Convertible florets inspire with colorful flower heads that modulate cheerfully from bright yellow to bright orange to deep red. The phenomenal flower show is closely linked to expert cultivation. Lantana camara come from tropical regions on the other side of the globe and are not prepared for a Central European winter. If the gardener is familiar with important aspects such as location, watering, fertilizing, cutting and wintering, the flower festival repeats itself year after year. Read everything you need to know about the basics of caring for convertible roses here.
From now on you should repot the magnificent verbena plant every two to three years in March according to this scheme. Thus, the pot can grow proportionally to the growth. With a wedged root ball in depleted substrate, every convertible rose has a hard time repeating the bloom of the previous year.
Basically, the pruning is limited to the annual topiary. The flower yield increases significantly if you pull out the scissors every now and then in the summer. Cut off withered flower heads, clear the way for more buds waiting. If shoots protrude from the form on the high trunk, do not hesitate with a regulating cut. By nature, convertible florets are easy to prune and grow strongly.
Tip: Under no circumstances should you nibble on the pretty berries. Convertible florets carry poisonous fruits, which cause nasty discomfort even in small quantities. In the family garden, you should clean up withered flower heads as soon as possible and avoid the fruit decorations for safety reasons.
Lightly water a cutting and place the pot in a warm, light window. A warm and humid microclimate optimizes the rooting. Simply put a transparent hood in the form of a plastic bag over each offshoot. Contact between the film and parts of the plant could cause rot. Use long matches or similar wooden sticks as spacers. When the first new shoots sprout, the cover has done its job. Repot your young convertible florets in normal substrate.
Convertible roses have a weakness for locations in full sun. The more sunbeams the balcony flowers spoil, the more opulent the blooms. Cool weather episodes in summer cause growth to come to a standstill. Only when the sun has driven away gloomy rain clouds and lets the thermometer climb does the floral spectacle continue. Furthermore, Lantana camara appreciate a sheltered location so that gusts of wind do not ruffle the flower dress. Please note that the outdoor season for convertible roses only begins when the temperatures exceed 10 degrees even at night.Substrate
A nutrient-rich, well-drained substrate guarantees vital, flower-rich growth. Your convertible rose and mother nature will thank you if you ignore the peat-rich potting soil from the discounter. A high proportion of peat indicates inferior quality, because a single drying phase is sufficient for the substrate to be massively compacted. In any case, peat substrates are frowned upon by environmentally conscious home gardeners because they no longer tolerate the overexploitation of irretrievable raised bogs. In high-quality potted plant soil without peat, convertible florets like to spread their roots. Here, aggregates such as lava granulate or coconut fibers ensure optimal water storage with reliable permeability.Potting
A young convertible rose from the garden center or cultivated by hand starts the season vitally if you potted it properly. Please use a bucket that offers at least two finger-widths of space around the root ball. A floor opening acts as a drain for excess irrigation and rainwater. How to properly plant convertible florets:- Place the potted root ball in room warm water
- Spread pottery shards or expanded clay balls over the floor opening as drainage
- Ideally, cover the drainage with an air and water-permeable fleece
- Fill in potted plant soil up to half to three quarters of the height
- Pot the water-soaked root ball and position it in the middle of the substrate
From now on you should repot the magnificent verbena plant every two to three years in March according to this scheme. Thus, the pot can grow proportionally to the growth. With a wedged root ball in depleted substrate, every convertible rose has a hard time repeating the bloom of the previous year.
Tip: Acclimatization effectively prevents leaf damage from sunburn. Before your convertible rose takes its place in the sun, it should stay in partial shade for a week. Even tropical sun worshipers benefit when the green leaves gradually get used to the blazing sunshine.
