Is the bluebell tree poisonous? Information for children and pets

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Bluebell tree is poisonous

table of contents

  • Toxicity
  • Toxic = dangerous?
  • Danger to children and pets
  • Poison contact
  • Skin contact
  • Eye contact
  • Swallow

As the name suggests, the bluebell tree surprises with a multitude of impressive, bright blue flowers during its flowering period. This is exactly why the decorative tree can be found again and again in ornamental gardens, but also in public areas. One often hears that particularly impressive plants are mostly poisonous or at least unhealthy. But is that also true of Paulownia Tomentosa? Whether especially children and Pets If you should stay away from this widespread tree, learn below.


Toxic or not? - these dangers emanate from the bluebell tree

There are different statements in the literature on the question of the toxicity of Paulownia Tomentosa. Above all, older treatises, as well as works that deal with the plant species only in a very general way, name the bluebell tree as slightly poisonous.

Paulownia tomentosa, bluebell tree
Paulownia tomentosa, bluebell tree

Differentiated considerations about this species, also known as the imperial tree, distinguish the individual ones

Plant components. The leaves of the bluebell tree are now widely classified as harmless and completely non-toxic. Occasionally they are even named as food for pets and so that the harmlessness should in fact be out of the question. The one that forms from the flowers Fruits on the other hand, a slight toxicity is still ascribed. The question of edibility is therefore superfluous.

Toxic = dangerous?

If you are confronted with the catchphrase of the toxicity of a plant, you will usually recognize a considerable danger emanating from the plant concerned. However, even when it comes to harmfulness, there are all levels from a minor damage effect to significant impairment or even danger to life. For the bluebell tree this means specifically:

earlier common assumption

  • all plant components slightly toxic

common attitude today

  • Leaves harmless, sometimes even recommended as animal feed
  • Wood, bark, twigs etc. non-toxic
  • Fruits and the resulting seeds are slightly poisonous, contain plant poison verbascoside

Danger to children and pets

Little poison and high attractiveness

If only the fruit and seeds of the imperial tree are critical and even these only small amounts of poison contain, why should one look at the topic of harmfulness at all with regard to the bluebell tree employ?

If you take a closer look at the shape of the fruit, it quickly becomes clear that it is often particularly attractive to children and pets. One fruit is approx. three to four centimeters long, has a greenish color and an egg-shaped, slightly tapering shape. The later seeds, on the other hand, are brown in color, while the shape of the fruit is still very similar.

For the layman, which includes children and pets, Paulownia Tomentosa, with its fruit and seeds, is one of them into a multitude of other plants in the home garden, the fruits of which are very well edible or at least uncritical. A child will certainly not take a differentiated view of the present fruit, but rather take it courageously because of the similarity to plums, apples and other cultivated plants. And the seeds, which are vaguely reminiscent of pistachios or acorns, tempt you to include them in the game with chestnuts, acorns and beechnuts.

Bluebell tree, Paulownia tomentosa
Fruits / seeds of the bluebell tree

It is of course similar with pets. Here, too, the products of the bluebell tree will certainly quickly be included in the series of cultivated pleasure fruits and thus experience to an increased extent an unwanted one that makes their weak toxicity appear critical Attention.

Poison contact

What should I do if I come into contact with the poisonous parts of the plant?

Owners and mistresses of pets in particular, as well as parents of children, are now rightly the question ask what to do in the event of contact with the poisonous components of the bluebell tree, i.e. with the fruits is.

Skin contact

  • Problem: mostly unproblematic with intact fruits, more critical with sap that gets on the skin
  • Consequences: Skin irritation possible for people with sensitive skin, but the greatest risk of poisoning through hands, e.g. B. to be carried in the eyes or mouth
  • Measures: usually no measures necessary, as the amount of poison in contact with the skin is very low, if the skin becomes red, wash off and apply cream
  • Prevention: hands or hands after contact with the fruit. Wash the touched area of ​​skin with soap and water

Eye contact

  • Problem: Poison gets into the eyes and the circulatory system in general very quickly via the mucous membranes
  • Consequences: eye irritation through to impaired vision
  • Measures: Rinse the eye with plenty of water after contact, if necessary consult an ophthalmologist
  • Prevention: wash hands after contact and do not touch eyes, do not deliberately destroy / crush fruit to avoid splashing juice in the eyes


  • Problem: Poison gets directly into the blood and internal organs via the digestive tract
  • Consequences: stomach and intestinal problems, possibly diarrhea or Vomit
  • Measures: none, consult a doctor in case of serious complaints or Poison Control to use
  • Prevention: remove fallen fruits and thus keep pets and children away

ATTENTION: Even if the bluebell tree can only be classified in parts and only as slightly poisonous, the associated problems should not be completely disregarded. Especially in children and pets, symptoms can occur faster and more violently than in adults because of their lower body mass. So should you find that your four-legged friend or even your child is in contact with the fruits of the emperor's tree At least intensive observation is recommended, as well as - if necessary - a quick and courageous one Intervention.

Bluebell tree, Paulownia tomentosa

Note: Please note that this article does not in any way replace a visit to the doctor. There is no guarantee that medical statements are correct.
You will find detailed information on first aid in the event of poisoning and important information on poison control centers here.

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