Zigzag is dead: how to save? I throws off leaves

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Corokia cotoneaster

table of contents

  • Zigzag shrub loses leaves
  • Pay attention to the first signs
  • Wrong watering
  • First aid in case of dehydration
  • Repot when waterlogged
  • Check location

The one from New Zealand Zigzag enchants with its somewhat idiosyncratic growth. The branches are slightly angled and constantly change direction as they grow. The name is ultimately derived from this bizarre growth form. The Eskallonia family (Escalloniaceae) is very popular in this country as a houseplant and mainly a container plant. Corokia cotoneaster is normally very robust and easy to care for. It can still happen that he sometimes loses his hands, then action must be taken quickly.

Zigzag shrub loses leaves

As a rule, it is quite normal for a few leaves to be thrown off every now and then. It is a completely natural process, old leaves fall off and new ones are formed at the same time. However, if the shrub loses a lot of leaves in a very short time and it is soon bare, then you should definitely look for the causes. First and foremost, mistakes in maintenance are usually responsible for excessive leaf shedding. The plants can literally be cared for dead. But there are also various other options such as

  • wrong watering
  • prolonged drought
  • Waterlogging
  • wrong location
  • Lack of light
  • too high ambient temperatures
  • Soil condition

Pest infestation can also lead to the death of the plant, although Corokia cotoneaster is very resistant to it. Often a location that is too warm is responsible for the fact that the plant dries up. The zigzag shrub loves cooler temperatures and is therefore only partially suitable for the living room. It is better off in the cooler winter garden, as a container plant for the balcony and terrace or in the bright stairwell. The bush simply shouldn't "sweat".

Corokia cotoneaster in the bucket

Pay attention to the first signs

In order to prevent damage to the zigzag bush and at the same time ensure healthy growth, it is necessary to research the cause as soon as the first signs of a change appear. Too much dryness, wetness or other errors can cause various signs such as

  • increased number of yellow leaves
  • also shedding of green leaves
  • hanging shoots, leaves and flowers
  • premature wilting of the flowers
  • Branches lose stability
  • sometimes softened trunk
  • Mold growth on the trunk
  • Mold on the substrate
  • musty smell

Increased leaf shedding can usually be a sign dryness be. The plant can thus save water as the evaporation area is reduced. If there are already a lot of dried up leaves, shoots and branches, then the zigzag bush is as good as dead if measures are not taken to save it as soon as possible. The same applies to waterlogging. If this is not recognized, the root rot can continue until the plant has finally died.

Wrong watering

Probably the biggest mistake in maintenance is the pouring behavior. The “when” and “how” can very quickly lead to damage to the zigzag bush. These plants are not exactly thirsty, which must be taken into account when casting. However, the root ball must never dry out completely, then leaf shedding can hardly be prevented. In the worst case, the plant will eventually dry out. Corokia cotoneaster does not only tolerate drought, but also too much moisture. It is therefore necessary to find a mediocrity when pouring. Basically, pouring is only allowed when the surface of the substrate is slightly dry. The Thumb test be used:

  • light pressure with thumb on the surface of the earth
  • Depression 2 cm or more: sufficiently moist
  • less than 2 cm: watering necessary

Furthermore, the following should be observed when pouring:

  • water regularly
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Remove excess irrigation water
  • keep moderately moist
  • The planter must have a drainage hole
  • Put in drainage from gravel and sand
  • Roots should not stand in the water
  • Use of low-lime water
  • water less in winter
  • Keep the soil slightly moist

If the root ball is too moist, the only thing left to do is to repot it in fresh, dry substrate to save the zigzag bush. Liquid fertilizer can also be administered with the irrigation water. Gifts are given every two weeks from spring to autumn. However, it should not be used during the flowering period, otherwise the flowers may be shed. Fertilizing must also be stopped during winter.

tip: The zigzag can also be called bonsai to be pulled. The branches and twigs are shortened and then wired in order to maintain its bizarre growth shape.

