Hardy flowering perennials: 75 species by color and location

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hardy flowering perennials

table of contents

  • Hardy flowering perennials
  • Flowering perennials for locations in full sun
  • Yellow & white flowers
  • Pink-blue flowering perennials
  • Hardy perennials for partially shaded locations
  • White to orange flowers
  • Pink-blue flowers
  • Perennials
  • White & yellow flowers
  • Pink to blue flowering perennials

When it comes to a successful and easy-care design of the garden, hardy perennials are the perfect choice. Fresh green and wonderful flowers in all imaginable colors pamper our senses. So that the plants are particularly easy to care for and also bloom profusely, the right location is particularly important. For this reason we have sorted an extensive list of flowering, hardy perennials not only by color, but also by location.

Hardy flowering perennials

While many wild species are available in stores in just one color, there is an unbelievable range of colors on offer from the cultivated forms of countless species. You can create beds in violet, pink or blue tones, brightly colored color mixes or arrangements in complementary colors. In darker areas of the garden, yellow blooming, hardy species are popular, which give the shadow kingdom an immense luminosity. If you are wondering which perennials are actually annual and which are perennial, this question can easily be answered: Perennials always grow perennial. Most of the perennials that are native to us are also winter hardy.

Flowering perennials for locations in full sun

Basically, perennials are easier to care for, the better the actual location is adapted to their needs. For full sun places in the garden with nutrient-poor soil, frugal dry artists such as hardy rock garden plants, flowering prairie plants or alpine perennials are recommended. In order to create a harmonious overall picture, it is best to orientate yourself on the natural one Role model, because plants with similar location requirements usually harmonize very well visually together.
Note: When making your selection, always pay attention to the preferred soil conditions, because some sun perennials require slightly more humid garden soil.

Yellow & white flowers

White flowering species

  • Candelabra honorary award 'Alba' (Veronicastrum virginicum): candle-shaped flower umbels in July / August, growth height up to 70 cm
  • Pearl basket 'summer snow' (Anaphalis triplinervis): umbel-shaped flowers, up to 20 cm in height
  • Magnificent candle (prairie candle, Gaura lindheimeri): overhanging flower clusters from July to October, height 60 to 100 cm
Magnificent candle, Gaura lindheimeri; Anaphalis triplinervis, pearl basket ‚summer snow 'are flowering perennials
Magnificent candle, Gaura lindheimeri; Pearl basket 'summer snow', Anaphalis triplinervis

Yellow flowers

  • Andean cushion (Azorella trifurcata): evergreen mat former, yellowish flowers in May to June, one of the lowest perennials ever
  • Large-flowered girl's eye (Coreopsis grandiflora): Constantly blooming (June to September), height 45 cm
  • Dye pod ‚Lemon Meringue '(Indigolupine, Baptisia): black calyx with sulfur-yellow petals, flowers in May / June, height up to 120 cm
  • Fine-eye 'Pierre Bennerup' (Coreopsis tripteris): elegant growth up to 170 cm, late bloomers (August / September)
  • Sun eye (Heliopsis scabra): abundantly flowering discount perennial up to 120 cm in height, flowering time from July to September
  • Sun bride 'The Bishop' (Helenium bigelovii): lemon-yellow flowers with a brown center, flowering period June to August, height of growth 60 to 70 cm
  • Coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii): upright inflorescences up to 100 cm in height, deep yellow with black eye (August to September)
Large-flowered girl's eye, Coreopsis grandiflora; Coneflower, rudbeckia
Large-flowered girl's eye, Coreopsis grandiflora; Coneflower, rudbeckia

Pink-blue flowering perennials

Pink to red flowering perennials

  • Carnation (Armeria pseudoameria or alpina): cushion plant with bright flowers in May / June, growth height up to 15 cm
  • Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea): large flower stars from July to September, heights of growth up to 100 cm
  • False-eared speedwell 'red fox' (Veronica spicata): long flowering beehive with spike-shaped flowers, 30 to 40 cm tall
  • Spurflower (Centranthus ruber): light red to pink-colored flower umbrellas (June to September) with heights of up to 60 cm
  • Sun bride 'Moerheim Beauty' (Helenium hybrid): copper-red flowers with a dark center, flowering time July / August, growth height around 100 cm
Carnation, Armeria alpina, purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea
Carnation, Armeria alpina, purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea

Purple to blue flowers

  • Arkansas asterisk (Veronica arkansana): purple-violet flower umbels in August to October, slender growth up to 200 cm
  • Blue star bush (Amsonia tabernaemontana): impressive clusters of flowers with blue star flowers in June / July, up to 100 cm in height
  • Garden sage (Salvia nemorosa): dark purple flowers up to September, growth height up to 60 cm, also available in white
  • Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia): purple bloomer from June to October, 25 to 90 cm in height depending on the variety
  • Cushion thyme (Thymus praecox): aromatic perennial with lush red-violet flowers between May and August, growth height around 10 cm
  • Prairie Lily (Camassia): violet-blue, radial flowers on panicles from April to May, height of growth 60 to 80 cm
  • Wollziest (Stachys byzantina): Plant with tomentose hairs, carpet-like growth up to 40 cm in height, flowering time from July to August
Garden sage, Salvia nemorosa,; Prairie Lily, Camassia
Garden sage, Salvia nemorosa,; Prairie Lily, Camassia

Note: With optimal soil conditions, many sun-loving, flowering perennials also grow without any problems in partial shade.

