Old tomato varieties: our top 20 resistant varieties

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Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family

table of contents

  • Old varieties of tomatoes
  • High quality variety
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Resistant varieties
  • Popular varieties of tomatoes
  • 20 recommended types of tomatoes

Growing tomatoes in your own garden has a very long tradition. You can harvest your own fruits outdoors, in the greenhouse or on the balcony or terrace. If you value a flavorful variety, there is a wide variety of tomato seeds to choose from. You bring this into the ground in spring. Some cultures can be harvested all year round and have a very good and aromatic taste.

Old varieties of tomatoes

Old tomato varieties are no longer available in stores

The reasons why you can no longer find various older varieties in the register are very diverse. Compared to new and very modern tomato varieties, the older seeds have disadvantages that you should be aware of before you decide to grow them. However, it can also be observed that some of the older tomato varieties have made it back into the variety register after a few years. When you have decided on a seed, it is advisable to first look in the variety register. Perhaps your preferred older strain has made a resumption.

Tomatoes need a protected location
Tomato plant with fruits

Good to know:

Not all of the old tomato varieties have disappeared from the variety register forever. Some will be reinstated after several years have elapsed.

High quality variety

Requirements for a high quality tomato variety

The requirements for a good and recommendable tomato variety are defined quite uniformly. They also form the basis for inclusion in the variety register. The main characteristics of the varieties include the following.

  • Weight of each fruit
  • Ripping of the fruit
  • Ability to form a green collar
  • Resistances

Tomato varieties that do not meet these requirements because they are not resistant or in terms of their growth are too small, may not be included in the variety register under the respective trade name will. If it is still an aromatic and highly recommended tomato variety that was very popular in the past, it is often in demand. You can now purchase such varieties from a private source. Not all retailers shy away from registering in the simplified procedure, so it is to be expected that older tomato varieties will become more widespread again.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of the old varieties of tomatoes

The advantage of the older tomato plants is clearly their special flavor. Perhaps you know the tomatoes from earlier or you have bought the corresponding variety from a private farmer or gardener and would now like to grow them yourself in your own garden. Many of the fruits that come from older tomato plants are particularly firm. They are not only suitable for consumption directly after the harvest, but can also be processed very well in the kitchen. In addition, one or the other variety is particularly resistant to cold and high humidity. This makes rearing easier.

Tomato varieties, oxheart tomato
Tomato varieties, oxheart tomato

Resistant varieties

Grow resistant tomato plants outdoors

In addition, these tomato plants can be planted outdoors in spring without hesitation. Other plants need a greenhouse to grow, which is not possible in every garden. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages, which is one of the reasons that the respective variety has been removed from the variety register. These disadvantages include the following.

  • no possibility of use for the intended purpose
  • Size does not meet the requirements
  • The shell is too soft
  • There is no resistance
  • Green collar cannot be developed or is insufficiently developed

For many growers, these criteria are no reason to forego growing the tomato variety. You like the flavor note or decide on a use other than the specified purpose. In addition, many of the ancient varieties of tomatoes have a very long tradition. This is one of the reasons why this so-called “forbidden vegetable” is a topic of constant discussion. Many of the varieties have sold very well for years or decades and were then removed from the variety register due to new regulations. The lack of understanding by breeders, but also by private gardeners, meant that many of the old tomato varieties are still available today.

Sow tomato seeds
Tomato seeds

Popular varieties of tomatoes

Popular old tomato varieties in check

Before choosing any of the ancient varieties of tomatoes, it is worth knowing the differences and studying their properties. This is particularly important if you are not yet very familiar and have special requirements for the fruit that grows on the plants. These types of plants and fruits are distinguished as follows.

Beefsteak tomatoes

These varieties are characterized by a large fruit. It contains a lot of pulp, is round and has a slightly ribbed surface. The taste is very balanced between sweet and sour.

Tomatoes are also very popular as a snack
harvested tomatoes

Stick tomatoes

This classic tomato plant grows very tall. It should be supported with a staff. Hence the name. They are characterized by strong, almost unlimited growth.

Plum tomatoes / roma tomatoes

As the name suggests, these tomato varieties have an oval, somewhat asymmetrical shape. They are characterized by a very intense taste and are darker on the inside than on the outside.

Tomato varieties, plum tomatoes
Tomato varieties, plum tomatoes

Wild tomatoes

These tomatoes are very fragrant. They can be grown in the tub not only in the garden, but also on a balcony or terrace.

Cocktail tomatoes / cherry tomatoes

These types of tomatoes are small, round and very sweet. They are ideal for snacking or for garnishing dishes, salads or cold platters.

Tomato varieties, cocktail tomatoes
Tomato varieties, cocktail tomatoes

Good to know:

Many of these species fall within the range of the old tomato varieties. For you, this means that you have to look around for alternative sources of supply if you want to plant one of these species in your garden or on your balcony or terrace.

20 recommended types of tomatoes

20 recommended old tomato varieties

Since many growers have devoted themselves to the ancient varieties of tomatoes, if you choose to grow them, you still have a lot to choose from today. Perhaps you are familiar with some of the strains in the past, or you have heard of them and would like to try breeding them. Sometimes some of the species have already been included in the variety register. Often the special taste note, small adaptations of the breeding or the fact that they are particularly resistant are reasons for the re-inclusion of the species in the variety register. Otherwise, look around for alternative private sources of supply. The tomato varieties described below are particularly popular.

Very best

This type of tomato attracts attention because it grows in a deep red on the bush. It has a very sweet taste and a light heart shape. The skin is firm, the meat is full and very tasty. You can't see any ribbing. Choose this variety if you like the taste and value a high yield.