to water
By nature, convertible florets can cope with brief periods of drought without perishing. However, drought stress is always at the expense of the abundance of flowers. Therefore, make sure that the soil moisture is constant. Check regularly with a thumb test how the substrate surface is doing. If you do not feel any moisture to a depth of 1 to 2 cm, there is a need to water. Please let the water, which is not too cold, run directly onto the root disc. Moist leaves unnecessarily attract fungal spores and pests. When the coaster fills up, the floral thirst is quenched. To protect against waterlogging, pour out the coaster after 10 minutes.Fertilize
Adequate fertilization plays a key role in a successful maintenance program. From the beginning of April to the end of August, supplementary nutrients keep growth and flowering going. Liquid flower fertilizer is easy to dose and has little risk of over-fertilization. Add the fertilizer to the irrigation water every week. Before and after, please water with clear water so that nutrient salts do not cause damage to dried roots and are better absorbed.Overwinter
Heat-loving convertible florets are not made for wintering in the open air. When the thermometer drops below 10 degrees Celsius in autumn, it is high time to move to winter quarters. You can choose to overwinter the exotic flowering shrubs light or dark. How to do it right:- Ideally set up in a bright place at 10 to 12 degrees Celsius
- Alternatively, overwinter in the dark at 5 to 8 degrees Celsius
- Avoid temperature fluctuations
- Do not give any more fertilizer
- Water moderately so that the substrate does not dry out
Convertible roses bloom most beautifully on this year's branches. The best time for shape and maintenance pruning is therefore in spring, shortly before the fresh shoot begins. This applies equally to bushy shrubs and tall trunks. How to cut convertible florets in an exemplary manner:- Cut off dead and damaged shoots at the roots
- Thinning out branches that are directed into the interior of the plant or that grow transversely
- Shorten the remaining shoots to 10 to 15 cm
- Ideally, cut at a short distance above an outward-facing leaf or eye
Basically, the pruning is limited to the annual topiary. The flower yield increases significantly if you pull out the scissors every now and then in the summer. Cut off withered flower heads, clear the way for more buds waiting. If shoots protrude from the form on the high trunk, do not hesitate with a regulating cut. By nature, convertible florets are easy to prune and grow strongly.
Tip: Under no circumstances should you nibble on the pretty berries. Convertible florets carry poisonous fruits, which cause nasty discomfort even in small quantities. In the family garden, you should clean up withered flower heads as soon as possible and avoid the fruit decorations for safety reasons.
A single mother plant is enough to transform the balcony and terrace into a summer sea of flowers with a whole flock of convertible roses. The vigorous verbena plants can be easily propagated with cuttings. For this purpose, cut off a shoot tip about ten centimeters in length in spring. The lower half of the cutting is defoliated. Fill a pot with poor potting soil and insert two-thirds of the shoot. Only the remaining leaves should be above the surface of the earth.Lightly water a cutting and place the pot in a warm, light window. A warm and humid microclimate optimizes the rooting. Simply put a transparent hood in the form of a plastic bag over each offshoot. Contact between the film and parts of the plant could cause rot. Use long matches or similar wooden sticks as spacers. When the first new shoots sprout, the cover has done its job. Repot your young convertible florets in normal substrate.
Diseases and pests
Far away from their tropical home regions, convertible florets are susceptible to various diseases and pests. We have compiled common problems with tips for combating them below for you:Gray mold (botrytis)
The combination of high, summer water requirements and dense foliage calls gray mold on the scene. The fungal spores spread on shoots and leaves, recognizable as a dirty-gray mold coating. The earlier you take countermeasures, the more promising the treatment. Here's how to do it properly:- Isolate the affected rose from other plants
- Cut off infected shoots and dispose of them in household waste
- Carefully disinfect the scissors before and after
The poisonous constituents of convertible florets do not prevent aphids from infesting. Plants that are weakened primarily by incorrect maintenance have the pests in their sights. Check the exotic potted plants regularly for lice infestation. In the early stages, this home remedy has proven to be excellent:- Rinse off convertible florets beforehand with the strongest possible jet of water
- Dissolve 2 tablespoons of soft soap in 1 liter of boiled water
- Add 1 to 2 splashes of alcohol to adult plants
- Fill into a spray bottle or a pressure sprayer
Spider mites
In winter quarters, spider mites lurk on convertible florets to suckle on the juicy leaves. The tiny pests are almost invisible to the human eye. Telltale webs in the leaf axils and suction damage to the foliage leave little doubt as to who has settled here. The following control strategies have proven themselves in practice:- Spend convertible roses in a separate room
- Cover the root ball and repeatedly rinse the plant thoroughly
- Pack the infected convertible rose in an airtight bag for a week