Hardy perennials for partially shaded locations

The transition area between a cool, shady location and sunny, hot locations is very common in nature. The selection of flowering perennials is correspondingly large.

White to orange flowers

White flowers

  • Columbine 'Alba' (Aquilegia vulgaris): flowers on long stems free above the foliage, flowering time June / July, growth height up to 60 cm
  • Balkan hogweed 'White Lips' (Acanthus hungaricus): perfect for Mediterranean-style gardens, height around 90 cm, flowering months: June / July
  • Dyer master (Asperula tinctoria): tender wild shrub with a veil effect in June, height about 40 cm
  • Kriech-Günsel 'Alba' (Ajuga reptans): white flower clusters in April / May, height around 10 cm
  • Snow loosestrife (duckbill loosestrife, Lysimachia clethroides): flowers shaped like a duck's bill from July to September on stems 80 cm high
  • Silver candle (Cimicifuga ramosa): depending on the species between 80 and 200 cm in height, candle-shaped flowers from August to frost, poisonous
Snow loosestrife, Actaea Lysimachia clethroides; Silver candle ramosa as hardy perennials

Color: yellow to orange

  • Lady's mantle (Alchemilla mollis): beautiful, easy-care area cover with yellowish umbellate flowers, height about 40 cm
  • Japanese wax bell (Kirengeshoma palmata): light yellow, nodding bell flowers from August to October, height of growth up to 70 cm
  • Caucasus Gemswurz (Doronicum orientale): numerous marguerite-like single flowers in April / May, height around 40 cm
  • Candle gold cobs (ragwort, Ligularia stenocephala): ornamental leaves and blossoms, bright yellow cobs in July / August on stems up to 100 cm high
  • Long-spurred aquilegia 'Yellow Queen' (Aquilegia chrysantha): yellow blooming aquilegia with heights of growth of up to 80 cm, flowering time May / June
  • Maiden's eye (Coreopsis hybrids): hardy perennial with abundant flowering from July to August, up to 40 cm in height,
  • Ox-eye (Buphthalmum salicifolium): Wild perennial for dry slopes, long flowering period (May to July), height around 50 cm
  • Daylily (Hemerocallis): large flowers with enormous luminosity, height about 50 cm, flowers in July / August
yellow-red daylily, Hemerocallis fulva; Caucasian gemswort, Doronicum orientale
yellow-red daylily, Hemerocallis fulva; Caucasian gemswort, Doronicum orientale

Pink-blue flowers

Pink to reddish flowers:

  • Asters (aster): many different species and varieties, mostly pink, white or violet flowering, growth heights between 20 and 200 cm, different flowering times
  • Burning bush (Dictamnus albus): densely bushy, upright growth up to 100 cm, pink star flowers in June / July
  • Flame flower (cushion phlox, Phlox atropurpurea): lush pink seas of flowers, early or late blooming varieties, heights between 10 and 60 cm
  • Musk Mallow (Malva moschata): soft pink, pink or white flower pods on 60 cm high stems from June to September
  • Snail knotweed (carpet knotweed, Bistorta affinis): robust, richly blooming ground cover from May to October, insensitive to snails
lambflower, phlox atropurpurea; Aster, Burning Bush, Dictamnus albus
lambflower, phlox atropurpurea; Aster; Burning bush, Dictamnus albus

Flower color: blue to purple

  • Leadwort (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides) gentian blue flowers with late flowering (from August), height about 25 cm
  • Scented nettle (Korean mint, Agastache rugosa): fast-growing, long-flowering insect magnet (June to September), height up to 110 cm
  • Gedenkemein (Omphalodes verna): delicate blue flowers April / May, low growing ground cover
  • Bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana): countless white or blue flowers from June to September, carpet-forming perennial up to 20 cm in height
  • Autumn monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii): reliable late bloomer (from the end of August) with large, purple flower clusters, height up to 150 cm, poisonous
  • Jacob's ladder (pearwort, Polemonium caeruleum): native flowering shrub with dense panicles of around 70 cm in height, flowering time June / July
  • Night viole (Hesperis matronalis): flowers from May to July, fragrant, height of growth up to 70 cm
  • Storchschnabel (Geranium): extremely easy to care for ground cover with a long flowering period (June to October), many colors available, mostly in shades of blue, pink and purple
  • Forest Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris): established perennial with elegant blue flowers from April to June, 40 to 80 cm tall
  • Cymbalaria muralis: slightly drooping perennial, light purple flowers from June to October
Lead root, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides; Commemorate, Omphalodes verna; Scented nettle, Agastache rugosa as hardy perennials
Lead root, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides; Commemorate, Omphalodes verna; Scented nettle, Agastache rugosa


