Catching dormouse indoors: is it allowed?

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Catch dormouse

table of contents

  • Dormouse in the house
  • Catch dormouse
  • instructions
  • Prevent

Do you actually know what a dormouse looks like? Probably not, because the animal species with the Latin name Glis glis is one of the native ones nocturnal mammals, which due to their suspicious nature seldom get near humans dare. Once the animals have nested, the loud communication noises, excrement and urine can disturb the peace in your own four walls. Here the question arises: is it allowed to catch dormice?

Dormouse in the house

The Glis glis is a rodent within the family of the dormouse (Gliridae), which at first glance looks like a mixture of mouse and squirrel. Since the species is endangered in many parts of its original range, including Germany, dormice are found under conservation. However, it is allowed to catch and relocate the dormouse if you only use live traps with the appropriate bait. Even private individuals are allowed to and do not even have to inform the authorities for this undertaking. However, when compared to mice or rats, it is much more difficult to catch them, since the animals are much more cautious in comparison. In addition, the following measures are prohibited during control:

  • capture without trapping alive
  • hurt
  • kill

Of course, these bans also apply to young animals, which normally see the light of day in September. In addition, you are not allowed to remove the breeding grounds or shelters, for example the winter quarters, from nature. All these regulations can be found in the 1. Appendix of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance (BArtSchV) and in the event of violations of these you must also You can expect fines of up to 50,000 euros, depending on the federal state in which the offense was committed took place. Still, you don't have to worry when the animals have settled in your house. While there are limited options for trapping the rodents, this problem will resolve itself over time.

tip: If you do not succeed in catching the animals on your own, the exterminator is usually the last resort. Although this is also only allowed to use live traps, experience in this area is effective for the animals.


Catch dormouse

As mentioned above, there are not many ways to curb the dormouse colonization. For private individuals without a permit, only catching the animals with live traps is permitted. This project may only take place indoors, as the animals in the open have no effect on humans. For this method you will need two things:

  • Live trap
  • bait

With the live trap, you either have to rely on one made entirely of ABS plastic or fine-meshed wire. The length of the trap must be between 30 and 50 centimeters so that the dormice can move enough after being caught before they are relocated. Likewise, the flap must not reach all the way down, otherwise the long tail of the animals will be pinched, which could lead to greater panic and considerable pain. You can also use live traps for mice and rats. The average costs are ten to 25 euros per trap, which depends on the equipment and quality. Depending on the size of the colony, it may be worth setting up several traps. You can use the following as bait:

  • Apples (favorite of animals)
  • domestic fruits
  • local nuts
  • special bait mixes

A special bait mix that is very popular with dormice consists of peanut butter, non-alcoholic raisins, oat flakes and water to mix. These are formed into lumps with a spoon or gloves. Why gloves or cutlery? Dormice have an excellent sense of smell and will not dare to use bait that smells like people.


Once you've got the live trap and bait ready, it's time to capture:

  1. Use the nocturnal noises, the smell of feces or urine, and traces of food to locate the animals' settlements. It is sufficient to know which floor they are on, as the bait is sufficient to lure the dormice into the trap.
  2. Now place the traps in the house and put the bait in the trap. The best time to do this is in the early morning hours, as the animals are not active at this time.
  3. Now it's time to wait. Depending on suspicion, the glis glis will not touch the bait at first and it is often the case that you have to replace them with fresh ones. Over time, however, these animals will dare to take the traps and be caught.
  4. Then move the dormice as soon as possible. It should be noted here that the new living space is at least 20 kilometers away from your house. It is even more effective when there are natural obstacles such as mountains or forests in between.

tip: Driving away with home remedies, such as the use of noise or ultrasound waves, is not really effective in the dormouse. If the animals have been driven away, they are usually in the attic for the next few days and hold their nightly concerts and disputes.

Dormouse in the gutter


You can prevent animals from settling with them using the following methods:

  • Cover windows, openings, chimneys
  • use close-meshed grids for this
  • Climbing plants remove from the house wall
  • Distribute mothballs
  • Use incense
  • Use incense sticks

Odor prevention must be applied consistently in order to work. Leaving furniture polish open can also help. However, the variant with the grille is particularly effective.

tip: The use of cats as a defense against rodents is not recommended, as the hunting successes are usually only weak with the exception of a few specimens. On the other hand, the risk increases that the velvet paws will kill birds and other animals that you did not necessarily want to harm.

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