Flowers and garden: 108 quotes and sayings

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beautiful sayings about the garden and flowers

table of contents

  • Inspirational sayings about the garden
  • Sayings about work in the garden
  • Sayings to smile
  • Sayings about flowers
  • Beautiful proverbs from all over the world
  • frequently asked Questions

People have always been enthusiastic about the beauty of nature. We too are enchanted by our gardens and flowers every year. We took this as an opportunity to present you with our favorite sayings about the garden - and who knows, maybe your favorite will be there too?

In a nutshell

  • Variety of sayings about the garden and flowers
  • Great personalities and unknown authors
  • Proverbs from all over the world

Inspirational sayings about the garden

Many sayings try to put the beauty of the garden and its positive effects into words. The sayings can make you think:

What I find interesting about gardening is not so much creating as discovering and observing. - Ann-Christin Neugebauer

Trees are poems that the earth writes in the sky. - Khalil Gibran

View into the treetops
Trees soar high into the sky and thus inspire great sayings.

Keep love in your heart. Without them, life is like a garden without sun, from which the flowers have disappeared.

- Oscar Wilde

Fate treats us like plants. Short frosts make us more mature. - Jean Paul

You don't enter the garden of paradise with your feet, but with your heart. - Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

The garden is the last luxury of our days, because it demands what has become most precious in our society: time, attention and space. - Dieter Kienast

The splendor of the gardens always requires a love of nature. - Anne Louise Germaine de Staël

Let this place be dedicated to the honorable pleasure of pleasing the eye, refreshing the nose and renewing the mind. - Erasmus from Rotterdam

The stupid run, the clever wait, the wise go into the garden. - Rabindranath Thakur

A garden is an academy of flourishing arts. - Gabriele Renate Pyhrr

Owning a piece of land, tilling it with a hoe, sowing seeds and watching their renewal of life - these are the most satisfying things a human can do. - Charles Dudley Warner

a well-tended vegetable garden
Gardening can be extremely fulfilling - like good gardening quotes.

Garden is the name for the coiffed nature. - Prof. Querulix

Gardens are like good old friends. They can comfort, make happy, reconcile, inspire. - Author unknown

Green is not everything, but without green everything is nothing. - Hans-Hermann Bentrup

Ideas and plans are like plants. One day they will bear fruit. - Author unknown

In autumn there is silence in the gardens for which we have no time. - Victor Auburtin

Paradise has been lost in a garden, it is found again in a garden. - Blaise Pascal

Nothing in an appointment calendar is as important as planning an hour of leisure in the garden. - Johannes Rau

Every gardener also grows with his plants. - Martin Gerhard Reisenberg

Prefer plants
At first, the plants are still small, but they grow quickly.

Live your garden dreams. - Iris Winkenbach

Nature speaks a wonderful language. - Karl Foerster

Take care of your garden and the garden takes care of your soul. - Mark Balkens growl

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. - Audrey Hepburn

Visit as many gardens as possible. - Paul McBride

Why then wait day by day? Whatever may bloom blooms in the garden. - Klaus Groth

If you have a garden and a library, you won't be wanting for anything. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

If I knew that tomorrow the world would end, I would plant an apple tree today. - Probably from the 19th Century; is often assigned to Martin Luther

Apple tree with red apples
Apple trees in the garden are not only inspiration for sayings, they also provide us with shade and fruit.

Anyone who has a garden is already living in paradise. - Aba Assa

Anyone who became passionate about gardening has never been healed. - Karl Foerster

If you want to get to know me completely, you have to know my garden. Because my garden is my heart. - Hermann Ludwig Heinrich von Pückler-Muskau

Sayings about work in the garden

To enjoy a garden like this takes a lot of dedication and care. Of course, there are also many suitable sayings and advice in this area:

The best fertilizer is the gardener's shade. - Author unknown

The garden is the best school in life. - Bernhard Steiner

The garden is a publisher that does not refuse to work. - Manfred Hinrich

The “green thumb” consists of attention and care. - Anke Maggauer-Kirsche

Planting flowers in the garden
A green thumb often - like good sayings - takes time.

A garden is not created by sitting in the shade. - Joseph Rudyard Kipling

Garden is not just about spring blooming and summer splendor, it also means above all: the daily arrival of the unexpected. - Jürgen Dahl

Weeding is censorship of nature. - Oskar Kokoschka

You will only be advised to work early and late, everyone sees the flowerbed, no one sees the spade. - Author unknown

weed is anything that grows back after weeding. - Mark Twain

Weeds are the names of plants whose benefits have not yet been recognized. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Weeds grow in two months, a red rose takes a whole year to grow. - Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi

If you have a garden, you don't need a gym or vacation. - Dr. Fritz Neuhauser

Gardening with a wheelbarrow
Gardening is exhausting and relaxing at the same time.

If you want to harvest fruit in the future, don't let the roots dry up. - Peter Amendt

Anyone who is already satisfied with their garden does not deserve it. - Karl Foerster

Sayings to smile

Not every garden saying is serious advice or full of admiration. Some sayings about the garden simply invite you to smile:

That's the uplifting thing about gardening: I forgot time, space and my tax return. In the here and now there was just me and this damned one liguster. - Susanne Wiborg

The best thing about gardening is that you can put it off until it no longer makes sense. - Author unknown

The stylish garden feels like a reformatory for nature. - Thomas Häntsch

The smartest men are those who can convince their wives that gardening is beautiful. - Karel Copek

The allotment gardens are the answer to the motorway, which the gardeners themselves like to take race. - Elmar Schenkel

Gardeners are the only ones who know what's in store for them. - Author unknown

The smaller the garden, the bigger the garden gnome. - Brigitte Fuchs

Garden gnome between flowers
Garden gnomes are very popular in gardens.

