • a handful per month
  • perfectly adequate, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals
  • each at the beginning of the growth phase
  • continue to be given during fruit formation and ripening
  • superficial incorporation into the substrate
  • then pour well
Algae lime is used to improve the pH value in the soil.
Algae lime fertilizer

Compost, horn shavings and manure

Manure in general is a good fertilizer. However, it must then be really rotten. The same goes for compost.

  • if used, fertilizer must be taken from the middle or lower layer
  • even distribution and incorporation of the material into the soil substrate
  • Already added when potting or repotting
  • Horn shavings, manure and compost have a long-term fertilizing effect

Comfrey and nettle stock

Both herbal manures provide the lemon tree with optimal nutrients. At the same time, they can be used to control pests. It is rich in iron, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

  • Finely chop or cut the plant parts
  • Put in a sealable container
  • fill up with water
  • everything must be well covered
  • Close the vessel, place it in a warm and sunny place
  • Let it soak for 12 to 48 hours
  • Strain the broth
  • Dilute with equal parts of water
  • water once a month
  • The brew reaches all the root tips
  • simmer the broth for 30 to 45 minutes for faster preparation
  • then let it sit for one to three hours
  • sift through everything and you're done
Make nettle manure
Fertilize the currants with nettle manure

tip: By using hard tap water, lime can be added to the lemon tree with regular watering. In this way, the high demand for lime is optimally covered.

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