First aid in case of dehydration

Easily for one dried up Zigzag bushes are usually still able to be saved. However, the first thing to do is to determine whether the shrub is not dead yet. To do this, a piece of bark is simply scratched or a twig is snapped off. If there is still something green, then there is still life in the plant. If only a few branches have dried up and the trunk is still slightly damp and green, then rescue is usually still possible. Of course, watering is now necessary. However, if the soil is completely dry, normal watering would not do much, as the water would not reach the roots but instead seep through the drainage hole immediately. It is best to proceed as follows:

  • Fill the bucket with water
  • Place the plant with the pot in it
  • leave in for a few minutes
  • no more air bubbles rise, remove
  • Drain the pot well
  • to do this, raise the pot
  • Water can run off better
  • Remove dried up shoots and leaves
  • possibly cut back to the root ball

If the pot or bucket is too big and does not fit into the bucket, it is simply placed on a saucer filled with water. It stays there for 24 hours, but not longer, otherwise waterlogging can occur. During this time the shrub has absorbed enough water. It is always important that the vessels have a drainage hole on the bottom. After the measure has been taken, pouring continues on a regular basis. If necessary, a small amount of fertilizer should be added, especially if a radical pruning has taken place. After that, the zigzag shrub is grateful for a bright, but not too hot location.

Note: The pruning of withered branches and twigs is necessary so that the plant can use all its strength in the formation of new shoots.

Repot when waterlogged

If waterlogging occurs, in principle only quick repotting can save the zigzag bush, if at all. To do this, the plant must be removed immediately from the moist substrate and this must be thoroughly removed from the roots. It is also necessary

  • remove any soggy and moldy roots
  • Let roots dry for 24 hours
  • Put the plant in fresh, dry substrate and
  • Cut back twigs and branches
  • Choose pot size three times the size of the root ball

The repotted shrub is then watered for the first time after a few days. It is then important to optimize the casting behavior. The choice of substrate is also important. A mixture of

  • three parts vegetable soil (peat-free)
  • One part each of Akadama earth, clay granulate and sand
  • some pumice

Note: To save the zigzag bush from waterlogging and drying out, the condition of the roots is always decisive. These must not be damaged. If after a while there is no new shoot, help came too late. The plant can be disposed of. However, some patience is required here.

Check location

A site check is mainly necessary if Corokia cotoneaster shows signs of drying up and is losing its leaves. This can be necessary in the room, but also outdoors in summer. When choosing the location, it is important to take into account the lighting conditions, ambient temperatures and, last but not least, the nature of the soil. Young shoots in particular are very susceptible to strong sunlight and, as a result, too much heat. In the wrong location, the flowers and leaves can quickly be shed and, in the worst case, the plant can dry out. When choosing the place of installation, a few things should be considered:

  • full sun to partial shade outdoors
  • ideal light penumbra
  • bright all year round, sufficient light
  • no direct midday sun
  • Shading necessary over midday
  • Sheltered from the wind, but airy
  • no drafts
  • high humidity during the summer
  • ideal outdoor location during flowering
  • Temporary minus degrees down to -10 ° C possible
  • temperatures around 15 ° C to 20 ° C during the growth phase
  • in winter 5 to 10 ° C

Note: If the temperature is too high, there will be no flowering.

If kept as a houseplant, a place should not be found in the immediate vicinity of the heater. Shade is absolutely necessary on the windowsill during the midday sun. However, it is not only the location that has to tell the zigzag bush, but also the nature of the soil is crucial for its growth and health. The bush loves

  • nutrient-rich, loose, well-drained, moderately dry to moist soil
  • high humus content
  • minimal lime content
  • pH value neutral to slightly acidic (6.0 to 6.5)

Only when the care is right and the optimal location has been found, the zigzag bush can develop its full beauty and live for many years.

Zigzag fruits
The red berries on Corokia cotoneaster may look tempting, but are inedible.