Better a pansy than no relatives at all. - Author unknown

Weeds are nature's opposition to the gardener's government. - Oskar Kokoschka

If a man buys his wife flowers for no reason, he has one. - Aldo Cammarota

Onlookers are among the largest garden pests. - Martin Gerhard Reisenberg

Cynic: a person who, when he sees flowers, looks for the coffin. - Henry Louis Mencken

Sayings about flowers

What could be nicer than a garden full of lovely smells and smells flower? Many people have probably already thought this and were inspired to write a series of sayings about flowers:

Blossoms and books, the great comforters of the soul. - Emily Dickinson

When a flower blooms, it shows us its beauty. If it does not bloom, it teaches us hope. - Chao-Hsiu Chen

Flowers on the dining table enhance the taste of the food. - Karl Foerster

Flowers cannot bloom without the warmth of the sun. People cannot become human without the warmth of friendship. - Phil Bosmans

Flowers don't have to be beautiful. It is you. - Anke Maggauer-Kirsche

Flowers are the smile of the earth. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Purple flowers
Everyone enjoys beautiful flowers.

Flowers are nature's smile. It works without her, but not so well. - Max Reger

Flowers are the beautiful words and hieroglyphs of nature, with which she indicates to us how much she loves us. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The flowers of spring are the dreams of winter. - Khalil Gibran

The scents kick the pedal in the flower music. - Karl Foerster

Friendship and love give flowers. - Franz Grillparzer

Normal is a paved road; you can walk on it - but no flowers grow on it. - Vincent van Gogh

The rose speaks all the languages ​​of the world. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

pink roses
Roses are many people's favorite flowers.

Fragrances are the feelings of flowers. - Heinrich Heine 

Fragrances are like souls of flowers; you can feel it even in the realm of shadows. - Joseph Joubert

A woman without secrets is like a flower without a fragrance. - Maurice Chevalier 

There are flowers everywhere for whoever wants to see them. - Henri Matisse

It is not worth writing for critics how not worth smelling flowers to those who have a cold. - Anton Chekhov

The beauty of flowers in particular is often completely pointless, that is, it does not mean pointless. - Adolf Portmann

I didn't pick a few flowers today to give you their life. - Christian Morgenstern

But the taller a person is, the more they tend to kneel in front of a flower. - Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Every flower wilts once, so should we admire it less? - Zenta Maurina

To be overwhelmed by the scent of flowers is a pleasurable defeat. - John Beverly Nichols

What sunshine is to flowers, laughing faces are to people. - Joseph Addison

When flowers, regardless of their colors and shapes, stand together, a picture of disharmony can never arise. - Vincent van Gogh

Various flowers
Flowers can always be combined in color.

When the flowers laugh, the world smells. - Monika Minder

Who dares to face the thundering trains? The little flowers between the railroad ties. - Erich Kaestner

Thoughts arise like blossoms. - Hermann Hesse

Beautiful proverbs from all over the world

But it doesn't always have to be the knowledge of a great poet or botanist to create beautiful garden and flower sayings. Sayings about the garden have been handed down for a very long time and passed on from generation to generation. So if you are looking for suitable sayings about the garden, you are welcome to take a look at other cultures:

Life begins with the day you plant a garden. - Chinese proverb

Believing in roses makes them bloom. - German proverb

To the happy every weed is a flower, to the sad every flower is a weed. - Finnish proverb

The soil is bad and flowers cannot grow on it. - German proverb

The garden is the poor man's pharmacy. - German proverb

Bunch of thyme
Thyme is a popular medicinal herb from your own garden.

The gardener's foot does not spoil the garden. - Italian proverb

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is now. - Proverb from Uganda

The flowers in your own garden do not smell as strong as the wild flowers, but they last longer. - Chinese proverb

The flowers make the garden, not the fence. - German proverb

The most magnificent flowers often bloom in secret. - Japanese proverb

A flower can be cut off, but spring cannot be stopped. - South American proverb

There is no garden without weeds. - German proverb

Happiness consists in the art of not being angry that the rose bush bears thorns,

but to be happy that the thorn bush bears roses. - Arabic proverb

More grows in the garden than has been sown. - English proverb

lush garden
All kinds of plants grow in a garden, planned or not.

Everyone has enough to do with weeding their own garden. - From the Flemings

Not the flowers and trees, only the garden is yours. - Chinese proverb

Only the stupid seeks happiness in the distance. The clever one lets it sprout under his feet. - Chinese proverb

What eats the mouse, hits again, what does the snail eat, stays down forever. - German farmer wisdom

Anyone who plants a lot and does not look after it will be badly rewarded for the effort. - German proverb

When you are sad, find a tree. - Indian proverb

Like the gardener, like the garden. - Hebrew proverb

If you want to be happy for a lifetime, then create a garden. - German proverb

If you want to be happy for an hour, get drunk. If you want to be happy for three days, get married. If you want to be happy for eight days, slaughter a pig and have a feast. But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, create a garden for yourself. - Chinese proverb

Be ready to cherish and care for, leave the growth to time. - German proverb

frequently asked Questions

When can I use the sayings?

The sayings can be used universal. For example, you can write a nice saying on a hobby gardener's birthday card in the next one Garden round shine with a new proverb or you can enjoy the proverbs all by yourself and let yourself be to inspire.

Where do the proverbs about the garden come from?

The question can no longer be answered that precisely because the original author of the sayings is no longer alive. However, his words are so influential that they have been passed down through generations. Therefore, today we can only say which country or which culture the proverb comes from.

Are the sayings a real gardening guide?

Jain. While some sayings contain tips or advice based on real facts, others are intended for entertainment purposes only. If you want to be sure that you are doing everything right in your yard, you should resort to more informed sources.