Hemp palm, Trachycarpus fortunei - care from A-Z

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chinese hemp palm trachycarpus fortunei

table of contents

  • Characteristics
  • Location
  • Soil / substrate
  • Planting
  • Fertilize
  • to water
  • Repot / transfer
  • Cut
  • Overwinter
  • Multiply
  • Care errors / brown leaves
  • Diseases and pests

Profile and care information open +conclude -

Flower color
Partial shade, sunny
April, May, June, July
Growth habit
up to 15 m high
Soil type
sandy, loamy
Soil moisture
PH value
neutral, weakly alkaline, weakly acidic, alkaline
Limescale tolerance
Calcium tolerant
rich in humus
Plant families
Palm family, Arecaceae
Plant species
Container plants, potted plants, house plants
Garden style
Pot garden, winter garden

Hemp palms are not only robust and resilient, but also relatively undemanding at the same time. However, in order for Trachycarpus fortunei to thrive successfully, a few factors should be considered. From the choice of location to professional maintenance and winter storage - we have the most important ones Information summarized for you, so that you can cultivate the popular fan palm with certainty succeed!


  • Plant family: Palm family (Arecaceae)
  • Other names: Chinese hemp palm, Ticino palm
  • Flower color: yellow (male), yellowish green (female)
  • Location: sunny or partially shaded
  • Flowering period: April to July
  • Growth habit: upright fan palm
  • Height: 12-15 m
  • Soil type: humus, rich in nutrients and well drained
  • Soil moisture: fresh
  • pH value: alkaline to slightly acidic
  • Lime tolerance: lime tolerant
  • Humus: rich in humus
  • Toxic: no
  • Garden style: potted garden


The hemp palm is not particularly demanding when it comes to the optimal location. Although it prefers a sunny location, it can also do well in a partially shaded spot. However, the lack of sunlight affects the growth of the hemp palm, which is already very hesitant. If you want to promote the growth of Trachycarpus fortunei as best as possible, you should choose a place with the following requirements:

  • sunny, a few hours of sun exposure daily
  • A south-facing window is ideal in the interior
  • Protected from the wind, for example on a wall
  • warm
  • optimal temperature: 15-20 degrees

Note: Temperatures below 14 degrees are not a problem for the hemp palm, but this slows the growth of the plant.

Soil / substrate

Blossom stand of the chinese hemp palm
The dense, yellow (in this case male) inflorescences of the hemp palm are striking.

When choosing the substrate, it is essential to consider the age of the hemp palm. Because older specimens are much easier to satisfy than young plants. For this, nutritious and well-drained garden soil is usually completely sufficient. Young hemp palms, on the other hand, thrive best when the substrate has the following properties:

  • humic, nutrient-rich and permeable
  • loose soil with coarse components
  • slightly acidic to alkaline: pH value from 5.3-7.5

Tip: Loamy garden soil can be optimized quickly and easily with the addition of leaf compost, peat and a little lava granulate.


The optimal time to plant the hemp palm depends primarily on its future location. Because the Trachycarpus fortunei can be cultivated both in the garden and in the tub. However, before it takes a place in the bed, it should receive the appropriate care in the bucket for around three to five years. The planting of the hemp palm is designed as follows, depending on the type of husbandry:

Planting in the pot

If the hemp palm is cultivated in a protected interior, it can be used all year round. It is important that the vessel is taller than it is wide. Because the Trachycarpus fortunei is deep-rooted, which is why the roots should be given as much space as possible below. The vessel should also have a drainage hole so that excess irrigation water can drain away.

  • Work in drainage from potsherds or expanded clay
  • Spread out air and water permeable fleece
  • Fill the container with substrate halfway up
  • Insert the palm and press on the substrate
  • pour with soft water
  • Place the hemp palm in a partially shaded place
  • put in a sunny place after 8-10 days
  • first fertilization after 6 weeks

Planting in the garden

digging a planting hole
When planting the Chinese hemp palm in the garden, timing is crucial.

Hemp palms should only be planted in the garden in spring. Because this gives them enough time to take root by winter. The ideal time for planting in the bed is therefore a mild, dry day in April or May.

  • Dig the planting hole
  • Tap roots should be completely absorbed
  • Enrich the excavation with compost, horn shavings, lava granulate and bog soil
  • Create drainage made of expanded clay or pottery shards
  • Take the palm out of the pot and insert
  • Firmly press the substrate
  • no cavities should form
  • pour on soft water
  • mulch with leaves or grass clippings

Note: If the hemp palm moves from the interior to the open air, it should be protected with a parasol for the first two weeks.


The hemp palm is generally only fertilized in the vegetation phase (March to September). However, if the plant has been freshly repotted, it should not be fertilized for the first few months. Because fresh substrate is already very rich in nutrients, so that additional fertilization would favor an excess. Fertilization should also be avoided if the growth of the plant is restricted. This can be the case, for example, in poor lighting conditions or low temperatures.

