Are daffodils hardy? 6 tips in case of frost

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Wintering daffodils - daffodil in the snow

table of contents

  • Hibernate daffodils safely
  • Recognize not hardy varieties
  • Mulch cover for sensitive varieties
  • Frost-endangered varieties into the house
  • Winter outside in a mild climate
  • Protect potted plants from frost
  • Note planting depth
  • frequently asked Questions

The daffodil is one of the most popular early bloomers. Already in the 18th It came to Europe in the 19th century. Today more than 2000 different types of daffodils are offered in stores. How do the onion plants get through the winter? Are daffodils hardy?

In a nutshell

  • not all types of daffodils are hardy
  • Mulch cover protects sensitive varieties
  • non-hardy varieties spend the winter indoors
  • all potted plants need frost protection
  • Well-rooted onions survive the winter better

Hibernate daffodils safely

Below are 6 tips to help you get daffodils through the winter unscathed.

Recognize not hardy varieties

Most types of daffodils are hardy. After flowering, they withdraw into the bulb, where they can easily survive the frost. However, two varieties are not winter hardy:

Jonquilles (Narcissus jonquilla) Angel's tear daffodils (Narcissus triandrus)
- very slim shape
- about 40 centimeters in height
- yellow flowers
- strongly fragrant
- often also known as 'scented daffodils'
- late blooming
- white or yellow flowers
- several on one peduncle
- delicate fragrance
Non-hardy daffodils - jonquille and angel daffodil
Jonquille (left) and angel daffodil (right)
Source (Jonquille): Averater, Narcissus jonquilla 002 GotBot 2016, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY 4.0

Mulch cover for sensitive varieties

You need to protect jonquilles and angel's tear daffodils from the cold in winter. One possibility is the bed with a thick layer Bark mulch to cover.

Frost-endangered varieties into the house

Alternatively, you can dig up the bulbs of the non-hardy daffodils and store them in a dark place protected from frost.


  1. Dig up the bulbs of the jonquilles and angel's tear daffodils after flowering. The best time is reached in June when the foliage has turned yellow.
  2. Clean the onions.
  3. Separate the bulbs from the mother onion.
  4. Place the daffodil bulbs in a wooden box or a paper-lined wire basket.
  5. Put the onions in a cool, dark place.
  6. In autumn, put the bulbs in a bucket filled with potting soil.
  7. Place the bucket on a wooden or styrofoam plate in a cool, but frost-proof place.
  8. Plant the daffodils in the garden in February.
Hibernating daffodils - bulbs in cardboard box

Winter outside in a mild climate

In warm wine-growing regions, the more sensitive jonquilles and angel's tear daffodils can also overwinter outdoors. If you want to be on the safe side, cover the bed with sticks or mulch.

Tip: Dig up daffodils every three to four years after they bloom. Clean any coarse dirt from the onions and dry them in an airy place. If they are planted in a new location in autumn, they will bloom in full splendor the following year. Daffodils that stay in one place too long lose their ability to flower.

Protect potted plants from frost

More and more often, daffodils are being grown in pots. In this way, even flower lovers who do not own a garden can enjoy the early bloomers. Note that the soil in the bucket freezes through quickly and the flower bulbs are not protected against the cold as in the bed. All daffodils in bucket culture, even the hardy ones, need frost-proof winter quarters!


  • Put the buckets in the basement or garage in winter.
  • Cover the surface with bark mulch or wrap the bucket in jute.
  • In February you can slowly get the plants used to the outside temperatures.
  • At first, only put them out during the day.

Note: All types of daffodils are poisonous. Keep the onions safe from children!

Note planting depth

Pay attention to the planting depth of all daffodils that overwinter outdoors. The bulbs must be sunk four inches into the ground to withstand low temperatures.

Plant the daffodil bulbs in the bed

frequently asked Questions

When can the dead narcissus shoots be removed?

Most varieties bloom between February and the end of April. Let the shoots stand until they turn brown. If the time is right, do not cut off the plant parts; they can simply be plucked out. Removing the shoots too early can cause the plant to die.

How can new plants emerge from the bulbs?

Dig up the daffodil bulbs in late summer. Shake off the soil and detach the broiling onions from the mother onion. As long as mother and daughter onions are still enclosed by a common skin, they must not yet be separated. You can plant hardy daffodils again after separating them. Above all, water the daughter onions well so that roots can form quickly.

What should be considered when digging up the daffodil bulbs?

Often flower bulbs are injured when excavated and can no longer be used. Use plant baskets. These make it easier to find and protect the onions from injury.

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