Sowing radishes: timing, distance & depth

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table of contents

  • preparation
  • Time by variety
  • Early varieties
  • Summer varieties
  • Prefer
  • Plant spacing
  • depth
  • Prick out
  • Distance to plant partners
  • frequently asked Questions

Sowing radishes is very easy as long as the right time, spacing and depth are observed. As a result, the plants thrive ideally and the harvest is abundant.

In a nutshell

  • Radishes can be preferred
  • Keeping the required distances ensures successful growth
  • Preparation of the bed required
  • After sowing, seeds should only be covered a little with soil
  • Keeping the distances is also necessary for the harvest


Ideally, the bed should be prepared as early as autumn for sowing or growing the radishes in spring. To do this, the following steps are required:

Dig up
  1. Digging up: The purpose of digging is to loosen up the substrate and incorporate new nutrient-rich substances such as compost. The earth should be dug up to a depth of 20 to 30 centimeters.
  2. Remove foreign bodies: Roots and stones can limit the growth of radishes and should therefore be removed before sowing or planting.
  3. Earth seven: Sifting the substrate will also remove smaller debris and roots. In addition, the earth is loosened up effectively.
  4. Bring in nutrients: The soil can be enriched with nutrients by using compost, horn meal or special vegetable fertilizers. The advantage of preparing in autumn is that it can be infected by microorganisms and living beings in the Distribute the soil more evenly and thus directly available to the young plants in spring stand.
  5. Smooth: The smooth rake prevents puddles from forming or the bed having to be prepared again in spring.

Time by variety

When is the right time to sow the radish seeds depends on the variety. A distinction is made between spring and summer varieties. The variants for spring are, for example:

  • Cyros
  • Flamboyant
  • French breakfast
  • corundum
  • Saxa

The early varieties germinate at lower temperatures and are therefore also suitable for a harsher climate. Radishes for the summer need warmer soil. They include:

Radishes grow out of the earth
  • Carnita
  • champion
  • Matter
  • Olivia
  • Prince Rotin
  • Rexe
  • Giant butter
  • Roundabout
  • rota
  • Sora
  • Vitessa

Note: The advantage of these later varieties is that they don't tend to shoot and don't get furry even in heat and drought. The early variants, on the other hand, are more resistant to cold.

Early varieties

Radishes that germinate early need temperatures of 12 to 15 degrees Celsius. Therefore, in regions with a mild climate, they can often be sown directly into the bed as early as the end of February or the beginning of March.

Tip: Covering with a foil or fleece can accelerate germination and protect the young plants later.

Summer varieties

Later varieties of the in botanical terminology as Raphanus sativus var. sativus called radishes need temperatures of at least 15 degrees Celsius. You can therefore sow these radishes around the middle or end of May.


An alternative to direct sowing is preferred. For this purpose, the seeds are placed in seed pots, for example, and grown in a greenhouse, winter garden or stairwell. All that is important are the right temperatures, sufficient light and water for the variety.
Those belonging to the radishes Radishes are so-called weak consumers. This means that the substrate does not have to be high in nutrients. So sowing soil is sufficient for the seeds in particular. When they are later placed in the prepared bed, sufficient nutrients are available to them through the incorporation of compost or appropriate fertilizer.

Sow radishes

Plant spacing

There should be a distance of at least 15 centimeters between the rows. It must be taken into account that there is enough space for a simple harvest.
Placing narrow pavement slabs in the middle of the rows has the advantage that weeds are also kept away.
There should be a planting distance of eight to twelve centimeters between the individual seeds or pre-grown plants. This ensures that each radish receives adequate water and nutrients. In addition, there is sufficient ventilation. This means that pests and diseases such as fungi have a lower chance of spreading quickly.


Raphanus sativus var. You just need to cover sativus lightly with soil. A layer of one to two centimeters on the seeds is sufficient. It is ideal and easy to make a groove in the bed and plant the seeds individually at the appropriate intervals.
Then apply the earth in a thin layer and tap it lightly. Finally, the seeds are poured well and, if necessary, covered with foil or fleece.
The same planting distance applies to earlier radishes. However, these can be used directly with the substrate in prepared holes.

Prick out

If you plant the seeds too densely or if you do not use special nursery pots, you will have to prick out the young plants. This means that you have to take the plants out of the ground one by one and put them back in at a greater distance from each other.
This measure is possible when the cotyledons are visible and about two to three centimeters high.

prick out

Distance to plant partners

Some planting partners in a mixed culture can help reduce the risk of an infestation Pests and thus the risk of disease transmission are kept as low as possible will. These include:

  • Herbs like basil, Sage or parsley
  • Carrots
  • salad
  • tomatoes

While between the radishes a distance of 15 centimeters per row and eight to twelve Centimeters between the plants should be sufficient for larger plants, such as Tomatoes or Lovage, make sure that the shadow is not too strong.
More space between the plants is advisable. You should make this dependent on the larger plants in each case.

frequently asked Questions

Can radishes also be grown on the balcony and terrace?

Yes, cultivation is possible even indoors. It is only important to have sufficiently large planters and the right temperatures. In addition, care should be taken to ensure that there is an appropriate supply of water and nutrients, as there is less soil available in buckets and boxes and therefore a smaller storage space.

Can several different varieties be planted in a row?

Since the radish species is a poor eater, it is possible to sow several different varieties in the same bed within a few weeks. This not only ensures a variety of flavors, but also guarantees frequent and continuous harvests throughout the season.

Why is it important to choose the type of radish appropriate for sowing?

As with all other plants, there are different varieties or cultivated forms. These are adapted to different temperatures. If, for example, an early variety is chosen, it can shoot at too high temperatures and channel more energy into the growth of the leaves than into the formation of the tubers.