  • Fertilize every 14 days from April to September
  • Mix liquid fertilizer into the irrigation water
  • nitrogenous palm fertilizer is ideal
  • or give slow-release fertilizers in April and June

Note: A combined nutrient supply has proven its worth in the bed. The hemp palm receives a mineral start-up fertilization in April and is then fertilized with horn shavings every two weeks.

to water

The Trachycarpus fortunei would like to be watered regularly, but not too much. It is important that the hemp palm is always poured with soft water. For example, collected rainwater or pond water can be used for this. Ordinary tap water, on the other hand, is usually too hard for the hemp palm. When watering itself, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • water when the surface is dry
  • The root ball must never dry out completely!
  • pour regularly and penetrate
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Discard excess water immediately

Repot / transfer

Hemp palms cultivated in buckets have to be repotted into a larger container about every three to five years. A good indicator of this are the ends of the roots, which can be seen in pots that are too small on the bottom of the pot. The roots now need more space, but the new pot should not be too big. Because in this case the plant would invest all of its strength in root growth. It is better if the new pot is only slightly larger than before.

  • Take the palm out of the old pot
  • Free roots from soil
  • Loosen the root ball a little
  • for example with a small hook
  • This allows roots to develop better

Note: Outdoor plants can also be moved, provided they are at least five years old. It is important that transplanting only takes place in spring and that the new planting hole is about 3 times the size of the root ball.


trunk of the chinese hemp palm
Another characteristic feature of the hemp palm is its trunk.

Regular cutting of the hemp palm is generally not necessary because the plant grows very slowly. However, it is advisable to remove dead leaves from the plant. It is important that the fronds are only removed when they are completely dead. Yellow leaves, on the other hand, should linger on the plant because, although they are nearing the end of their life, they will still release valuable nutrients to the plant until then.

  • Cut off dead fronds
  • Shorten to about 10-20 cm
  • use a sharp cutting tool
  • do not cut into healthy tissue
  • Never cut off the hemp palm at the top!
  • Remove dead flowers as well

Note: The piece of frond left behind then slopes downwards and dissolves there into innumerable fibers. This process gives the palm trunk its typical hairy appearance.


Although hemp palms provide an exotic flair, the plants are definitely hardy! They can easily cope with sub-zero temperatures in the bed, so temperatures of -10 degrees do not matter to them. However, it is still advisable to protect the plants in the cold season:

Winter in the bed

  • Tie up the fronds
  • Cover the plant with breathable fleece
  • Pile tree slices with leaves, straw or fir branches
  • about 30 cm high
  • water when it is cold or on a mild day

Winter in the bucket

  • only hardy to -5 degrees
  • Root ball freezes through faster in the pot
  • Bring the plant into the interior in good time
  • bright, frost-free room

Note: The hemp palm is relatively flexible in terms of light and temperature conditions. It can overwinter at temperatures of 5-8 degrees, but also in a heated living room at 20 degrees. It is important that the water supply is adapted to the temperature conditions.


Propagating hemp palms is only possible with seeds and is incredibly time-consuming. Because the seeds have a germination time of around 12 to 14 months, so a lot of patience is required for this. But even then, it doesn't stop there, because it takes up to three years for the seedlings to develop into a resilient hemp palm. If you still want to try propagation, you can also buy the seeds in specialist shops. However, before the hard-shelled seeds are sown, they should be placed in lukewarm water for about 24 hours. The sowing is then carried out as follows:

  • Fill pots with potting soil
  • Sow seeds
  • Cover the seeds thinly with soil
  • set up in a bright and warm place
  • keep moist, but not too wet

Tip: To further shorten the germination time, the seeds can be roughened with a little sandpaper before they swell.

Care errors / brown leaves

The care of hemp palms is relatively simple, but it can happen that the plant is unsatisfied. If the tips of the palm suddenly turn brown, it may be that it is receiving too much or too little water. However, this symptom can also be caused by low humidity, sunburn or frost damage. If the leaves turn brown, the following measure has proven itself:

  • cut off discolored areas
  • about 1 mm of the brown tissue should remain on the leaf
  • if the humidity is too low, spray the palm every 2 days

Diseases and pests

wolllaeuse schmierlaeuse
Mealybugs and mealybugs can also cause problems for your hemp palm. So stick to our care tips!

Basically, the Trachycarpus fortunei is comparatively rarely affected by pests or diseases. However, there is no guarantee of this, which is why it is advisable to always check the plant for possible damage. Because an unfavorable location and incorrect maintenance can favor diseases and pests.

Sooty mildew

  • Damage: black, sticky coating on the leaves
  • Control: wipe off the surface

Rust fungus

  • Damage: reddish and orange spots on the leaves
  • Control: remove leaves, fungicide

Mealybugs and scale insects

  • Damage: white webs, brown oval spots on the leaves
  • Control: systemic agents

Red spider

  • Damage: fine webs on the underside of the leaves, leaves turn yellowish to white
  • Control: increase humidity, insecticides

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