Apollo 2

Buy these tomato seeds if you value particularly rapid fruit ripeness. The perennials are easy to care for, the fruits classic red and round. The tomato tastes very tasty, but can also be processed well in the kitchen.


This type of tomato has a bright orange pulp and a sweet and spicy aroma. The fruits are very juicy and weigh up to 100 g. They can be eaten raw or used very well in the kitchen. The seeds originally came from the GDR. The tomato seed is very suitable for beginners. The plants grow quickly and produce rich yields.

Grow tomatoes yourself in the garden
Grow tomatoes yourself in the garden


This tomato variety is characterized by its very high resistance and can be planted outdoors very early in the year. The fruits are the size of a cherry and weigh between ten and 50 g. They are suitable for snacking or as a party tomato. The quite old red is productive and was already in the 18th Bred in Freiburg in the 19th century.

Beyme's harvest blessing

This tomato seed produces a red and aromatic fruit. It has a round shape and a juicy taste. The tomato is soft, but has a rather firm skin. The fruits weigh 50 to 200 g. They can be offered freshly harvested or processed in the kitchen. The variety has no ribs and comes from Magdeburg. She is undemanding in keeping. It can be grown in large pots, but also outdoors.

Blonde Sarah

This type of yellow tomato has a rather flat shape and a firm skin. Inside it is full-fleshed. The fruits weigh around 200 g, and sometimes they are heavier. You can eat this tomato fresh or use it in many ways in the kitchen. It is weakly ribbed and was first grown around Freiburg.

German hard work

If you decide to buy these seeds, you will get a red, round, very mild and juicy, soft tomato with a rather firm skin. The fruits weigh 10 to 50 g and are rather small compared to other varieties. They have no ribs and a smooth fruit tip. Here, too, you do not need to pay attention to any special features when cultivating.


You decide on a type of tomato that was already grown in 1889. The fruits weigh 50 to 200 g. Accordingly, this tomato is very versatile. The small fruits are suitable as party tomatoes, the large ones for classic use. The color of this variety is orange, it sometimes turns golden yellow. The tomato is full-bodied, has a deepened fruit tip and is very heavily ribbed. It is also easy to cultivate.

Yellow date wine tomato

As the name suggests, this is a yellow variety that is very sweet and aromatic. It is well suited for consumption straight after harvest. The shape is oval, elongated to pear-shaped, the skin is rather soft. The plant brings rich yields and can also be cultivated on the balcony or terrace. The fear has no ribs and a light fruit tip.

Tomato plant in the garden
Tomato plant in the garden

Golden queen

The fruit of this type of tomato is yellow, round, sweet and very aromatic. The meat and the shell are rather soft, the fruits 50 to 200 g in weight. The fruit has no ribs, a smooth fruit tip. The plant is very productive and is also a good choice for planting in pots.

German lunch box

From this plant you harvest small party tomatoes that weigh between 10 and 50 g. The smooth fruit tip and the lack of ribs characterize this tomato. The color is pink to light red and the fruit is very sweet. The inner flesh is soft and hidden under a firm shell. The fruits are oval. The plant can also be cultivated very well on the balcony or terrace.

Striped from Germany:

The name reveals that it is a multi-colored fruit that is full-bodied and very strongly ribbed. You can see a deepened fruit tip. The fruits weigh more than 200 g and are quite large. It is best to place the plants in the garden, as this variety is not so well suited for the patio.

Landshut giant

This large and fleshy fruit is pink or light red, you harvest a very aromatic tomato that can be used in many ways in the kitchen. The fruit is heart-shaped and full-fleshed, the skin soft. The fruit has a slight tip. These large varieties are more suitable for a bed in the garden than for cultivation on the patio.

Maltitzer brown

This particular tomato is brown or black in color. It tastes very mild and has a firm skin with a clearly deepened fruit tip. The fruit is strongly ribbed. You can harvest small fruits weighing around 50 g or large ones with full meat and weighing up to 200 g. Originally it is a variety from Maltitz.


Opt for this deep red and very mild variety with soft flesh and soft skin. This variety of tomato is perfect for growing outdoors or for growing in the garden. It is a salad tomato that, due to its soft skin, is processed rather than eaten fresh. The fruits weigh between 50 and 200 g. The tomato seed was also sold under the name Tamina.

Tomato plant with ripening fruits in the garden
Tomato plant with ripening fruits in the garden

Quedlinburg early love

You are choosing a small and aromatic tomato that you can get from various sources. The weight of the fruit is 60 g. Thus, this tomato belongs to the smaller varieties. The color is red, the inside full flesh. After the harvest, you can eat the fruit fresh or process it.

Little Red Riding Hood

This type of tomato was first bred in Quedlinburg. It is red, round, very weakly ribbed and it has a smooth fruit tip. The fruits weigh 50 to 200 g. The seeds are very robust and can also be cultivated on the terrace or balcony.

Schellenberg’s favorite

The fruits of this tomato plant are yellow or orange. They can be flat-round, full-bodied and strongly ribbed. Another feature is the deepened fruit tip. The fruits weigh 50 to 200 g.

Schunters Obate

This type of tomato is orange and has the shape of a roller. It tastes pleasantly mild and has a very soft pulp. The plant bears abundantly and produces small and large fruits weighing up to 200 g. Thanks to the soft skin, the variety is well suited as a salad tomato. The fruit is weakly ribbed and has a pronounced tip.

White beauty

This type of tomato is almost white. It tastes mild, but still slightly sour and very meaty. It is very suitable for outdoor cultivation.