you Bed has little light, the ground is in the shadow of buildings or trees? These so-called shadow gardens are often perceived as unattractive. If you want lots of bright colors in your garden, you may find it difficult to find suitable species. But even in the less sunny areas of the garden it doesn't have to be dreary and colorless. Because there are a number of flowering perennials for this location. They often have light flower colors and usually form dense carpets. These forest perennials usually bloom in early spring when there is still enough light on the forest floor.

White & yellow flowers

White flowers

  • Monkshood 'Snow White' (Aconitum napellus): loose flower clusters with large, helmet-shaped single flowers, poisonous
  • Commemorative 'Alba' (Omphalodes verna): simple, bowl-shaped flowers in May / June (often as early as April)
  • Goat's beard (Aruncus): medium-sized to high perennial (100 to 200 cm) with cloudy flowers in June / July
  • Heart-leaved foam blossom (Tiarella cordifolia): loose, yellowish-white flower clusters from April to May, pillow-like growth up to 20 cm, evergreen (bronze-colored autumn color)
  • Knotweed 'Johanniswolke' (Aconogonon x fennicum): can be used like a shrub or as a solitary plant, growth height up to 200 cm, creamy white flower clouds from May to July
  • Porcelain flowers (Saxifraga x urbium): leaf rosettes form carpets, reddish flower stalks with star-shaped flowers on long panicles in May to June
  • Magnificent spar 'Younique White' (Astilbe japonica): long, finely structured flower panicles, growth height up to 40 cm
  • Dainty elven flower 'Niveum' (Epimendium x youngianum): snow-white, filigree flower, cup-shaped
Splendid spar, Astilbe japonica
Splendid spar, Astilbe japonica

Yellow flowers

  • Hanging golden bell (Uvularia grandiflora): rare perennial with flowers hanging down, around 50 cm high
  • Golden nettle (Lamium galeobdolon): grows even in the deepest shade, flowers in May / June, growth height around 30 cm
  • Japanese forest poppy (Hylomecon japonicum): bright yellow spring bloomer, blooms a little longer in the shade
  • Waldsteinie (Waldsteinia ternata): evergreen ground cover with yellow shell flowers in April and May

Golden nettle, lamium galeobdolon; Waldsteinie, Waldsteinia ternata

Pink to blue flowering perennials

Pink perennials

  • Altai bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia): ornamental foliage plant with broad, bushy habit, small bell-shaped flowers in clusters (April / May)
  • Large star umbels (Astrantia major): Semi-shrub for shady locations with unusual pink-white flowers (June to August), growth height up to 50 cm
  • Elven flower 'Rose Queen' (Epimedium grandiflorum): large-flowered variety with dark pink, spurred flowers
  • Japan autumn anemone 'Splendens' (Anemone hupehensis): strong pink colored petals, slightly lighter on the edge, up to 80 cm long pedicels
  • Magnificent spar 'Younique Pink' (Astilbe japonica): fluffy flower panicles up to 40 cm in height
  • Bleeding heart (heart flower, Dicentra spectabilis): overhanging pink flower umbels with white appendages, flowering time in May / June, height up to 80 cm
Bergenia, bergenia; Splendid spar, Astilbe japonica
Bergenia, bergenia; Splendid spar, Astilbe japonica

Color: purple to blue-violet

  • Bell-Funkie (Hosta ventricosa): Ornamental foliage plant with bell-shaped flowers on panicles up to 80 cm long
  • Caucasus forget-me-nots (Brunnera macrophylla): robust ground cover with countless small blue flowers in April / May, special variety with white and silver leaves: 'Jack Frost'
  • Small-leaved periwinkle 'Bowles' (Vinca minor): undemanding, evergreen ground cover with large flowers
  • Ball primrose (Primula denticulata): large, spherical inflorescences up to 25 cm in height, flowering time March / April
  • Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis): pillow-like growth up to 40 cm, calyx-shaped flowers from March to May, also grown in other colors, green in mild winters
  • Forest bellflower (Campanula latifolia var. macrantha): large, dark purple flower bells in June to July, growth height up to 100 cm
Ball primrose, Primula denticulata; Caucasus forget-me-nots, Brunnera macrophylla are hardy perennials
Ball primrose, Primula denticulata; Caucasian forget-me-not, Brunnera macrophylla