Toilet in the garden: what is allowed?

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Toilet in the garden

table of contents

  • Classic toilet in the garden illegal?
  • Requirements for installing a toilet
  • Alternative to the classic toilet
  • advantages
  • Types of dry toilets
  • Difference between composting toilet and Outhouse

For many people, the garden is a place of retreat, a hobby and part of their own lifestyle. People who spend a lot of time in their green oasis or, for example, have an allotment garden that can only be reached after a long journey, think more and more often about a toilet in the allotment garden set up. Since the waste product is wastewater, the question arises whether this is allowed at all or whether legal requirements have to be observed.

Classic toilet in the garden illegal?

The classic toilet in gardens is understood to mean septic tanks. These are septic tanks in the ground, which are provided with a collecting container, which the Collects gray water and allows it to seep into the earth over a longer period of time. This can pollute the groundwater, which not only has a negative effect on its quality, but can also lead to serious diseases for users of the water in the vicinity. According to the amendment of the Waste Water Disposal Act, such a toilet with waste water is not permitted under any circumstances and the use represents one

Criminal offense represent. But first of all, wastewater has to be defined:

  • Sewage is polluted water
  • the soiling can be varied
  • Feces
  • Heavy metals
  • Soap residue
  • Oils
  • Leftovers
  • other waste

While soap residues are always gray water, excrement and urine only become wastewater as soon as they come into contact with water and enter the septic tank. As an allotment garden according to the federal allotment garden law only wastewater free may be operated, all toilets that produce gray water in any form are prohibited. For this reason, even sinks or showers are not permitted in allotments. If such a toilet is used, it is a criminal offense and the toilet must either be repaired accordingly or completely removed, as these are simply not permitted. Since allotment gardens are generally not connected to the sewage system according to the Federal Allotment Garden Act, such toilets are not permitted.

Flowering hedges in the garden

Requirements for installing a toilet

If you spend a lot of time in your own allotment garden and accordingly do not have access to a toilet, you do not have to despair. You only have to observe a few points that comply with the requirements of the Wastewater Disposal and Federal Allotment Garden Act:

  • The toilet must be free of wastewater
  • must not attract vermin
  • must not cause odor nuisance for other garden owners
  • Containers for the waste must be tight
  • Disposal takes place either via transport or further processing

As you may see, such toilets are anhydrous Variants that look pretty much like an outhouse. However, these are alternatives that, thanks to the current state of the art, are ideally suited for your own garden and allowed without problems. These are the only way to set up a toilet in the garden that does not pollute the groundwater.

If you had access to the sewer system, installing a proper toilet would be possible, However, this is actually not possible in allotment gardens or is only associated with high costs is.

tip: Of course, you can also easily find out where there is a toilet near the garden, which can save costs and, above all, potential annoyance in the long run. It doesn't always have to be the clubhouse, because petrol stations, department stores and even libraries can be used to do business if there is no public toilet available.

Alternative to the classic toilet

If you do not have the capital to meet the necessary requirements for an environmentally friendly outdoor toilet, which is also not illegal, there are other alternatives. These toilets completely dispense with the use of water and can therefore be placed in the garden without hesitation. Yes one Dry toilet you have to empty it yourself, which is not really for everyone. However, there are some advantages of using a dry toilet that are not that gross in and of themselves.

Cottage garden



These toilets process the manure and urine into humus, which can then be used in the garden or to make compost. That makes these toilets ideal for self-catering or people who like to use natural fertilizers.

Odor formation

The toilets are equipped with ventilation that is operated by electricity. Alternatively, there are variants that manage completely without electricity and only protect against unpleasant odors through the placement of the ventilation pipes. The containers catch the stench and direct it outside. The way the toilet works prevents excessive moisture in the container, which significantly reduces the formation of odors.

Few bugs

The toilets are designed in such a way that vermin cannot, or only with difficulty, get into the collecting container. Because of this, you don't even have to worry about flies in your toilet.

Intervals of emptying

A person produces around 120 to 150 g of feces and up to 1.5 liters of urine per day. The collecting bins are designed in such a way that they can hold around 400 to 600 large toilet visits. Since the contents compost, the contents can stay there for up to two years. We recommend emptying every six months or three months.


The collection containers offered are cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner after they have been transported to a place with access to the sewage system. They are coated in such a way that the dirt does not penetrate the material and can therefore be reused without any problems.

Types of dry toilets

The above points connect all types of dry toilets. There are two of them that you can easily set up in your garden and after the correct installation, including ventilation, will not even stand out as a toilet:

  • Compost toilet
  • Separating toilet

The only difference between these two toilets is this Collecting container. While all waste including toilet paper ends up in the collecting container in the composting toilet, the separating toilet separates them. Urine and feces therefore end up in different containers and can be used independently of one another. While the manure rots into humus, the urine mixed with rainwater should be used to add nitrogen. Alternatively, it is possible to transport the urine home and dispose of it accordingly.

Garden toilet

Difference between composting toilet and Outhouse

How does the compost toilet differ from the smelly outhouse? After going to the toilet, something new Plant material filled into the collecting container in order to control excessive moisture.

Usable material:

  • Bark mulch
  • straw
  • Litter

An outhouse, on the other hand, simply collects all waste products in a vat, which releases ammonia and creates a smelly smell. This is also not permitted for the allotment garden, as the neighbors can feel disturbed by it. For this reason, the compost and separation toilet are an ideal alternative so as not to disturb the groundwater and the neighbour's nose.

tip: Another advantage of the dry toilets is the problem-free decomposition of the toilet paper, which can simply be disposed of after the business is done. This simply rots over time and can be used to fertilize the plants in your own garden.